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Long long ago, people didn’t know how to plant crops, or how to make cloth, or how to make tools. Life was difficult. The god Nyame up in the sky had all the wisdom of the world. He kept it    1   in a pot.

One day, Nyame decided that he would give the pot of wisdom to Anansi. Every time Anansi looked in the pot, he learned something    2   . It was so exciting!

Greedy Anansi thought, “I’ll keep the pot safe at the   3  of a tall tree. Then I can have it all to myself!” He tied the pot to his    4   closely and began to climb the tree. But it was hard to climb the tree with the pot hitting him in the knees.

All the time Anansi’s young son had been    5   under the tree. Then he said, “Wouldn’t it be easier to climb if you tied the pot to your back instead?” Although Anansi had    6   at first, he followed his son’s idea later and it really was a lot easier.

In no time he was high up in the tree. He said to himself with satisfaction, “That’s it! No one can    7   this place!” But then he stopped and thought, “I’m supposed to be the one with all the wisdom, but here my son was    8   than me! How could it be!” With all his strength, Anansi threw the pot down out of the tree    9   .

It broke into pieces on the ground. The wisdom was free for everyone. Then people learned to farm, to make clothes, to make tools, and all the other things.

It’s true that    10   wisdom makes a better world.

1.A.cool       B.safe       C.alive       D.fresh

2.A.easy       B.famous       C.new       D.familiar

3.A.top       B.corner       C.back       D.bottom

4.A.stomach       B.back       C.hands       D.feet

5.A.listening       B.watching       C.warning       D.talking    

6.A.doubt       B.hope       C.laughing       D.luck

7.A.pass       B.accept       C.check       D.reach

8.A.more careful       B.more creative       C.calmer       D.cleverer

9.A.nervously       B.angrily       C.excitedly       D.helplessly

10.A.hiding       B.collecting       C.sharing       D.creating


Oumarou is a student from Niger studying at Hebei University. He has had a     11    experience learning Chinese kung fu. In 2012, he     12    to the university not only to get an education but also to achieve his dream of learning kung fu. He became a fan of kung fu after watching     13    with famous actors. This made him become     14    in kung fu. Oumarou thinks that studying Chinese kung fu helps him understand Chinese culture     15    than before. While studying in Baoding, Oumarou joined the university’s wushu club. The club taught him to be brave and honest, which made him more energetic.     16    he is already 36 years old, he still wants to work harder to learn newer moves.

So far, Oumarou has learned boxing and how to use many traditional Chinese weapons (兵器). Learning kung fu has also     17    him many other benefits. He has made a lot of Chinese     18    through learning kung fu and has visited many places around China. Next, Oumarou     19    to open a kung fu center in Niger to teach young people kung fu. He believes it will help them build a     20    between Chinese and Niger cultures.

11.A.dangerous       B.useless       C.fantastic       D.common

12.A.changed       B.came       C.left       D.studied

13.A.movies       B.poems       C.books       D.song

14.A.interested       B.tired       C.scared       D.bored

15.A.less       B.harder       C.worse       D.better

16.A.If       B.Though       C.Because       D.Until    

17.A.taught       B.brought       C.sold       D.hurt

18.A.drivers       B.strangers       C.students       D.friends

19.A.forgets       B.stops       C.allows       D.plans

20.A.bridge       B.building       C.tower       D.house


When my mother was pregnant (怀孕的), the first thing my father did was to buy a TV. It was 1957 and TVs were a new technology then. He thought that with a baby, they’d be going out a lot less and that he would need to find     21    at home.

That was the first gift he gave me. But when I     22    other gifts my father has given me, the first would be a     23    of reading. He is always right in the middle of our study. He and my mother gave me a love of words and books. He has been     24    deaf in one ear since he was two years old, so we hardly listened to music. In my childhood, storybooks were king-not songs.

The second is respecting all. Even     25    my sister and I were little, the conversation around the dinner table was noisy but adult-level. Your age didn’t     26    . If you voiced an opinion, you had to argue your case and give evidence (证据). He     27    everyone the same child or adult, CEO or cleaner.

The     28    gift to his daughters, however, was that he took interest in our brains and never our appearances. Most     29    women I know had fathers who valued their intelligence (智慧). My father said that my mother was the most intelligent person he had ever met.

Over the years, my father taught me never to stand still and I should fight for change. I continue to     30    his lead.

21.A.freedom       B.fun       C.exercise       D.time

22.A.put away       B.count down       C.tidy up       D.think of

23.A.lot       B.thought       C.love       D.idea    

24.A.completely       B.suddenly       C.finally       D.quietly

25.A.as soon as       B.before       C.when       D.unless

26.A.mean       B.matter       C.mind       D.say

27.A.talks       B.thinks       C.makes       D.treats

28.A.greatest       B.richest       C.dearest       D.coolest

29.A.attractive       B.beautiful       C.important       D.successful

30.A.learn       B.follow       C.obey       D.get



Yang Jun’ao, a 16-year-old student from No. 9 Middle School in Nanxian County, Hunan province,    31   a “lotus root harvesting robot (采藕机器人)”.

