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中考备考:2024年中考英语考前押题卷【湖南省卷专用】 第1张

2024年中考英语考前押题卷【湖南省卷专用】李老师提供 请自行复制


(考试时间:100分钟  试卷满分:100分)









第一节   听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的ABC三个选项中选出最佳选项回答问题。听每段对话前,你都有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。(共5小题,计5分)

1Where will the man go on May Day?

ATo Macao.                    BTo Beijing.                        CTo Hong Kong.


【原文】W: Do you have a plan for May Day?

M: Yes. I planned to go to Macao, but my wife would like to go to Beijing. Finally, I agreed to her choice. How about you?

W: I’ve decided to fly to China’s Hong Kong. I’m mainly going to see my uncle.

2What did the man’s brother use to do?

AA fireman.                    BA postman.                        CA policeman.


【原文】W: My brother is a postman. What does your brother do?

M: He used to be a policeman. He always wants to be a teacher. But now he works as a fireman.

3How does the man feel?

ANervous.                      BTired.                                CAfraid.


【原文】W: Harry, be quick. We still need to walk about four kilometers.

M: Oh, it is a long way to go. I can’t walk any further.

4Where are probably the speakers?

AOn a plane.                   BIn a restaurant.                   CIn a bookstore.


【原文】W: Good afternoon. May I take your order?

M: Yes. I’d like a bowl of beef noodles.

W: Would you like something else?

M: A glass of juice is OK.

5What did the boy’s cousin use to be?

AShy.                             BOutgoing.                          CFriendly.


【原文】W: You are so outgoing now, but you used to be very shy, didn’t you?

M: That’s right. Also, my cousin was the same as me in the past.




6How long will Wendy’s father be away?

AFor a week.                  BFor two weeks.                  CFor a month.

7Where is Wendy’s father going first?

ATo Hangzhou.               BTo Beijing.                        CTo Shanghai.

【答案】6A   7B

【原文】W: Dad, you are busy these days. I’m looking forward to going to the Water Park with you.

M: Sorry, Wendy. I have to go on a business trip tomorrow.

W: How long will you be away?

M: For a week.

W: Where are you going?

M: To Beijing first, and then to Shanghai.

W: Can we go to the Water Park when you come back?

M: Of course.


8When will Mike go for the trip?

ATomorrow.                   BNext Wednesday.               CNext Friday.

9How will Mike go for the trip?

ABy plane.                     BBy car.                              CBy train.

【答案】8C   9B

【原文】W: Where are you going to have a trip, Mike?

M: I hear Mount Huang is a good place for relaxing. So I’ll go there next Friday.

W: That sounds great. Who will you go with?

M: I’ll go with my uncle. My parents are too busy to go with me.

W: Oh, I see. How will you go there, by plane or by train?

M: My uncle said he would drive for the trip.


10Where will Emma have the birthday dinner?

AIn her house.               BAt a restaurant.                  CIn a hotel.

11How many people will attend the birthday dinner?

AFour.                          BThree.                               CTwo

【答案】10A   11A

【原文】M: Happy birthday, Emma!

W: Thank you, Jack. I’m happy you can remember it.

M: I can always remember the birthdays of all my good friends.

W: I want to invite you to a birthday dinner in my house.

M: I’d love to have dinner with you. Maybe you also want some of your good friends to join us.

W: Why not? But, anyway, I want to have a nice and quiet birthday. I just want to call Mike and Bessie. Only four of us.

M: I agree with you.


12Where does the man want to go?

AHangzhou.                  BZhengzhou.                       CHarbin.

13What time is it now?

A3:20.                          B3:30.                                 C3:50.

14What can we know about the man from the conversation?

AThe man gets to the wrong train station.

BThe man can speak Chinese well.

CThe woman helps him solve the problem.

【答案】12C   13A   14C

【原文】M: Excuse me, Madam. I’m going to Harbin. Is this the train?

W: To Harbin? I’m afraid you are at the wrong gate. This is the train to Hangzhou.

M: Oh, my god! Where’s my train? I was told it leaves at 3:50.

W: Well, don’t worry. You have 30 minutes left. I can show you how to get there. Please show me your ticket first.

M: Thank you. Here you are.

W: That’s all right. You should get on the train at Gate 9. This is Gate 6.

M: But where is the gate?

W: Just walk to the sign over there.

