151.ambiguous [æmˈbɪɡjʊəs]a. 模棱两可的
152.ambition [æmˈbɪʃən] n.目标,野心,雄心,抱负
153.ambulance [ˈæmbjʊləns] n. 救护车
154.America [əˈmerɪkə] n. 美国;美洲
155.American [əˈmerɪkən] a.美国人的n. 美国人
156.among [əˈmʌŋ] prep.在三个以上之间
157.amount [əˈmaʊnt] n. / v. 金额, 数量, 总计
158.ample [ˈæmpl] a. 足够的, 丰裕的
159.amuse [əˈmjuːz] vt. 使人快乐, 逗乐
160.amusement [əˈmjuːzmənt] n. 娱乐
161.analyze [ `ænəlaɪz] v. 分析
162.analysis [əˈnæləsɪs] n. 分析, 分析结果
163.ancestor [ˈænsəstə] n. 祖宗; 祖先
164.anchor [ˈænkə] n. 锚, 抛锚
165.ancient [ˈeɪnʃənt] a. 古代的, 古老的
166.and [ænd] conj. 和;又;而
167.anecdote [ˈænɪkdəʊt] n. 逸事, 趣闻
168.anger [ˈæŋɡə] n. 怒, 愤怒
169.angle [ˈæŋɡl] n. 角度
170.angry [ˈænɡrɪ] a. 生气的, 愤怒的
171.animal [ˈænɪməl] n. 动物
172.ankle [ˈæŋkl] n. 踝, 踝关节
173.anniversary [ænɪˈvɜːsərɪ] n. 周年纪念日
174.announce [əˈnaʊns] vt. 宣布, 宣告
175.announcement [əˈnaʊnsmənt] n. 通告, 通知
176.annoy [əˈnɔɪ] vt. 使烦恼
177.annual [ˈænjʊəl] a. 每年的, 年度的
178.another [əˈnʌðə] a. 再一;别的 pron. 另一个
179.answer [ˈɑːnsə] n.回答;回信v.答复;回信
180.ant [ænt] n. 蚂蚁
181.Antarctic [ænˈtɑːktɪk]a. 南极的
182.the Antarctic [ænˈtɑːktɪk] 南极
183.Antarctica [æn'tɑ:ktikə] n. 南极洲
184.antique [ænˈtiːk] n. 古董
185.anxiety [æŋˈzaɪətɪ] n. 担忧, 焦虑
186.anxious [ˈæŋkʃəs] a. 忧虑的, 焦急的
187.any [ˈenɪ] pron.哪些 任何的;一些;什么
188.anybody [ˈenɪbɔdɪ] pron. 任何人, 无论谁
189.anyhow [ˈenɪhaʊ] ad. 不管怎样
190.anyone [ˈenɪwʌn] pron. 任何人, 无论谁
191.anything [ˈenɪθɪŋ] pron. 什么事物;任何事物
192.anyway [ˈenɪweɪ] ad. 不管怎样
193.anywhere [ˈenɪweə] ad. 任何地方
194.apart [əˈpɑːt] ad/ a. 相隔, 相距, 除外
195.apartment [əˈpɑːtmənt] n.单元房;房间
196.apologize [əˈpɔlədʒaɪz] vi. 道歉, 谢罪
197.apology [əˈpɔlədʒɪ] n. 道歉;歉意
198.apparent [əˈpærənt] a. 显而易见
199.appeal [əˈpiːl] v. 上诉, 申诉, 吸引力
200.appear [əˈpɪə] vi. 出现
151.ambiguous [æmˈbɪɡjʊəs]a.______________
152.ambition [æmˈbɪʃən] n. ______________
153.ambulance [ˈæmbjʊləns] n. ______________
154.America [əˈmerɪkə] n. ______________
155.American [əˈmerɪkən] a. ______n. ______
156.among [əˈmʌŋ] prep. ___________
157.amount [əˈmaʊnt] n. / v. ___________
158.ample [ˈæmpl] a. ______________
159.amuse [əˈmjuːz] vt. ______________
160.amusement [əˈmjuːzmənt] n. _____________
161.analyze [`ænəlaɪz] v. ______________
