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Do you believe that we can have an important influence on anyone we meet? The right words at just the right time could     1    someone’s life.

When I was 3 years old, my parents discovered I was     2    . After asking many doctors and parents of other deaf children, they decided not to put me in a special school. Although I seemed outgoing, my self-esteem (自尊心) was quite low. On my first day at school, the other kids     3    me because of my hearing aid and the way I talked. I was hurt deeply and I saw myself as a(n)     4    kid.

Mrs. Green, my     5    , changed all of that with a simple three-word phrase. One morning, she asked the class a question. Sitting at my desk silently, I     6    her lips (嘴唇) and raised my hand right away. She called on me in front of the blackboard. I took a deep breath and     7    answered Mrs. Green’s question.

I will     8    forget what happened next. Mrs. Green pointed directly at me. With sparkling (闪光的) eyes and a big smile, she cried, “That’s right, Ben!”

For the first time in my young life, my confidence rose. At that moment, I decided that no matter how many     9    I may face, I can overcome (克服) them. Thanks to these three      10     words, my whole life changed from that moment.

1.A.end       B.refuse       C.lose       D.change

2.A.blind       B.deaf       C.fat       D.slim

3.A.made fun of       B.took care of       C.made use of       D.played with    

4.A.beautiful       B.smart       C.handsome       D.ugly

5.A.driver       B.doctor       C.teacher       D.worker

6.A.read       B.touched       C.reached       D.left

7.A.beautifully       B.lazily       C.carelessly       D.nervously

8.A.often       B.ever       C.never       D.seldom

9.A.aims       B.difficulties       C.interests       D.plans

10.A.unkind       B.private       C.simple       D.rude


It was a cold winter’s night when I stopped for gas on my way home from work. I was tired and had a slight (轻微的) headache.

I worked in a busy doctor’s office. This was one of those days when the office was often     11    people who had a cold, which made me     12    busier than before. It seemed I was going to be late     13    home and my husband would be ready to pronounce me late once again. Maybe     14    I hurried, I could still make it home.

I was heading inside to pay for my gas when I noticed an old couple at the counter. I heard them asking the     15    to the local hospital. It was exactly the same hospital that I had just left a few minutes ago. The young man at the counter was trying to be     16    in explaining, how to get there, but the fact was that it was a whole wrong route back. It was then that I walked over to the couple and said, “Would you like to follow me to the hospital?”

A look of     17    crossed the woman’s face. She stared at me, seeming to be in relief (如释重负) but still trying to figure out why I, a stranger, offered them help at such a late time.

“I’m going right there,” I explained, which wasn’t a lie because I had just made up my mind to do that.

I got in my car and began to drive     18    . I was trying to watch to be sure they were right     19    me. It took only fifteen minutes to get there as rush hour traffic was beginning to     20    . I felt better than I had all day and my headache was nearly gone.    

11.A.called for       B.asked for       C.filled with       D.pleased with

12.A.even       B.ever       C.still       D.never

13.A.getting       B.cooking       C.calling       D.working

14.A.as       B.since       C.while       D.if

15.A.way       B.price       C.number       D.distance

16.A.skilled       B.helpful       C.experienced       D.active

17.A.happiness       B.surprise       C.sadness       D.anger

18.A.back       B.up       C.out       D.down

19.A.across       B.before       C.beside       D.behind

20.A.go up       B.die down       C.take away       D.turn down


Michael’s favorite sport is baseball.     21    he sees the players hit the ball on TV, he is so excited. That Saturday there     22    try-outs (选拔赛) in the park. He thought it was a chance for him, so he decided     23    a try.

Michael always thought he was     24    good baseball player, but he couldn’t hit one pitch (投球) that day. After trying 10 pitches, his friend Robert     25    him to try other teams’ try-outs. Michael wanted to know     26    . Robert told him there were still three more teams who wanted players. The next day, Michael returned to the park. He missed the first two pitches. But on the third pitch, the most exciting part of the game with a great hit     27    by Michael.

    28     the end, the coach told Michael he made the team. He told his mom the good news and his mom felt     29    . You may meet such a situation like Michael. If you stick to your dream after failing, you     30    probably make your dream come true.

21.A.Since       B.Until       C.Unless       D.When

22.A.were       B.are       C.was       D.is    

23.A.have       B.had       C.to have       D.having

24.A.a       B.an       C.the       D./

25.A.advises       B.advised       C.has advised       D.will advise

26.A.why he could do       B.what could he do       C.why could he do       D.what he could do

27.A.has been made       B.is made       C.was made       D.will be made

28.A.On       B.In       C.For       D.From

29.A.proud       B.proudly       C.serious       D.seriously

30.A.must       B.have to       C.would       D.will


2024中考英语考前强化训练(完形填空02) 第1张

Health is wealth, not only for adults but for teens. Why do we get sick? Let’s read this passage.