M: But I don’t know Chinese.

W: The signs at the station are in both Chinese and English.

M: OK, thank you so much.

W: No problem. Good luck with your trip.


15Where has the man been teaching now?

AIn a big city.                BIn a small town.                 CIn a small village.

16What did the man bring for the children in the school?

ASome desks and chairs. BSome books and clothes.     CSome books and food.

17Who is willing to donate (捐助) some money and books to the poor children?

ALucy.                         BDave.                                CDave’s friends.

【答案】15C   16B   17A

【原文】(phone bell rings)

W: Hello, this is Lucy speaking.

M: Hello, Dave speaking.

W: Dave, I haven’t seen you for nearly a year. Where have you been?

M: I have been teaching in a small village in Liangshan, Sichuan.

W: It’s said the people there are poor. The students there study in poor learning conditions.

M: You’re right. We brought some books and clothes for the students there.

W: That’s great. What else did you do?

M: And we have received more books from friends by sharing it into WeChat Moments.

W: Can you tell me what you are going to do next?

M: We are going to provide the students with new desks and chairs.

W: I’d like to be a volunteer. I am willing to donate some money and books to the children there.


18How is the weather now?

AHot.                           BWarm.                              CCold.

19What does Laura advise Ben to do?

AGo out for a walk with her.

BPlay in a volleyball match this evening.

COrder something different from a pizza.

20What’s the possible relationship between the two speakers?

ACustomer and waiter.   BFriends.                            CDoctor and patient.

【答案】18A   19C   20B

【原文】W: Are you going to order some food, Ben?

M: Yes, but I’ll have a talk with the waiter first when he comes to the table. There are some dishes I just don’t understand.

W: Do you have any plans for this afternoon?

M: I think it’s too hot to go out today. So, nothing.

W: I’m playing a volleyball match on the beach this evening. It’s not a serious game but there is an interesting prize.

M: What is it, Laura?

W: I’m going to tell you only if you agree to play a practice match with me this afternoon.

M: I’ll think about that. Shall I call the waiter? I'm dying of hunger.

W: Look, he is coming over. Ben, for the first time in your life, why don’t you have something different from a pizza?


第一节 (共11小题;每小题2分,满分22分)



A  Part-time JobWe need your help. We offer an excellent chance  to teach soccer after school. If you’re good at playing soccer and like to be  with children, please join us and work at Sunshine Center from 6:00 p.m. to 7:00  p.m. Call Mr. Brown at 629-7299.

Art  Workers WantedAre you good at drawing? Can you use computers to  make 3D cartoons? Are you going to work for an ad company (公司)? Are you going to get a full-time job? If your answer is YES, please  come to Gold Ad Ltd or send an e-mail to smithgal.com.  Our address is No. 67, Green Street.

FoundA blue bag is in our clothes shop. A set of keys and a mobile phone are  in it. And there is also a table tennis bat in it.

Is it yours? Please come to Mr. Cool’s Clothes  Store or call Mr. Cool for it. His telephone number is 929-3155.

21What’s Sunshine Center?

AAn ad company.          BA sports center.                  CA clothes shop.

22Which of the following is in the blue bag?

AA table tennis bat.        BA pair of shoes.                  CA pair of glasses.

23How can you contact(联系) Gold Ad Ltd if you want to work for it?

AI can call Mr. Brown at 629-7299.

BI can call Mr. Cool at 929-3155.

CI can send an e-mail to smithgal.com.

【答案】21B   22A   23C


21.推理判断题。根据第一个表格“We offer an excellent chance to teach soccer after school. If you’re good at playing soccer and like to be with children, please join us and work at Sunshine Center...”可知,阳光中心是一个体育中心。故选B

22.细节理解题。根据第三个表格“A blue bag is in our clothes shop. A set of keys and a mobile phone are in it. And there is also a table tennis bat in it.”可知,乒乓球拍在蓝色包里。故选A

23.细节理解题。根据第二个表格“If your answer is YES, please come to Gold Ad Ltd or send an e-mail to smith@gal.com.”可知,如果你想在Gold广告有限公司工作,可以发电子邮件到“smith@gal.com”。故选C


Once there was a manager who had a team of around 40 hardworking members. Everything seemed perfect except for one thing: the group has a hard time communicating and sharing information with each other.