162.analysis [əˈnæləsɪs] n. ______________
163.ancestor [ˈænsəstə] n. ______________
164.anchor [ˈænkə] n. ______________
165.ancient [ˈeɪnʃənt] a. ______________
166.and [ænd] conj. ___________
167.anecdote [ˈænɪkdəʊt] n. ______________
168.anger [ˈæŋɡə] n. ______________
169.angle [ˈæŋɡl] n. ______________
170.angry [ˈænɡrɪ] a. ______________
171.animal [ˈænɪməl] n. ______________
172.ankle [ˈæŋkl] n. ______________
173.anniversary [ænɪˈvɜːsərɪ] n. ______________
174.announce [əˈnaʊns] vt. ______________
175.announcement [əˈnaʊnsmənt] n. ___________
176.annoy [əˈnɔɪ] vt. ______________
177.annual [ˈænjʊəl] a. ______________
178.another [əˈnʌðə] a______pr_______
179.answer [ˈɑːnsə] n. _____v. _______
180.ant [ænt] n. ______________
181.Antarctic [ænˈtɑːktɪk]a. ______________
182.the Antarctic [ænˈtɑːktɪk] _____________
183.Antarctica [æn'tɑ:ktikə] n. ____________
184.antique [ænˈtiːk] n. ______________
185.anxiety [æŋˈzaɪətɪ] n. ______________
186.anxious [ˈæŋkʃəs] a. ______________
187.any [ˈenɪ] pron. ___________
188.anybody [ˈenɪbɔdɪ] pron. ___________
189.anyhow [ˈenɪhaʊ] ad. ______________
190.anyone [ˈenɪwʌn] pron. ____________
191.anything [ˈenɪθɪŋ] pron. ____________
192.anyway [ˈenɪweɪ]y ad. ______________
193.anywhere [ˈenɪweə] ad. ______________
194.apart [əˈpɑːt] ad/ a. ____________
195.apartment [əˈpɑːtmənt] n. ______________
196.apologize [əˈpɔlədʒaɪz] vi. ______________
197.apology [əˈpɔlədʒɪ] n. ______________
198.apparent [əˈpærənt] a. ______________
199.appeal [əˈpiːl] v. ______________
200.appear [əˈpɪə] vi. ______________
151. _________ [æmˈbɪɡjʊəs]a. 模棱两可的
152. _________ [æmˈbɪʃən] n.目标,野心,雄心,抱负
153. _________ [ˈæmbjʊləns] n. 救护车
154. _________ [əˈmerɪkə] n. 美国;美洲
155. _________ [əˈmerɪkən] a.美国人的n. 美国人
156. _________ [əˈmʌŋ] prep.在三个以上之间
157. _________ [əˈmaʊnt] n. / v. 金额, 数量, 总计
158. _________ [ˈæmpl] a. 足够的, 丰裕的
159. _________ [əˈmjuːz] vt. 使人快乐, 逗乐
160. _________ [əˈmjuːzmənt] n. 娱乐
161. _________[`ænəlaɪz] v. 分析
162. _________ [əˈnæləsɪs] n. 分析, 分析结果
163. _________ [ˈænsəstə] n. 祖宗; 祖先
164. _________ [ˈænkə] n. 锚, 抛锚
