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complete (8A-Unit 4)

vt. 完成


When I completed the card, there was a paint on everything: the table, Sandy’s books, my clothes, my hands and face! 当我做完这张卡片时,所有的东西上都有一道油漆:桌子,桑迪的书,我的衣服,我的手和脸!

complete (9B-Unit 3)

adj. 完全的,彻底的


When Mr Jiang got home, he would find his flat in a complete mess: food was laid on the bed; milk was stored in the rubbish bin; coins, bills and his private papers were spread all over the floor. 当江先生回到家,他会发现他的公寓一团糟:食物放在床上;牛奶储存在垃圾桶里;硬币、钞票和他的私人文件铺在地板上。


1) 作形容词,having all its parts; whole 完整的; 完全的; 全部的; 整个的

a complete set, collection, etc 完善的设备﹑全部收藏等

a complete edition of Shakespeare's works 莎士比亚全集

2) 作形容词,作表语,finished; ended 完成; 结束

When will the building work be complete? 建筑工作何时完成?

3) 作形容词,通常作定语,thorough; in every way; total 彻底的; 全面的; 完全的

a complete stranger 素不相识的人

It was a complete surprise to me. 这对我完全是件意外的事。

4) 作动词,bring (sth) to an end; finish 使(某事物)结束; 完成

When will the railway be completed? 铁路何时竣工?

She's just completed a master's degree in Law. 她刚刚获得了法学硕士学位。

completely (9B-Unit 3)

adv. 完全地


My robot has already stopped working completely. 我的机器人已经完全停止工作了。


to the greatest degree possible 完全地,可与totally互换

I completely forgot that it was his birthday yesterday. 我完全忘记了昨天那是他的生日。

He had never completely recovered from his illness. 他的病一直没有完全康复过。

a completely new range of low-cost computers 一系列全新的低成本电脑

I'm not completely sure. 我不太确定。

composer (9A-Unit 5)

n. 作曲家


The music was written by Tan Dun, a world-famous composer. 这首曲子是由世界著名的作曲家谭盾创作的。


be composed of (由某事物)组成或构成,相当于consist of

Water is composed of hydrogen and oxygen. 水是由氢和氧组成的。

The legal system is composed of people, and people make mistakes. 法律制度是由人组成的,人会犯错误。

computer game (7A-Unit 6)

n. 电脑游戏


I like playing computer games. 我喜欢玩电脑游戏。

concert (9A-Unit 5)

n. 音乐会


Concerts at the art festival. 在艺术节上举行的音乐会。

conclusion (8B- Unit 5)

n. 总结,归纳



1) end 结束; 结尾

at the conclusion of his speech 他讲话的结尾

bring sth to a speedy conclusion 将某事物迅速结束

2) belief or opinion that is the result of reasoning (由推理而得出的)信念或意见, 结论

I came to/reached the conclusion that he'd been lying. 我看他是在说谎。

What conclusions do you draw (from the evidence you've heard)? 你从(你听到的证据)中得出什么结论?

3) in conclusion: lastly 最后,相当于finally

In conclusion I'd like to say that... 最后, 我想说....

4) conclude, 动词,come or bring (sth) to an end (使)(某事物)结束

The meeting concluded at 8 o'clock. 会议于8时结束。

5) conclude … from …从…得出结论…

Those are the facts; what do you conclude from them? 这些都是事实, 你能从中得出什么结论?

The jury concluded, from the evidence, that she was guilty. 陪审团根据证据作出结论, 认定她有罪

condition (8B- Unit 1)

n. 环境,条件,状况


living conditions 生活条件


1)particular state of existence 状态; 处境; 地位; 身份,常用作单数

the human condition 人类的处境

the condition of slavery奴隶的身份

2) present state of a thing 现状; 状况; 情况,常用作单数

be in good, poor, excellent, etc condition 处于好的﹑坏的﹑极佳的等状况

the rusty condition of the bicycle 自行车生锈的状况

The ship is not in a condition/is in no condition to make a long voyage. 此船的现状不适宜远航。

3) thing needed to make sth else possible; thing on which another thing depends 条件

One of the conditions of the job is that you should be able to drive. 做这项工作的其中一个条件是要会开车。

He was allowed to go out, but his parents made it a condition that he should get home before midnight. 他父母允许他出去, 但规定他要在午夜前回家。

I'll let you borrow it on one condition: (that) you lend me your bicycle in return. 我借给你也行, 但有个条件, 你得把你的自行车借给我。

4) circumstances 环境; 情况

under existing conditions 在现有的情况下

poor working conditions 恶劣的工作环境

firemen having to operate in very difficult conditions 须在极困难的情况下工作的消防队员

5) on condition (that)... only if; provided (that) 在...条件下; 倘若...

You can go out on condition that you wear an overcoat. 你要穿上外衣才能出去。

confidence (8B- Unit 4)

n. 信心


His story gave me a lot of confidence. 他的故事给了我很多自信。


1) firm trust (in sb, in sb's ability, or in what is said, reported, etc) 坚定的信赖

to have/lose confidence in sb 对某人抱有/失去信心

I have little confidence in him. 我对他没有甚么信心。

Don't put too much confidence in what the papers say. 不要过分相信报纸上的话。

2) feeling of certainty; trust in one's own ability 把握; 自信心

He answered the questions with confidence. 他很有把握地回答了那个问题。

You are too shy: you should have more confidence (in yourself). 你太缩手缩脚了, 应该增强(自)信心。

confident (8B- Unit 6)

adj. 自信的


He feels more confident now because of the Special Olympics World Games. 由于世界特奥会的举办,他现在感到更加自信了。


1) feeling or showing trust in oneself or one's ability 自信的; 有信心的; 有把握的

confident of sth/ that…

a confident smile, manner, speech 显示信心的微笑﹑态度﹑讲话等

feel confident of succeeding/that one will succeed 有信心能成功

He is confident of victory. 他对胜利充满信心。

2) confidently,副词,自信地

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Tips: 只给出单词及原句的词汇只需要掌握读音、拼写、含义即可