Then one day, the manager had an idea. He decided to take his group on a team outing and personally prepared games of 3 rounds.

During the first round, the manager told everyone to blow a balloon and write their names without popping (弄破) it. And soon the team members did it successfully.

After that, the leader told them to wait outside for the next round. When they were asked to enter the room again, the members saw many more balloons without names all around the room.

The manager told his team to search for the balloon with his or her name on it. The first three persons to bring him the balloon would win, while those who popped the balloon would be out of the game.

15 minutes had already passed and not a single one was able to identify (确认) his or her balloon, and that’s why the manager decided to go on to the third round instead. For the third round, the manager told his young group to pick any balloons from the room and give it to the person whose name was on it.

Within a couple of minutes, everyone had his balloon with his own name. The manager went on to tell his members why they were not able to search for their balloons in the second round. That was because everyone was fixing too much attention on his own target. However, in just a short time, they were able to do the third round because of the power of teamwork and sharing with each other.

24What was the team asked to do in the first round?

ATo share their information.

BTo identity their own balloons.

CTo blow the balloons and write their names.

25Why did the team fail in the second round?

ASome of them popped the balloons.

BEach focused on his or her own balloon.

COnly three of them found the balloons.

26What does the underlined word “target” mean?

Ainterest                       Bgoal                                  Cdirection

27What’s the manager’s purpose in preparing the games?

ATo find out the most talented members.

BTo free the team from the stress in their work.

CTo remind the team of the importance of teamwork.

【答案】24C   25B   26B   27C


24.细节理解题。根据“During the first round, the manager told everyone to blow a balloon and write their names without popping (弄破) it.”可知让他们吹气球并写下自己的名字。故选C

25.细节理解题。根据“That was because everyone was fixing too much attention on his own target.”可知这是因为每个人都把太多的注意力集中在找自己的气球。故选B

26.词句猜测题。根据“That was because everyone was fixing too much attention on his own target.”可知每个人都把太多的注意力集中在自己的目标上,可推测targetgoal意思相近。故选B

27.推理判断题。根据“Everything seemed perfect except for one thing: the group has a hard time communicating and sharing information with each other.”以及“However, in just a short time, they were able to do the third round because of the power of teamwork and sharing with each other.”可知是为了提醒团队合作的重要性。故选C


Imagine taking a flying taxi to the airport, or jumping over crowded city streets at rush hour, getting where you want to go far faster than you could in a car. Believe it or not, you might be able to do these things in an air taxi sooner than you think.

An air taxi is something like a helicopter (直升飞机) that can carry people from place to place. Air taxis don’t need a long runway like planes do. They can go straight up and down.

In June, the government of America agreed to allow a company called Joby Aviation to start testing their new air taxi. This is the first time they’ve tested a taxi that’s been built in a factory. Before that, all their taxis were made by hand.

By 2025, Joby hopes to start carrying passengers for money. They’ve teamed up with Delta Air Lines to create a program to fly people from their homes to the airport. Joby’s air taxis will be flown by a pilot, and can carry four other passengers. They can go around 100 miles before the electric batteries need to be recharged (充电).

Compared with helicopters, Joby says their air taxis are both quieter and cheaper. The company expects to charge about $3 a mile at first. But over time, they hope to bring the price down to less than $1 a mile.

And as exciting as the idea of flying taxis is, some people have concerns about them. The air taxis may be quieter than helicopters, but they’ll still be adding noise and traffic to our skies. Some people worry that only rich people will be able to afford to use them.

It seems likely that air taxis will be part of the future of travel. But there’s still a lot to do before air taxis become common.

28How does the writer begin the passage?

ABy raising a question.   BBy imagining a scene.         CBy making a comparison.

29Which of the following is TRUE about Joby’s new air taxi?

AIt’s made by hand.        BIt can fly 100 miles per hour.     CIt can carry five people in all.

30What is Paragraph 6 mainly about?

AThe concerns about the new air taxi.

BThe noise created by the new air taxi.

CThe high price of taking the new air taxi.

31What is the best title of the passage ?