165. _________ [ˈeɪnʃənt] a. 古代的, 古老的
166. _________[ænd] conj. 和;又;而
167. _________ [ˈænɪkdəʊt] n. 逸事, 趣闻
168. _________ [ˈæŋɡə] n. 怒, 愤怒
169. _________ [ˈæŋɡl] n. 角度
170. _________ [ˈænɡrɪ] a. 生气的, 愤怒的
171. _________ [ˈænɪməl] n. 动物
172. _________ [ˈæŋkl] n. 踝, 踝关节
173. _________ [ænɪˈvɜːsərɪ] n. 周年纪念日
174. _________ [əˈnaʊns] vt. 宣布, 宣告
175. _________ [əˈnaʊnsmənt] n. 通告, 通知
176. _________ [əˈnɔɪ] vt. (使)烦恼
177. _________ [ˈænjʊəl] a. 每年的, 年度的
178. _________ [əˈnʌðə] a. 再一;别的 pron.另一个
179. _________ [ˈɑːnsə] n.回答;回信v.答复;回信
180. _________ [ænt] n. 蚂蚁
181. _________ [ænˈtɑːktɪk] a. 南极的
182. _________ [ænˈtɑːktɪk] n.南极
183. _________ [æn'tɑ:ktikə] n. 南极洲
184. _________ [ænˈtiːk] n. 古董
185. _________ [æŋˈzaɪətɪ] n. 担忧, 焦虑
186. _________ [ˈæŋkʃəs] a. 忧虑的, 焦急的
187. _________ [ˈenɪ] pron.哪些 任何的;什么
188. _________ [ˈenɪbɔdɪ] pron. 任何人, 无论谁
189. _________ [ˈenɪhaʊ] ad. 不管怎样
190. _________ [ˈenɪwʌn] pron. 任何人, 无论谁
191. _________ [ˈenɪθɪŋ] pron. 什么事物;任何事物
192. _________ [ˈenɪweɪ] ad. 不管怎样
193. _________ [ˈenɪweə] ad. 任何地方
194. _________ [əˈpɑːt] ad/ a. 相隔, 相距, 除外
195. _________ [əˈpɑːtmənt] n.单元房;房间
196. _________ [əˈpɔlədʒaɪz] vi. 道歉, 谢罪
197. _________ [əˈpɔlədʒɪ] n. 道歉;歉意
198. _________ [əˈpærənt] a. 显而易见
199. _________ [əˈpiːl] v. 上诉, 申诉, 吸引力
200. _________ [əˈpɪə] vi. 出现
1.ambiguous a. 模棱两可的
ambiguously ad. 含糊不清地
2.ambition n.目标,野心,雄心,抱负
ambitious a有抱负的;费劲的
3.America n. 美国;美洲
American a.美国人的n. 美国人
4.amuse vt. 使人快乐, 逗乐
amusing a. 逗人发笑的,有趣的
amused a. 被逗乐的,觉得好笑的
amusement n. 娱乐;娱乐活动
5.analyze v. 分析
analysisn. 分析, 分析结果
6.anger n. 生气, 愤怒
angry a. 生气的, 愤怒的
angrily ad. 愤怒地
7.announce vt. 宣布, 宣告
announcer n广播员;宣告者
announcement n. 通告, 通知
8.annoy vt. 使烦恼
annoying a. 令人恼火的,令人烦躁的
annoyed a. 感到恼怒的,感到烦恼的
annoyance n. 烦恼,气恼;令人恼火的事
9.annual a. 每年的, 年度的
annually ad. 每年,一年一次地
10.anxietyn. 担忧, 焦虑
anxiousa. 忧虑的, 焦急的
anxiously ad. 不安地,忧虑地
11.apologize vi. 道歉, 谢罪
apology n. 道歉;歉意
apologetic a. 道歉的,愧疚的
12.apparent a. 显而易见
apparently ad. 据…所知;看来;显然
13.appeal v. 上诉, 申诉, 吸引力
appealing a. 有吸引力的;有感染力的;希望同情的
14.appear vi. 出现
disappear vi 消失
appearance n 外貌;出现
disappearance n 消失
1.a large amount of大量的(接不可数名词)
