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中考冲刺!初中阶段必背英语短语及固定搭配 第1张
中考冲刺!初中阶段必背英语短语及固定搭配 第2张


中考冲刺!初中阶段必背英语短语及固定搭配 第3张
中考冲刺!初中阶段必背英语短语及固定搭配 第4张
worry about= be worried about 担心

talk about 谈论

dream about 梦想

care about 关心(care for 照顾,喜欢)

be about to do sth. 即将做某事

think about 考虑

hear about 听说

be sure about... ……确信(be sure to do sth. 一定会)

complain about sth. to sb. 向某人抱怨……

be crazy about ……着迷(=be keen on sth.

be anxious about... 担忧……

be curious about... ……好奇
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at 短语
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laugh at 嘲笑

look at 

call/email sb. at 打电话/发邮件找某人

point at 指着某人

shout at ……

shoot at ……射击

smile at ……

at times 有时候

at once 立刻

at present 目前

at first 首先

at least 至少

at last 最终

at birth 出生时

at the age of ……岁时

at the beginning/end of ……开始时/结束时

at the same time 同时

at night 在晚上

at a price of ……价格

at the bottom/top of……顶部/底部

stare at sb. 盯着看

make sb. feel at home 让某人宾至如归

at once 立即,马上(right away

be amazed at……感到吃惊

be poor at……方面差

aim at瞄准

at a speed of ……速度

at present 目前

at table在吃饭

at work在工作

at the time of ……时候

at the picnic在野餐时

knock at/on the door 敲门


look after 照顾

take after 像某人

run after 追赶

shortly after ……之后不久

one after another 一个接一个

after you! 你先请!

after all 毕竟


give away sth. to sb. 赠送,分发

put away 收拾好

pass away 去世

keep/ stay away from 远离

run away 逃跑
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中考冲刺!初中阶段必背英语短语及固定搭配 第4张

as for/ to sb.对于

treat/ see/ consider/ regard / think of sb. as + n.对待/认为

as usual像往常一样

as long as只要

as well as/……一样好

as soon as possible 尽可能快地

as a matter of fact 事实上

as a whole 整个来说

be (amous/well-known as作为……而出名

as you can imagine正如你想象的那样
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by accident 偶然( accidentally )

by mistake 不小心地

little by little —点一点地

step by step 一步一步地

word by word —字一字地

as times goes by随着时间的流逝

drop by便拜访

pass by经过

by the end of/ when/ by/ before +过去时间(过去完成时)

by the way顺便说一下

by then到那时

by the side of the road 在路边

walk by 走路经过
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中考冲刺!初中阶段必背英语短语及固定搭配 第4张

let sb. down 使某人失望

turn sb. down 拒绝某人=refuse sb.

fall down 摔倒

take down=pull down 拆除

cut down 砍倒

lie down 躺下

go down/ along the street 沿着街走 (go straight 直走)

shoot down 击落

(wind/fire) die down (/)减弱

slow down 减速

put sth. upside down 倒放

calm down冷静

close down关闭/停业

count down倒计时

be /feel down悲哀沮丧
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look for 寻找

search for 捜寻

wait for sb. to do sth. 等待某人做某事

care for 关心,照願

ask sb. for sth. …………

prepare for ……做准备 prepare to do sth. 准备做某事)

be prepared for/ to do 准备好了做某事(=be ready for/ to do

thanks for……而感激某人

stand for代表

be thirsty for渴望

be late for 迟到 (come late to)

for short 简称

pay sb. for sth. 向某人付钱

be responsible for sth. ……负责 (take the responsibility)

as for as to 至于

be sorry for……感到抱歉

fight for……奋斗 (fight against……做斗争)

decide for oneself 自己决定

apply for (a job) 申请(一份工作)

for a while —会儿

leave.... for… 离开某地去某地

for free免费

raise money for……筹钱

for no reason 毫无缘由

buy sb. sth. =buy sth. for sb. 给某人买东西)

It is convenient for sb. to do sth. 対对……来说做某事很方便
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hear from sb. 收到某人来信

die from 死于(外因)

prevent/ stop/ keep sb. from doing 阻止某人做某事

separate A from B AB分开

be absent from 缺席

be far away from 远离

protect sb. from 保护某人免受……

from my point of view 依我看(in my opinion/ personally

apart from ……之外

protect sb. from sth. 保护某人免受……
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arrive in 到达大地方(arrive at 到达小地方,get toreach 

believe in God 信仰上帝

hand in 上交

take in air/ knowledge)吸入(空气知识)

take pride in ……为傲(be proud of

join in take part in 参加(活动) join加入组织;be in加入组织或参加活动)

do well in = be good at……做得好

take an interest in ……有兴趣

in danger在危险中

in trouble处于困境

in addition 此外(in addition to ……外)

in the shape of ……的形状

in silence 安静地

in fact 实际上

in advance 提前

in total 总共

in style/fashion 流行的

in return 反过来

in a hurry 匆忙地

in general= generally speaking 通常地

in this/ that case 如果这样/那样的话

n the way of 妨碍

in a low/loud voice /高声

in peace 和平地=peacefully

all in all 总之

be in need of 需要

be in control of 控制(be under control ……控制之下)