AA new flying taxi         BThe future of travel             CDifferent methods of transportation

【答案】28B   29C   30A   31A


28.细节理解题。根据文中“Imagine taking a flying taxi to the airport, or jumping over crowded city streets at rush hour, getting where you want to go far faster than you could in a car.”可知,作者通过想象乘坐一辆飞行出租车的的情景来开篇全文,故选B

29.细节理解题。根据文中“Joby’s air taxis will be flown by a pilot, and can carry four other passengers.”可知,它总共能载五个人,故选C

30.段落大意题。根据“And as exciting as the idea of flying taxis is, some people have concerns about them.”可知,本文主要是讲述对这种飞行出租车的担忧,故选A


第二节 (4小题;每小题2分,满分8)

An apology (道歉) means one person has realized that an action was wrong and hurtful. No matter what they are apologizing for, if they hurt someone, then saying sorry is the first step. Teaching kids how to apologize is an important skill.

Why should we teach our kids to say sorry?

Since everyone makes mistakes, learning to apologize is one necessary part of growing up. 32   

●Saying sorry is a valuable social skill.


●Apologizing means they take responsibility for their actions.

●It is the power of healing (治愈) a relationship.

●It helps them feel better about themselves.

Why do kids find it difficult to apologize?

There are several reasons why kids may find it difficult to apologize:

●Lack of understanding.

●Feeling ashamed or embarrassed.

34    . Finding the courage to apologize can be very challenging for anyone, but it’s even more difficult for little ones just finding their way in the world.

Should we force a kid to apologize?

When it comes to forcing your children to apologize, it probably won’t solve anything. 35    . Think about your own mistakes. If someone forced you to apologize, would you want to? Children are the same way.

Don’t force children to apologize. When something that needs an apology happens, ask open- ended questions to help them come to a conclusion (结论) on their own.

AIn fact, forcing kids to apologize is training them to lie.

BIt’s not very difficult for them to apologize to others.

CThere are many reasons why this is so important:

DIt helps kids know their mistakes.

EApologizing means admitting (承认) to another person that we did something wrong.

【答案】32C   33D   34E   35A


32.根据“Since everyone makes mistakes, learning to apologize is one necessary part of growing up.”及下文给出的原因可知,空处应是一个过渡句,引出下文的学习道歉很重要的原因,C这一点如此重要的原因有很多符合语境,故选C

33.根据“Why should we teach our kids to say sorry?”“ learning to apologize is one necessary part of growing up”可知,空处是介绍教孩子道歉重要的原因之一,D它帮助孩子们认识到自己的错误符合语境,故选D

34.根据“Finding the courage to apologize can be very challenging for anyone, but it’s even more difficult for little ones just finding their way in the world.”可知,空后说到了道歉的难度,所以空处应提到了向他人道歉,E道歉意味着向另一个人承认我们做错了什么。符合语境,故选E

35.根据“When it comes to forcing your children to apologize, it probably won’t solve anything. ”可知,此处讲的是强迫孩子道歉,A事实上,强迫孩子道歉就是在训练他们撒谎。符合语境,故选A




Do you have any close friends? I’m sure you do. Everyone has one or two     36     friends. Recently, I learned an interesting lesson about the power of     37    .

It was a story about two friends—a Canadian girl named Jessica Stuart and a Japanese girl named Fukue. Stuart’s parents got new jobs in Japan and moved there to 38     when she was a child. After Stuart met Fukue at school, they became good friends. Stuart often     39    Fukue from bullies (欺凌弱小者) .

After one year, Stuart’s family moved back home. Stuart and Fukue stayed in40     by writing letters to each other.     41   , after two years, Fukue’s letters stopped coming.

Stuart was confused (困惑不解的) . Why did the letters stop? She began a long journey to find her     42     friend again. Many years later, she found Fukue. Both girls were adults (成人) by then. It     43    that Fukue dropped out of school because she was bullied (被欺凌) again. That happened after Stuart     44   . Luckily, they were able to find each other again,     45    after many years apart (分离) .

Not every friendship can last forever. People come and go. But true friends can find a way to stay together forever-even if they’ve been far apart for a long time.