2.amount to 总计;等于
3.to one’s amusement 使某人感到好笑的是
4.in ancient times 在古代
6.in anger 愤怒地
7.be angry with sb 生某人的气
8.be angry at/about sth生某事的气
9.the wedding anniversary结婚周年纪念日
10.announce sth to sb向某人宣布某事
11.make an announcement 发表公告
12.be annoyed with sb.生某人的气
13. to one’s annoyance令某人生气的是
14.one another相互
15.another day 另一天:指未来的某一天
16.another three chairs 另外四把椅子
17.answer the letter/phone/doorbell 回信/回电/开门
18.answer for 因……而受罚;对……负责
19.the Antarctic南极洲
20.be anxious to do 渴望做某事
21.be anxious about对……担忧
22.be anxious for sth 渴望得到
23.anything but 决不
24.tell…apart 区分,辨别
25.set…apart from…把……与……区分开
26.apart from 除了……
27.apologize to sb for sth为……向……道歉
28.make an apology to sb for sth 为……向……道歉
29.It is apparent that…显而易见的是……
30.appeal to 吸引;上诉;呼吁
31.appear to do 好像做了某事
32.It appears as if…看起来好像……
1. At the meeting, they made a detailed ________(analyze) of the test results.
2. She was annoyed ________ Tom for forgetting to phone.
3. It can be misleading to judge people by their ________(appear).
4. They celebrate their wedding anniversary ________(annual).
5. Actually he was anxious ________ her safety.
6. Many wild animals are ________(appear) because of excess hunting.
7. The prime minister is making an important ________(announce) at the moment.
8. The government has announced an ________(ambition) program to modernize the railway network.
9. He must be made to answer ________ his terrible crimes.
10. He could amuse us for hours ________ his stories of the theatre.
11.Four Chinese models were ______ the 14 people awarded prizes on Friday at the World Supermodel Competition.
12. Large amounts of money ________________ (spend) on building the bridge so far.
13. A large amount of money _________________ (spend) on building the bridge so far.
14. I didn’t find the joke at all ______________ (amuse).
15. Playing with water can keep children_____________ (amuse) for hours.
16. The teacher got___________ (anger) that Jenny was late again.
17. It really __________________ (annoy) me when I see people dropping litter.
18. Recycling is one way to protect the environment; reusing is ___________.
19. There is no easy answer _________the problem.
20. Children normally feel a lot of ______________ (anxious) about their first day at school.
21. She was waiting for his mother ___________________ (anxious).
22. I think Mrs Stark could be anywhere ___________50 and 60 years of age.
23. He had a deep voice, which set him _______from others in our small town.
24. Sport has become an important form of entertainment, _______________(appeal) to both men and women.
25. Harry Potter stories are so _____________ (appeal) that they encourage children to read more.
26. _____________ appeared that he had a taste for music.
27. With the word “PM2.5” constantly ________________ (appear) in media reports, you might be wondering what on earth it means.
28. Do let your mother know all the truth, she appears to__________ (tell) everything.
29. There’s evidence _________ people who have a purpose in life appear __________ (do) better.
30. I thought she had retired, but ___________(apparent) she hasn’t.
1. analysis 2.with 3.appearance 4.annually 5.about 6.disappearing 7.announcement 8.ambitous 9.for 10.with 11.among 12.have been spent 13.has been spent 14.amusing 15.amused 16.angry 17.annoys 18.another 19.to 20. anxiety 21. anxiously 22.between 23.apart 24.appealing 25.appealing 26.It 27.appearing 28.have been told 29.that, to do 30. apparently
with anxiety, anything but, to one’s amusement, in anger, appeal to, one another, apart from, amoun to, apologize to, answer for |
1. ______________, the teacher sang a funny song during the class.
2. Consumer spending on sports-related items ______________ $9.75 billion that year.
3. Unfortunately, our hosts were ________________ friendly.
4. He shouted ________________, accompanying words and blows.
5. It is apparent that the mother is waiting for her son ________________ at the school gate.
6. —That pair of shoes just doesn’t ________________ me. —But I like them.
7. ________________ the ending, it’s a really good film.
