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2024九年级英语【中考押题卷】09(含答案),电子版可下载打印 第1张



2024九年级英语【中考押题卷】09(含答案),电子版可下载打印 第2张


I. 听力。

第一节:听句子两遍, 选择正确的应答语, 完成1—5小题。并用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。

1.A. Yes, please. B. It doesn't matter. C. Nothing much.

2.A. Thank you. B. Go along this street. C. Never mind.

3.A. Sorry, I won't. B. Not at all. C. With pleasure.

4.A. I am fine. B. Hello, Jill speaking. C. Nice to meet you.

5.A. It's English. B. It's Sunday. C. It's sunny.

第二节:听对话两遍, 选择与对话内容相符的图画(其中有一幅是多余的), 完成6—10小题。并用2B 铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。


6. _____________

7. _____________

8. _____________

9. _____________

10. _____________

第三节:听对话和问题两遍, 根据对话内容, 选择最佳答案, 完成 11—15小题。并用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。

11.A. Some noodles and an egg. 

B. Some cakes.

C. Some bread and milk.

12.A By bike B. By bus. C. By car.

13.A. It's blue. B. It's red. C. It's green.

14.A. Because he has to do his homework.

B. Because he hurt his left arm.

C. Because he hurt his right leg.

15.A. Rock music. B. Pop music C. Light music.

第四节:听短文三遍, 根据所听内容在表格里的横线处填入适当的单词, 每处限填一词。



Smartphones (智能手机)

Example 1

A mother is looking at her smartphone while her little son is in ___16___ in the river.

Example 2

At a family party, the___17___as well as their parents have their eyes fixed(注视)on smartphone screens, leaving their grandparents alone.

Bad results of overusing(过


___18___no attention to others' safety.

Do harm to the relationships between you and ___19___ fiends and family.

The right way of using them

Use them___20___and focus more on the people around.


IⅡ. 单项选择。

A. 请在下列各题所给的四个选项中选出最佳选项, 完成各小题。并用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。

21.— Have you ever worked as________volunteer during the COVID-19 pandemic(新冠疫情)?

—Yes. It was ________unforgettable experience for me.

A. an; an B. an; a C. a; an D. a; a

22.—Judy, is that boy with glasses ________new classmate?

—Yes. Let's say hello to________.

A. we; he B. us; himself C. ours; his D. our; him

23.I like these books because they offer me a lot of________ knowledge.

A. useful B. awful C. useless D. boring

24.________ Jane________ her brother is going to the movies this weekend. One of them has to stay at home to look after their sick mother.

A. Neither; nor B. Either; or

C. Both; and D. Not only; but also

25.Sam ________ a computer from me yesterday.

A. sold B. borrowed C. lent D. returned

26.All of us helped to clean up the old people’s home ________ Eric. He had a bad cold.

A. besides B. against C. except D. with

27.Li Wenliang is a brave doctor ________ is known to millions of Chinese people.

A. who B. which C. what D. when

28.—Would you like to go hiking if it ________ fine this Saturday?

—I'd love to. But nobody knows if it________.

A. is; will rain B. is; rains

C. will be; will rain D. will be; rains

29.—Dear, how is your homework going?

—Oh, mom, I've just finished ________ of it.

A. second three B. two third

C. second threes D. two thirds

30.Fishing is one of ________activities among the middle—aged men like my uncles.

A. popular B. more popular

C. most popular D. the most popular

31.There is ________milk in the fridge, is there?

A. few B. a few C. little D. a little

32.—Is that Li Ming over there?

—It ________be him. He has gone to Zhenyuan for the Dragon Boat Festival.

A. must B. mustn't C. can D. can't

33.—________did the rainstorm come, Mr. Liu?

—While we ________ a chemistry lesson yesterday afternoon.

A. When; have had B. When; were having

C. While; are having D. While; have

34.—Chinese government has successfully stopped the virus from spreading in China.

—________proud we Chinese feel!

A. How B. How a C. What D. What a

35.—Excuse me. Could you tell me ________?

—At Xinhua Bookstore on Beijing Road of Kail

A. where did you buy the magazine

B. why you bought the magazine

C. how did you buy the magazine

D. where you bought the magazine




2024九年级英语【中考押题卷】09(含答案),电子版可下载打印 第3张