36Aweak                         Bgood                                 Cstrange

37Afriendship                  Bhope                                 Cteamwork

38Atravel                         Bstudy                                Cwork

39Astopped                      Brefused                              Cprotected

40Atouch                         Breach                                Ccontrol

41AImmediately               BHowever                           CBesides

42Anew                           Bquiet                                 Cold

43Aturned out                  Bfound out                           Clooked out

44Acame                         Bforgot                               Cleft

45Astill                           Bjust                                   Ceven


36B    37A    38C    39C    40A    41B    42C    43A    44C    45C



weak虚弱的;good好的;strange陌生的。根据上文“Do you have any close friends?”可知,此处应该表示有一个或两个好朋友。故选B


friendship友谊;hope希望;teamwork合作。根据“It was a story about two friends”可知,此处指学到关于友谊的力量的有趣的知识。故选A


travel旅行;study学习;work工作。根据上文“Stuart’s parents got new jobs in Japan”可知,斯图尔特的父母搬去日本工作。故选C


stopped阻止;refused 拒绝;protected保护。根据“they became good friends”及下文“Fukue dropped out of school because she was bullied (   被欺凌   ) again”可知,两人成了好朋友后,应是斯图尔特保护Fukue不受欺凌,protect...from...“保护……不受……”。故选C

40.句意:斯图尔特和Fukue 通过写信保持联系。

touch触碰;reach达到;control控制。根据“stayed in ... by writing letters”可知,是通过写信保持联系,stay in touch 表示保持联系。故选A


Immediately立即地;However然而;Besides而且。根据上文“by writing letters to each other.”可知,两个好朋友通过写信保持联系,此处指Fukue不再寄信来了,前后表示转折。故选B


new新;quiet安静的;old老的。根据“Many years later, she found Fukue.”可知,是找她的老朋友Fukue。故选C

43.句意:原来,Fukue 因再次受到欺负而辍学。

turned out结果是;found out发现;looked out小心。根据“It... that Fukue dropped out of school ”可知,应是发现了事情的真相,此处是介绍事情的结果,故选A




still仍然;just仅仅;even即使。根据“they were able to find each other again, ... after many years apart (分离) ”可知,此处指即使分开多年,她们还能找见彼此。故选C



China is a nation of tea. The country’s history of tea is almost as long as the history of China 46    (it). Chinese people started appreciating tea about 5,000 years ago.

Originally, tea 47    (value) for its medicinal qualities. It has long been known that tea aids in digestion,    48    is why many Chinese people commonly enjoy it during or after their meal.

But tea is more than just an addition to a meal. It has become a part of the country’s daily life and even important traditions—and is 49    (true) rooted as an essential aspect of Chinese culture.

50    all the types of tea, green tea produced before Tomb Sweeping Day in early April is especially popular in China. This is believed    51    (be) the best time for green tea, because insects have not yet appeared from the soil. Green tea is not processed    52    it keeps the original color of the tea leaves.

Green tea also has a close 53    (connect) with Tomb Sweeping Day. During Tomb Sweeping Day, many families in the south of China continue the tradition of offering tea to their ancestors,    54    (show) respect and remembrance.

Now as the nation embraces Tomb Sweeping Day, tea gardens in China are also open for those eager 55     (experience) tea-related traditions and culture—like the Dingxin tea garden in Southwest China’s Chongqing.


46itself    47was valued    48which    49truly  50Of   

51to be    52so    53connection    54showing    55to experience


46.句意:这个国家饮茶的历史几乎和中国的历史一样长。括号中的it指代的是China,根据“The country’s history of tea is almost as long as the history of China”可知,这里指的是中国本身的历史,所以要用反身代词,it的反身代词是itself,故填itself

47.句意:最初,茶因其药用价值而受到重视。value是动词重视;主语“tea”和动词“value”之间是被动关系,所以要用被动语态,结构为“be+过去分词,主语tea是不可数名词,所以be动词用单数is;根据“originally”可知,这里要用一般过去时,所以be动词用wasvalue的过去分词是valued,故填was valued



50.句意:在所有的茶中,清明节前生产的绿茶在中国特别受欢迎。根据“all the types of tea, green tea”可知,绿茶属于茶,所以填of,句首首字母大写,故填Of

51.句意:这被认为是绿茶的最佳时间,因为昆虫还没有从土壤中出现。be believed to be意为被认为是,故填to be

52.句意:绿茶没有被加工,所以保留了茶叶的原始颜色。根据“Green tea is not processed...it keeps the original color of the tea leaves.”可知,前后两句是因果关系,所以要用so连接,故填so

53.句意:绿茶与清明节也有着密切的联系。根据“Green tea also has a close”可知,形容词修饰名词,所以该空要填一个名词,connect是动词连接其名词是connection“联系,该空前有a修饰,所以用单数,故填connection