We all get sick. It’s unavoidable,    31   we can do things to reduce how often we get sick and how long we stay sick. Why do we get sick? You usually get sick when something    32   gets inside your body, like germs and viruses.

What are germs and viruses? They are little creatures, kind of like animals or plants. They are so small that we can’t see them without some   33  like we wash our hands often. When someone coughs, sneezes, or touches something, germs are    34   . If we touch something dirty or eat something without washing our hands, those germs may   35  our bodies. Once those germs get inside you, your body has to fight them. Your body has antibodies (抗体) to fight certain sicknesses and white blood cells (白细胞) to fight infections (感染).    36   , it can still take days for your body to beat those bad germs and viruses!    

What happens when you are sick? To start with, you might feel    37   . That’s because your body is using its energy to make more white blood cells and antibodies to fight germs and viruses. You might have a    38   . That’s your body way of fighting infections by raising the temperature to make germs and viruses too    39   and uncomfortable. Runny noses, sneezing and coughing are all your body’s reactions to the germs. Medicines make you a little more comfortable.

To    40   getting sick, wash your hands and eat healthy foods. A strong body is less likely to get sick and become well more quickly. Get enough sleep and proper exercise. Stay healthy, stay happy.

31.A.and       B.before       C.until       D.though

32.A.bad       B.tiny       C.special       D.rare

33.A.batteries       B.tools       C.screens       D.tapes

34.A.spread       B.hidden       C.collected       D.covered

35.A.get through       B.get onto       C.go past       D.go across

36.A.So far       B.After all       C.In fact       D.Even so

37.A.tired       B.sleepy       C.scared       D.thirsty

38.A.headache       B.pain       C.fever       D.cold

39.A.awful       B.lazy       C.hot       D.cold

40.A.risk       B.avoid       C.stop       D.miss



No one is born a winner. People make themselves into winners by their own efforts.

I learned this     41    from an experience many years ago. I took the head coaching job at a school in Baxley, Georgia. It was a small school with a weak football program.

It was a tradition for the school’s old team to play against the new team at the end of spring practice. The old team had no coach, and they didn’t even     42    for the game. Being the coach of the new team, I was     43    because I knew we were sure to win. But unluckily, we were defeated (打败). I couldn’t believe I had got into such a situation. Thinking hard about it, I came to     44    that my team might not be the number one team in Georgia, but they were depending on me. I had to change my attitude (态度) about their     45    .    

I started doing anything I could to help them build confidence. The most     46    thing is that I began to treat them like winners. That summer, when the other teams enjoyed their vacations, we met every day and     47    passing and kicking the football.

Six months after suffering (遭受) our defeat, we won our first game and our second, and continued to improve.     48    , we faced the number one team. I felt that we would be winners even if we lost the game. But that wasn’t what happened. My boys beat the best team in Georgia, giving me the most exciting moment of my life!

From the experience, I learned a lot about how the attitude of the leader can make a    49   to a team. Instead of seeing my boys as losers, I     50    and encouraged them. I helped them to see themselves differently and they built themselves into winners.

Winners are made, not born.

41.A.game       B.lesson       C.visit       D.show

42.A.prepare       B.wait       C.ask       D.look

43.A.moved       B.excited       C.worried       D.surprised

44.A.realize       B.care       C.forget       D.solve

45.A.rules       B.plans       C.abilities       D.habits

46.A.angry       B.important       C.possible       D.difficult

47.A.minded       B.suggested       C.avoided       D.practiced

48.A.Finally       B.Suddenly       C.Luckily       D.Seriously

49.A.mistake       B.choice       C.decision       D.difference    

50.A.pushed       B.invited       C.left       D.found





1.D    2.B    3.A    4.D    5.C    6.A    7.D    8.C    9.B    10.C




end结束; refuse拒绝;lose失去;change改变。根据“we can have an important influence on anyone we meet”可知,是话语改变了一个人的生活,故选D。


blind盲的;deaf聋的;fat胖的;slim苗条的。根据“After asking many doctors and parents of other deaf children, they decided not to put me in a special school.”可知,父母发现作者是聋的,故选B。


made fun of取笑;took care of照顾;made use of利用;played with和……玩。根据“I was hurt deeply”可知,作者受到了伤害,所以前面应该是其他的同学取笑他,故选A。