“I got the idea    32   seeing my grandmother in her 70s, working hard to harvest lotus roots under the hot sun,” Yang said. Sometimes, she would badly hurt    33   fingers using harvesting tools.

To make things    34   for his grandmother, Yang thought of creating a machine that could automatically (自动地) harvest lotus roots.    35   his teacher’s help, Yang only spent several months building a model of the machine.

When the lotus roots get ripe (成熟的), their leaves turn brown or black. The robot can find ripe roots by looking at the    36   of the lotus leaves. The robot moves on itself through the muddy field. Its arm then cuts the lotus roots without damaging (破坏) them.

Yang faced    37   like collecting parts for the model, putting them together and using a hot glue gun for bonding during the invention process. “The    38   time I used a hot glue gun, my hands were shaking. But practice makes perfect, I can do it well later,” Yang laughed.

   39    Yang showed the machine to his grandmother, she was happy and gave helpful suggestions for improvement.    

Although Yang still needs to make improvements, like finding cheaper ways to make the machines, his teacher Hong spoke    40   of Yang’s creative thinking and spirit to help his hometown.

31.A.found       B.discovered       C.helped       D.invented

32.A.through       B.before       C.after       D.with

33.A.my       B.your       C.her       D.his

34.A.easier       B.funnier       C.busier       D.worse

35.A.Thanks for       B.Thanks to       C.Think about       D.Think up

36.A.color       B.size       C.place       D.time

37.A.changes       B.chances       C.challenges       D.characters

38.A.second       B.first       C.final       D.next

39.A.When       B.But       C.If       D.Although

40.A.badly       B.highly       C.quickly       D.hardly


During the Lunar New Year in China, on the doors and windows of Chinese homes, you often see the bright red character fu posted upside down. There were many stories about the     41    of posting the character fu upside down.

One of them is that the first emperor of the Ming Dynasty Zhu Yuanzhang     42    to post the character fu on the doors of some houses as a mark and planned to kill someone in the families.

In order to prevent too many killings, the     43    Empress (皇后) Ma made all the families post the character fu on their doors before sunrise. Certainly, no one dared to disobey (违抗) Empress Ma’s will, so the character fu was posted on the door of every house. Among them, some families who didn’t received the education     44    the character fu upside down.    

The next day, the emperor sent soldiers to catch the victims (受害者), but they     45    that every family had the character fu posted on the door, while a few families did it upside down. When hearing the     46    , the emperor got angry, and quickly ordered his soldiers to     47    the families that stuck the character fu upside down. Just at the time, the Empress     48    went to talk to the emperor, “The families know that you are visiting today and on purpose put the     49    upside down. Doesn’t this mean ‘fu dao’ (literally meaning blessing comes)?” Then the emperor thought the explanation made sense and ordered to set those people free.

Since then, some people have      50     the character fu upside down during the Chinese New Year.

41.A.reason       B.result       C.course       D.excuse

42.A.listened       B.ordered       C.refused       D.stopped

43.A.sad       B.shy       C.lazy       D.kind

44.A.took       B.brought       C.stuck       D.bought

45.A.found       B.realized       C.asked       D.understood

46.A.story       B.suggestion       C.report       D.letter

47.A.save       B.kill       C.train       D.help

48.A.slowly       B.hurriedly       C.patiently       D.angrily

49.A.picture       B.homework       C.art       D.character

50.A.put off       B.given up       C.looked up       D.put up





1.B    2.C    3.A    4.A    5.B    6.A    7.D    8.D    9.B    10.C




cool酷的;safe安全的;alive活着的;fresh新鲜的。根据“I’ll keep the pot safe”可知是把智慧放在罐子里,保证它的安全。故选B。


easy容易的;famous著名的;new新的;familiar相似的。根据“he learned something”可知是学到新东西。故选C。


top顶端;corner角落;back后面;bottom底部。根据“began to climb the tree”可知是想放到树顶上。故选A。


stomach胃;back背部;hands手;feet脚。根据“But it was hard to climb the tree with the pot hitting him in the knees.”可知是把罐子绑在肚子上,所以爬树的时候罐子会打到他的膝盖上。故选A。


listening听;watching看;warning警告;talking说话。根据“All the time Anansi’s young son had been”可知他儿子在树下看。故选B。    


doubt怀疑;hope希望;laughing笑;luck运气。根据“at first, he followed his son’s idea later and it really was a lot easier.”可知他刚开始怀疑,但是还是听从了儿子的建议。故选A。


pass通过;accept接受;check检查;reach到达。根据“this place”可知是没有人能到达树顶。故选D。


more careful更认真的;more creative更有创造力的;calmer更镇定的;cleverer更聪明的。根据“I’m supposed to be the one with all the wisdom, but here my son was”可知他以为自己有所有的智慧,但是在这个事情上,他儿子比他聪明。故选D。


nervously紧张地;angrily生气地;excitedly兴奋地;helplessly无助地。根据“With all his strength”以及前文可知他认为他儿子比自己聪明,所以他很生气。故选B。


hiding隐藏;collecting收集;sharing分享;creating创造。根据“The wisdom was free for everyone”以及“wisdom makes a better world.”可知大家都分享智慧,世界会变得更美好。故选C。