54.句意:在清明节期间,中国南方的许多家庭延续了向祖先供茶的传统,以表示尊重和纪念。根据“During Tomb Sweeping Day, many families in the south of China continue the tradition of offering tea to their ancestors, ...respect and remembrance.”可知,该句已经有谓语动词“continue”,所以show只能用非谓语形式,主语“many families”和动词show之间是主动关系,所以要用现在分词showing,故填showing

55.句意:现在,随着国家拥抱清明节,中国的茶园也为那些渴望体验与茶有关的传统和文化的人开放——比如中国西南部重庆的丁欣茶园。be eager to do sth.意为渴望做某事experience是动词体验,故填to experience



Parents are the most important people in our life. They influence our lives in so many ways. They teach us almost everything about living, give us strength of character and make us who we are. It is because of them that we become able to do our duties. 4. The things that we are able to do are their gifts to us. Right from taking care of us when we are young to guide ourselves whenever we need their advice, they are always there by our side.

All we can do for them is to give them love and happiness and try to make them feel proud of us. First of all, you need to follow all the good things they taught you when you were very young. It could be about eating healthily or exercising in a regular way, or it could be about helping anyone who needs help.

Not making complaints is also a good way. So don’t complain about what you don’t have. Learn to appreciate (感激) and love what your parents give you; you may not know the struggles they go through in order to give you that.

5. 第三,你也需要开始明智且自信地做你自己的决定In other words, take control of your life by deciding what will be good or bad for you. Let them see that you are able to do all kinds of things without asking others for help.

More importantly, you should try to be a good person. Be polite and respectful to your family and friends. When they give you a suggestion, you’d better take their ideas into consideration. Try to work as hard as you can and be modest (谦虚的) with what you have achieved. Anyway, seeing you grow into a good person will surely make your parents proud.


56Who plays the most important role in our life?

57What can we do for our parents?

58How can we make our parents proud of us?






57We can give them love and happiness and try to make them feel proud of us.   

58To be a good person.   


60Thirdly, you also need to start making your own decisions wisely and confidently.


56.根据“Parents are the most important people in our life. They influence our lives in so many ways.”可知,父母在我们生活中扮演着最重要的角色。故填Parents.

57.根据“All we can do for them is to give them love and happiness and try to make them feel proud of us.”可知,我们可以给他们爱和幸福,努力让他们为我们感到骄傲。故填We can give them love and happiness and try to make them feel proud of us.

58.开放性问题,言之有理即可。参考答案为:To be a good person.

59The things事情;that关系代词;we我们;are able to do能做的;are是;their gifts to us他们给我们的礼物。故填:我们处理事情的能力是他们给我们的礼物。

60.第三Thirdly;你you;也also;需要need;开始start;明智且自信地wisely and confidently;做你自己的决定making your own decisions。故填Thirdly, you also need to start making your own decisions wisely andconfidently.


2024年巴黎奥运会(Paris 2024)志愿者项目的报名通道现已开启! 假如你是李华,请根据下方赛事官方的报名要求,写一篇英语短文作为你的申请信。


Conditions to Be A Volunteer※Be at least 14 years  old.

※Speak French or English well.

※Have at least one volunteer experience and tell  us about it.

※Tell us what you can do to help.

※Tell us your hope for Paris 2024.






Dear Paris 2024,



Li Hua


Dear Paris 2024,

I’m Li Hua, a 16-year-old boy from China. I think I am qualified to be a volunteer for you next summer.

I can speak English very well. I have taken part in several English speech contests in the past three years. Besides, I have some volunteer experiences. For example, I was a volunteer at the 19th Asian Games in 2023. I helped many foreign visitors and athletes. If I become a member of you, I could help organize activities or check tickets.

Last but not least, I sincerely hope that everyone will be able to share exciting moments and unforgettable memories!


Li Hua






第一步,表明写作意图。开门见山提出请求:希望加入2024年巴黎奥运会(Paris 2024)志愿者;




①take part in参加

②in the past three years在过去的三年里

③become a member of成为……的成员

④be able to


①I think I am qualified to be a volunteer for you next summer.(省略that的宾语从句)

②If I become a member of you, I could help organize activities or check tickets.if引导的条件状语从句)

③I sincerely hope that everyone will be able to share exciting moments and unforgettable memories!that引导的宾语从句)

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