8. They gave ________________ presents when they met at the airport.
1. To our amusement 2. amounted to 3.anything but 4.in anger 5. with anxiety 6.appeal to 7.Apart from 8. one another
维度八:熟词新意 (ambiguous-appear)
1. Body language can sometimes be ambiguous. __________
2. We got an ambulance and rushed to the hospital.__________
3. The tournament is open to amateurs as well as professionals.__________
4. My next work was to construct a nest and anchor it in a tree.__________
5. Try looking at the affair from a different angle.__________
6. His ancestors had come to America from Ireland.__________
7. My ankles have swollen.__________
8. They had a candlelight dinner to celebrate their wedding anniversary. __________
9. Priceless antiques were destroyed in the fire.__________
10. Maria is anything but stupid!__________
11. What a terrible experience! Anyway, you’re safe now—that’s the main thing. __________
1. 有歧义的2. 救护车 3. 业余选手4. 固定5. 从不同角度6. 祖先 7. 脚踝 8. 周年纪念日 9.古董10.决不 11. 反正,无论如何
1. She ____________________ (对…生气) Duncan for forgetting phone.
2. Our school’s ____________ (一年一度的运动会) day took place yesterday in 30-degree heat.
3. He was so busy that he didn’t have time to (接电话).
4. You will have to____________________ (对…负责)your wrongdoing one day.
5. He did well in his exams, __________(尽管) his apparent lack of interest in his work.
1. was annoyed/angry with 2. annual sports meeting 3. answer the phone 4. answer for 5.in spite of
1. 说是一回事,做是另一回事。(another)
2. 医生接了我的电话就立即赶过来了。(answer)
3. 很抱歉,我不能和你们一起吃饭了。(apologize)
4. 没有参加他的聚会,我得向他道歉。(apology)
5. 政府正呼吁人人节约用水。(appeal)
1. Saying is one thing and doing is another.
2. The doctor came at once in answer to my telephone call.
3. I apologize for not being able to join you for dinner.
4. I must make an apology to him for not going to his party.
5. The government is appealing to everyone to save water.
(2023全国甲卷) For thousands of years, people have told fables (寓言) 1 (teach) a lesson or to pass on wisdom. Fables were part of the oral tradition of many early cultures, and the well-known Aesop’s fables date to the 2 (six) century, B. C. Yet, the form of the fable still has values today, 3 Rachel Carson says in “A Fable for Tomorrow”.
Carson uses a simple, direct style common to fable. In fact, her style and tone (口吻) are seemingly directed at children. “There was once a town in the heart of America, 4 all life seemed to enjoy peaceful existence with is surroundings,” her fable begins, 5 (borrow) some familiar words from many age-old fables. Behind the simple style, however, is a serious message 6 (intend) for everyone.
7 (difference) from traditional fables, Carson’s story ends with an accusation instead of a moral. She warns of the environmental dangers facing society, and she teaches that people must take responsibility 8 saving their environment.
The themes of traditional fables often deal with simple truths about everyday life. However, Cason’s theme is a more weighty 9 (warn) about environmental destruction. Carson proves that a simple lyric form that has been passed down through the ages can still 10 (employ) today to draw attention to important truths.
【答案】1. to teach 2. sixth 3. as . where 5. borrowing 6. intended 7. Different 8. for 9. warning 10. be employed
1.考查非谓语动词。句意:几千年来,人们通过讲寓言来传授知识或传授智慧。根据句意可知,此处表达“来传授知识和智慧”,所以用不定式作目的状语。故填to teach。
5.考查非谓语动词。句意:“从前,在美国的中心地带有一个小镇,那里所有的生命似乎都和周围的环境一起享受着和平的生活,”她的寓言是这样开头的,借用了许多古老寓言中的一些熟悉的词。句中已有谓语动词,所以用非谓语动词形式。逻辑主语her fable与borrow之间为主动关系,所以用现在分词作状语。故填borrowing。
6.考查非谓语动词。句意:然而,在简洁的风格背后,是每个人都想要传达的重要信息。be intended for打算为……所用,在句中作定语,所以用过去分词形式。故填intended。
7.考查形容词。句意:与传统寓言不同,卡森的故事以一种指责而不是道德结束。be different from与……不同,所以用形容词作状语。故填Different。
8.考查介词。句意:她警告社会面临的环境危险,并教导人们必须承担起保护环境的责任。take responsibility for对……负责。故填for。
10.考查语态。句意:卡森证明了一种简单的抒情形式,已经代代相传,今天仍然可以用来吸引人们对重要真理的关注。从句主语a simple lyric form与employ之间为被动关系,所以用被动语态。情态动词can后接动词原形。故填be employed