beautiful美丽的;smart聪明的;handsome英俊的;ugly丑陋的。根据“I was hurt deeply”可知,这里指认为自己是个丑陋的孩子,故选D。


driver司机; doctor医生;teacher老师;worker工人。根据“One morning, she asked the class a question.” 可知,格林夫人是我的老师,故选C。    


read读;touched感动;reached到达;left离开。根据“raised my hand right away”可知,作者读懂了她的唇语,故选A。


beautifully美丽地;lazily懒惰地;carelessly粗心地;nervously紧张地。根据“I took a deep breath”可知,这里指因为心情紧张,才深深地呼吸,故选D。


often经常;ever曾经;never从不;seldom很少。根据“For the first time in my young life, my confidence rose.”可知,作者记忆很深,不会忘记,故选C。


aims目的;difficulties困难;interests兴趣;plans计划。根据“I can overcome (克服) them”可知,克服的是困难,故选B。


unkind不友好的;private私有的;simple简单的;rude粗鲁的。根据“With sparkling (闪光的) eyes and a big smile, she cried, ‘That’s right, Ben!’”可知,是简单的三个字,故选C。


11.C    12.A    13.A    14.D    15.A    16.B    17.B    18.A    19.D    20.B




called for要求,号召;asked for要求;filled with挤满,填满;pleased with对……感到高兴。根据“which made me ... busier than before.”可知,比以前更忙,所以是人很多,即办公室挤满了人,故选C。


even甚至;ever曾经;still仍然;never从不。根据“I worked in a busy doctor’s office.”可知,平时作者很忙,本句用了比较级“busier更忙的”,再结合给出的四个选项可知,今天甚至更忙符合句意,even可修饰比较级,故选A。


getting到达;cooking做饭;calling打电话;working工作。“my husband would be ready to pronounce me late once again”可知指到家晚了,get home表示“到家”,故选A。


as由于;since自从;while当……时候;if如果。“I hurried我快点”是“I could still make it home.我还能赶回家”的前提条件,引导条件状语从句用if,故选D。


way路;price价格;number数字;distance距离。根据后文“how to get there如何去那”可知,他们在问路,故选A。




happiness幸福;surprise惊讶;sadness悲伤;anger生气。根据“She stared at me, seeming to be in relief (如释重负) but still trying to figure out why I, a stranger, offered them help at such a late time.”可知,女人很想弄明白为什么这个陌生人这么晚还给他们提供帮助,即女人对作者的帮助很吃惊,故选B。    


back向后,回原处;up向上;out出去;down向下。根据前文可知,作者是在回家的途中,在加油站遇到的老年夫妇,现在她决定给老人带路,所以是往回走,drive back表示“往回开”,符合句意,故选A。


across从一边到另一边;before在……之前;beside在……旁边;behind在……后面。根据“Would you like to follow me to the hospital?你们愿意跟我去医院吗?”可知,作者要给老年夫妇带路,即医生在前面开车,老年夫妇所在的车跟在后面,故选D。


go up上升;die down逐渐减弱/减少,逐渐平息;take away拿走;turn down关小。根据“It took only fifteen minutes to get there”可知,作者一行人只花了15分钟就回到医院,结合给出的四个选项可推测,上下班高峰期在减弱/减少,故选B。


21.D    22.A    23.C    24.A    25.B    26.D    27.C    28.B    29.A    30.D




Since自从;Until直到;Unless除非;When当。根据“he sees the players hit the ball on TV”可知是当他看到球员击球时。故选D。    




have有,动词原形;had动词过去式;to have动词不定式;having动名词。decide to do sth.“决定做某事”。故选C。




advises建议,动词单三;advised过去式;has advised现在完成时;will advise一般将来时。动作发生在过去,用一般过去时,动词用过去式。故选B。


why he could do他为什么做,陈述语序;what could he do他可以做什么,疑问语序;why could he do他为什么做,疑问语序;what he could do他可以做什么,陈述语序。句子是宾语从句,用陈述语序,从句缺少do的宾语,用what引导宾语从句。故选D。


has been made现在完成时的被动语态;is made一般现在时的被动语态;was made一般过去时的被动语态;will be made一般将来时的被动语态。根据“He missed the first two pitches”可知句子用一般过去时。故选C。


on在上面;in在里面;for为了;from从。in the end“最后”。故选B。


proud自豪的,形容词;proudly骄傲地,副词;serious严肃的,形容词;seriously严肃地,副词。根据“the coach told Michael he made the team”可知他被选入球队,他妈妈为他感到自豪,作felt的表语用形容词。故选A。