in other words话句话说

in public公开地/当众

in excitement兴奋地

in/with satisfaction 满意地

in surprise 吃惊地

in the future 将来

in a minute/moment —会儿

in a hurry/rush 匆忙地

in future= from now on 从今以后

in order to 为了

have something in common with ……有共同点

be in good health/mood 身体健康/心情好

be weak/ strong in ……/

play a role/ part in……中扮演角色

in a word 总之

hand in hand手挽手

in the first place= firstly= at first 第一,首先

divide sth. into ……分成……

in the end 最后

succeed in doing sth. = be successful in doing sth. 做某事成功

in a mess 一团糟(make a mess

in disbelief 不相信

once in a while 偶尔地

in a certain way以某种方式

in the face of sth. 当面对……

in the past 过去

turn/change... into… ……变成……

translate .... into... ……翻译成.……

fall in love with爱上

in the past few years在过去几年(现在完成时)

in the corner 在角落(at/on/around the corner 在拐角处)

in person 亲自

in the sunshine/ moonlight 在阳光/月光下

in front of... ……前面(外部的前面)

in the front of ……的前部(内部的前面)

be in agreement with sb. ……一致(reach an agreement with sb.)

stick sth. into ……插进

lead into a question 引入一个问题

fill in the form填写表格

check in登记,报道,入住

check out 退房

be in bed/hospital生病在床/住院

be caught in the rain/storm 遭遇到雨/风暴

in other words 换句话说

in order that/ so that 以至于

in one’s view 根据某人的看法

in this way 以这种方法

in the process of... ……的过程中

be in need of 需要

walk into sb. 撞到某人

in memory/ honor of 为纪念

pour… into… ……倒入……

in my time在我那个年代

in time 及时地

in a difficult situation 在困境中
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put on穿上

turn on TV打开电视

get on上车

go on with sth. 继续

keep on doing继续做某事

depend on依据

work on 从事于

focus on sth. 集中注意力在……=concentrate on sth.

pass on 传递

knock on/at the door 敲门

live on……为生

carry on 继续

insist on the plan 坚持这个计划

look down upon 看不起

try on 试穿

have influence on ……有影响

on time 准时

on duty 值日

on foot步行

on sale 降价出售

on show 展出

on purpose 故意地

on vacation/ holiday 在度假

on weekends 在周末

on business 在出差

on one’s way to 在去……的路上

on a cold night 在寒冷的晚上

on the morning of June 1st 61日早上

play a joke on sb. ……开玩笑

put on weight 体重增长

agree on sth. 就某事达成一致

hold on! 稍等(打电话时)

hang on 稍等,别挂断

talk on the phone 打电话

hold on to sth. 抓住……

and so on 等等

feed sb. on sth. ……喂某人

keep an eye on sb. 留心,注意某人

be hard on sb. 对某人严格

on one’s own 独自/靠自己

play a trick on sb. 捉弄某人

on earth 究竟/到底(What on earth are you doing?

congratulate sb. on sth. 就某事祝贺某人!(Congratulations on your improvement!

on the side of the mountain 在山腰

run on electricity 靠电驱动

on Sunday morning 在星期天早上

agree on ……达成一致

be on 上映

concentrate on sth. 全神贯注于……

on average 平均地

on TV 在电视上

on/ over the radio 在收音机里

on the tree 在树上(长在树上的) in the tree 在树上(外来的)

once upon a time 很久以前

spend time on sth. (spend time in doing sth.) 花时间在……

from now/ then on 从现在/那时起

later on 随后

on page 25 在第25

do research on sth. ……做研究
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remind sb. of sth. 让某人想起

hear of/ from 听说

run out of 用尽

take care of 照顾

get rid of 摆脱

think of sb. as 认为是

be afraid of 害怕(be afraid to do sth.

be proud of ……感到自豪(=take pride in

die of 死于(内因)

be made of ……制成(看得出原材料)be made from ……制成(看不出原材料)

be full of 充满(be filled withbe crowded with

be fond of 喜欢

be of medium height/ build 中等身高/体型

be short of 缺少

develop the habit of 培养……的习惯

a couple of weeks 几周

a drop of 一滴

as a result of 由于(as a result 结果)

of course 当然

a waste of time 浪费时间

ahead of time 提前(ahead of you 在你前面)

instead of 而不是/代替/相反

a sense of humor/ direction 幽默感/方向感

all of a sudden=suddenly 突然

build sth. out of ……建造

the rest of sth. 剩余的

the population of Chengdu 成都的人口

a number of 一些

the number of ……的数量

a spoon/ bowl of 一勺/……

a great deal of 许多(+不可数名词)

plenty of 许多(+复数/不可数名词)

be confident of ……有信心

dream of sth./ doing sth. 梦想做……

a symbol of ……的象征

the look of joy 快乐的表情

a feeling of satisfaction 满足感

the spirit of ……的精神

a long period of time 很长一段时间

speak/ think highly of sb. 高度地评价某人
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take off 起飞/脱衣服

put off 推迟

turn off 关掉

get off 下车

knock off 装到

show off 炫耀

shut off 关闭

give off 发出(光、热)

set off 动身,出发

pay off 付清

run off 跑掉

go off (闹钟)响

see sb. off ……送行

clean… off ……清理掉

break off 中断

keep off the grass 勿踩草坪

kick sb. off 开除某人

break off 终止,中断

I will have 3 days off. 我要休息三天。







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