高考 Reading|2024年宝山区高考英语二模试卷 阅读理解C篇分析

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高考 Reading|2024年宝山区高考英语二模试卷 阅读理解C篇分析 第1张

高考 Reading|2024年宝山区高考英语二模试卷 阅读理解C篇分析 第2张

Pretty much everyone has, at some point, made excuses to avoid working on a task they fear. But some people do this more often than others, which can result in disastrous consequences. Regularly putting off difficult or unpleasant tasks can lead to low grades at school, poor performance at work and financial consequences, such as late fees. Procrastination can also harm relationships and even affect your health, as it increases stress levels, sometimes resulting in illness.

It's possible to procrastinateby binge-watching (大量观看) your favorite show or doing other mindless activities, but procrastination doesn't always look like laziness. Some people procrastinate to avoid difficult tasks by working on easier but less important tasks. This can make them feel productive even as they neglect the most important items on their to-do lists.

In order to overcome procrastination, you must first understand why you procrastinate. Perhaps you are a perfectionist, so you find not completing a task less upsetting than doing it badly. Perhaps the task is complicated or confusing, and you don't know where to begin. Or perhaps you are waiting to feel inspired to complete the task or believe that you become better under pressure.

Correcting your thinking can aid you in overcoming procrastination. You probably tend to overestimate how quickly you can finish tasks and how motivated you will feel later. Most work does not need to wait until you feel inspired, and if you begin the task, feelings of inspiration may follow. Further, research shows that despite some people's perceptions (感知), most individuals do not actually produce better work under pressure.

If you are procrastinating because a task seems too overwhelming or too complicated, break it up into smaller pieces that feel more manageable. This can mean doing a part of the task, or dedicating a set amount of time - say, 15 minutes - to working on it.

It may help to think about why the task is important. How will it contribute to your goals? How will it affect other people? What negative consequences could come from not doing it in a timely manner?

Scheduling when you will work on tasks can be helpful as well, and so can ruthlessly eliminating distractions. You may need to put away your phone or go to a quiet room.

Overcoming procrastination is a challenge, but doing so leads to benefits in many areas of life.

63. The word procrastinate in the second paragraph most probably means ______.

A. keep off B. get off                                 C. put off                                                 D. take off

64. According to the passage, how many kinds of consequences may result from procrastination?

A. 5. B. 2.                                        C. 6.                                                 D. 7.

65. What can we conclude from the passage?

A. Nobody can entirely avoid procrastination in his personal life.

B. Doing easier or unimportant tasks can make us more productive.

C. The more pressure we have, the more productive we will become.

D. It's generally more subjective than objective to procrastinate in life.

66. The best title for the passage may be ______.

A. The challenges of procrastination and strategies to solve it

B. The reasons of procrastination and the ways of avoiding it

C. The advantages and disadvantages of procrastination in life

D. The causes and process of procrastination in communication

【答案】63. C    64. A    65. D   66. B




词句猜测题。根据划线词下文Some people procrastinate to avoid difficult tasks by working on easier but less important tasks. This can make them feel productive even as they neglect the most important items on their to-do lists.(有些人拖延是为了逃避困难的任务,而去做更容易但不那么重要的任务。这会让他们觉得自己很有效率,即使他们忽略了待办事项清单上最重要的事情)可知,人们为了避免困难任务而去做其他无关紧要的事情,这是在拖延,与put off这个短语的含义非常匹配,故选C


细节理解题。根据第一段的But some people do this more often than others, which can result in disastrous consequences. Regularly putting off difficult or unpleasant tasks can lead to low grades at school, poor performance at work and financial consequences, such as late fees. Procrastination can also harm relationships and even affect your health, as it increases stress levels, sometimes resulting in illness.(但有些人比其他人更经常这样做,这可能会导致灾难性的后果。经常推迟困难或不愉快的任务会导致学习成绩不佳,工作表现不佳,还会带来经济上的后果,比如滞纳金。拖延症还会损害人际关系,甚至影响你的健康,因为它会增加压力水平,有时会导致疾病可知,拖延可能导致的后果包括:在学校成绩不佳,工作表现不佳,以及经济上的后果(例如滞纳金),损害人际关系,影响健康甚至会导致疾病。由此可知,拖延可能导致的后果有五种。故选A


推理判断题。根据第三段的In order to overcome procrastination, you must first understand why you procrastinate. Perhaps you are a perfectionist, so you find not completing a task less upsetting than doing it badly. Perhaps the task is complicated or confusing, and you don't know where to begin. Or perhaps you are waiting to feel inspired to complete the task or believe that you become better under pressure.(为了克服拖延症,你必须首先了解自己为什么会拖延。也许你是一个完美主义者,所以你觉得没有完成一项任务比把它做得不好更令人沮丧。也许这个任务很复杂或令人困惑,你不知道从哪里开始。或者你正在等待灵感来完成任务,或者相信你在压力下会变得更好)和第四段的Correcting your thinking can aid you in overcoming procrastination. You probably tend to overestimate how quickly you can finish tasks and how motivated you will feel later. Most work does not need to wait until you feel inspired, and if you begin the task, feelings of inspiration may follow. Further, research shows that despite some people’s perceptions, most individuals do not actually produce better work under pressure.(纠正你的想法可以帮助你克服拖延症。你可能倾向于高估自己完成任务的速度以及之后的动力。大多数工作不需要等到你感到灵感,如果你开始任务,灵感的感觉可能随之而来。此外,研究表明,尽管有些人有这样的看法,但大多数人实际上并没有在压力下做出更好的工作)可知,拖延的程度取决于个人的主观感受和态度,而不是客观事实。拖延的主观性意味着每个人对任务的看法和应对方式都可能不同,挑战在于克服个人心理障碍和行为模式。由此推知,拖延倾向在生活中通常更具主观性而非客观性。故选D


主旨大意题。通读全文,根据第二段的It’s possible to procrastinate bybinge-watching your favorite show or doing other mindless activities, but procrastination doesn't always look like laziness. Some people procrastinate to avoid difficult tasks by working on easier but less important tasks. This can make them feel productive even as they neglect the most important items on their to-do lists.(你可能会因为大量观看喜欢的节目或做其他不需要动脑的事情而拖延,但拖延并不总是看起来像懒惰。有些人拖延是为了逃避困难的任务,而去做更容易但不那么重要的任务。这会让他们觉得自己很有效率,即使他们忽略了待办事项清单上最重要的事情)和第四段的Correcting your thinking can aid you in overcoming procrastination. (纠正你的想法可以帮助你克服拖延症)可知,文章主要讲述了拖延症的原因和避免它的方法。故选B

高考 Reading|2024年宝山区高考英语二模试卷 阅读理解C篇分析 第3张