must必须;have to不得不;would将;will将。句子是if引导的条件状语从句,遵循主将从现,主句用一般将来时will do。故选D。


31.D    32.A    33.B    34.A    35.B    36.D    37.A    38.C    39.C    40.B




and和;before在……之前;until直到……才;though虽然,不过。根据“we can do things to reduce how often we get sick and how long we stay sick.”可知此处为转折。故选D。


bad坏的;tiny微小的;special特殊的;rare罕见的。根据“You usually get sick”可知有不好的东西进入身体的时候会生病。故选A。


batteries电池;tools工具;screens屏幕;tapes磁带。根据“They are so small that we can’t see them”可知病毒太小了以至于我们不用工具根本看不到它们。故选B。


spread传播;hidden隐藏;collected收集;covered覆盖。根据“When someone coughs, sneezes, or touches something”可知此处是说咳嗽、打喷嚏或触摸某物会传播细菌。故选A。


get through通过;get onto进入;go past经过;go across穿过。根据“If we touch something dirty or eat something without washing our hands”可知此处是说我们触摸脏东西或不洗手就吃东西,这些细菌可能会侵入我们的身体。故选B。


So far迄今为止;After all毕竟;In fact事实上;Even so即便如此。根据“it can still take days for your body to beat those bad germs and viruses!”可知此处是说即便我们的身体会通过产生抗体等途径来对抗疾病,我们的身体仍然需要几天才能打败那些有害的细菌和病毒。故选D。


tired疲倦的;sleepy困倦的;scared害怕的;thirsty口渴的。根据“That’s because your body is using its energy to make more white blood cells and antibodies to fight germs and viruses.”可知生病时身体正在利用其能量制造更多的白细胞和抗体来对抗细菌和病毒,所以你会感觉很累。故选A。


headache头疼;pain痛苦;fever发烧;cold感冒。根据“That’s your body way of fighting infections by raising the temperature”可知你的身体通过提高体温来抵抗感染,所以会发烧。故选C。


awful糟糕的;lazy懒惰的;hot热的;cold冷的。根据“That’s your body way of fighting infections by raising the temperature”可知你的身体通过提高体温来抵抗感染,使细菌和病毒过热。故选C。    


risk冒险;avoid避免;stop停止;miss错过。根据“wash your hands and eat healthy foods”可知洗手和吃健康食品可以避免生病。故选B。


41.B    42.A    43.B    44.A    45.C    46.B    47.D    48.A    49.D    50.A




game比赛;lesson教训;visit参观;show展览。根据“No one is born a winner. People make themselves into winners by their own efforts.”可知作者是从这次经历中得到了一个教训。故选B。


prepare准备;wait等待;ask询问;look看。根据“because I knew we were sure to win”可知作者认为他们一定会赢,由此推测老队应该没有为比赛做准备。故选A。


moved感动的;excited兴奋的;worried担心的;surprised惊讶的。根据“because I knew we were sure to win”可知作者认为他们一定会赢,所以作者很兴奋。故选B。


realize意识到;care关心;forget忘记;solve解决。根据“But unluckily, we were defeated (打败).”可知作者的球队输了,所以作者意识到他的团队可能不是佐治亚州的第一团队。故选A。    


rules规则;plans计划;abilities能力;habits习惯。根据“I began to treat them like winners.”可知,比赛输了,作者还是把他们看作胜利者,作者改变了对队员能力的态度。故选C。


angry生气的;important重要的;possible可能的;difficult困难的。根据“The most…thing is that I began to treat them like winners.”可知此处是说最重要的是作者开始像对待胜利者一样对待他们。故选B。


minded介意;suggested建议;avoided避免;practiced练习。根据“passing and kicking the football”可知他们每天聚在一起练习传球和踢球。故选D。


Finally终于;Suddenly突然;Luckily幸运地;Seriously严重地。根据“we won our first game and our second, and continued to improve.”可知作者带领的球队一直赢下去,最终他们面对了排名第一的队伍。故选A。


mistake错误;choice选择;decision决定;difference区别。根据“Instead of seeing my boys as losers, I…and encouraged them. I helped them to see themselves differently and they built themselves into winners.”可知作者的态度对他的球队产生了影响,make a difference to“对……产生影响”。故选D。


pushed督促;invited邀请;left离开;found发现。根据“ ...and encouraged them.”可知,此处指作者督促和鼓励孩子们。故选A。    

