中考时文阅读练习(260)---Billy Barr:雪之守护者

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中考时文阅读练习(260)---Billy Barr:雪之守护者 第1张

A man who lives in the Rocky Mountains(落基山脉) has become a hero for climate scientists because of his unusual hobby. The man is called Billy Barr and he has been living in the town of Gothic, Colorado for almost 50 years. This town is near the Rocky Mountains.

In the summer of 1973, Billy was 22 years old. He was tired of the busy life of the city, so he decided to move to Gothic.There he felt more relaxed.Every summer, scientists come to Gothic's Rocky Mountain Biological Laboratory(RMBL) for research. Because he was interested in scientific research, he got along well with these scientists. But in winter, Billy is alone. Having little to do, Billy started keeping records of snow levels, temperatures and animals. For Billy this was fun, so he continued keeping records for 50 years.

Over time, he started working at the RMBL, looking after the place and keeping accounts.He built his own home nearby, and became friends with the scientists. One day, Billy mentioned his hobby to one of the scientists. They asked to see his records and realized immediately how important they were.Those records show climate change and its effects very clearly:Winters are getting warmer, and the snow is disappearing earlier.

Now Billy's records have been used in many academic(学术的)papers and there's a short movie about him called The Snow Guardian. He still keeps his records, but now he uses Excel and a website instead of notebooks.

Actually, he also has other hobbies,like playing cricket(板球) and watching Bollywood movies. But his records have made him a legend(传奇人物)among climate scientists.

1.Why did Billy move to Gothic?
2.What did Billy do to deal with his boredom?
3.Why are Billy's records important?
4.How does Billy keep his records now?
5.Do you think Billy is a hero?Why or why not?

一位居住在落基山脉的男子因其与众不同的爱好而成为气候科学家心目中的英雄。这个人叫 Billy Barr,在科罗拉多州的哥特镇生活了近50年。这个小镇靠近落基山脉。


随着时间的推移,他开始在落基山生物实验室工作,照看这里的一切并记录。他在附近建起了自己的家,并与科学家们成了朋友。有一天,Billy向一位科学家提到了自己的爱好。他们要求查看他的记录,Billy 立刻意识到这些记录的重要性。这些记录清楚地显示了气候变化以及它的影响:冬天越来越暖和,雪也消失得越来越早。

现在,许多学术论文都采用了 Billy 的记录,还有一部关于他的短片《雪的守护者》。他还在做记录,不过现在他用Excel和一个网站代替了笔记本。其实,他还有其他爱好,比如打板球和看宝莱坞电影。但他的记录使他成为气候科学家中的传奇人物。



1. Because he was tired of the busy life of the city.根据第二段中的“He was tired of the busy life of the city, so he decided to move to Gothic.”可知,Billy厌倦了城市的忙碌生活,因此他决定搬到哥特镇。
2. He kept records of snow levels,temperatures and animals. 根据第二段中的“Having little to do, Billy started keeping records of snow levels,temperatures and animals.”可知,在几乎无事可做的时候,Billy记录降雪量、温度和动物。
3. Because those records show climate change and its effects very clearly. 根据第三段中的“Those records show climate change and its effects very clearly”可知,这些记录之所以重要是因为它们清楚地显示了气候变化以及它的影响。
4. By using Excel and a website. 根据倒数第二段最后一句中的“but now he uses Excel and a website instead of notebooks”可知,他现在通过使用Excel和一个网站来做记录。
5.Yes, I do. Because he has been sticking to one thing for over 50 years./No, I don't.Because I think he is just doing what he likes.(本题为开放题,答案合理即可)
原句:(第一段第一句)A man who lives in the Rocky Mountains has become a hero for climate scientists because of his unusual hobby.
分析:这是一个复合句。who lives in the Rocky Mountainswho 引导的定语从句,修饰先行词A man