11.C    12.B    13.A    14.A    15.D    16.B    17.B    18.D    19.D    20.A




dangerous危险的;useless无用的;fantastic极好的,非常棒的;common共同的。 根据“       to achieve his dream of learning kung fu”和“Oumarou thinks that studying Chinese kung fu helps him understand Chinese culture”可知,这次经历是美好的,故选C。    


changed改变;came来;left离开;studied学习。根据“Oumarou is a student from Niger studying at Hebei University.”可知,此处指“来到这所大学”,故选B。


movies电影;poems诗歌;books书;song歌曲。 根据“with famous actors”可知,演员演的应是电影,故选A。


interested有趣的;tired累的;scared惊恐的;bored厌倦的。根据“He became a fan of kung fu”可知,他对功夫感兴趣,be interested in“对……感兴趣”,故选A。


less较少;harder更难地;worse更糟地;better更好地。根据“helps him understand Chinese culture...”可知,应是帮他更好地理解中国文化,故选D。


If如果;Though尽管;Because因为;Until直到。前句“he is already 36 years old”和后句“he still wants to work harder to learn newer moves”之间存在让步关系,所以用though引导让步状语从句,故选B。


taught教;brought带来;sold卖;hurt使受伤。 根据“...him many other benefits”可知,是给他带来了好处,故选B。    


drivers司机;strangers陌生人;students学生;friends朋友。根据“made a lot of Chinese...”可知,此处指“交朋友”,make friends“交朋友”,故选D。


forgets忘记;stops阻止;allows允许;plans计划。根据“...to open a kung fu center”可知,应是计划开一家功夫中心,故选D。


bridge桥;building建筑物;tower塔;house房子。根据“build a...between Chinese and Niger cultures”可知,此处指搭建两国之间的文化桥梁,故选A。


21.B    22.D    23.C    24.A    25.C    26.B    27.D    28.A    29.D    30.B




freedom自由;fun乐趣;exercise练习;time时间。根据“they’d be going out a lot less”可知,买一个电视是为了找点乐趣,故选B。


put away收起来;count down倒计时;tidy up整理;think of想到。根据“...other gifts my father has given me, the first would be a...”可知,这是作者想到的事情,故选D。


lot很多;thought思考;love爱;idea主意。根据“He and my mother gave me a love of words and books”可知,是指爱,故选C。    


completely完全;suddenly突然;finally最终;quietly安静地。根据“since he was two years old”可知,耳朵几乎完全聋了,故选A。


as soon as一……就……;before在……之前;when当……时候;unless除非。根据“my sister and I were little, the conversation around the dinner table was noisy but adult-level”可知,是指当自己和妹妹还小的时候,餐桌上的谈话就很吵,故选C。


mean意味着;matter要紧;mind介意;say说。根据“If you voiced an opinion, you had to argue your case and give evidence”可知,作者认为年龄并不重要,故选B。


talks谈论;thinks认为;takes拿;treats对待。根据“everyone the same child or adult, CEO or cleaner.”可知,父亲对待每个人都是一样,故选D。


greatest最大的;richest最富裕的;dearest最贵的;coolest最酷的。根据“was that he took interest in our brains and never our appearances”可知,作者父亲给女儿们最大的礼物是对孩子的头脑感兴趣,也就是聪明才智,故选A。


attractive有吸引力的;beautiful美丽的;important重要的;successful成功的。根据“women I know had fathers who valued their intelligence (智慧).”可知,是指成功的女性,故选D。


learn学习;follow跟随;obey遵守;get得到。根据“my father taught me never to stand still and I should fight for change.”可知,父亲教导作者不要固步自封,要勇于改变,作者会继续追随父亲的引导,故选B。


31.D    32.C    33.C    34.A    35.B    36.A    37.C    38.B    39.A    40.B




found找到;discovered发现;helped帮助;invented发明,创造。“lotus root harvesting robot”是一种原本自然界不存在的东西,是新发明的一种工具。故选D。






easier更轻松;funnier更有趣;busier更忙碌;worse更糟糕。根据“seeing my grandmother in her 70s, working hard to harvest lotus roots under the hot sun”可知,奶奶收割莲藕很辛苦,所以杨发明自动化机器是为了让奶奶轻松一些。故选A。


Thanks for为……而感谢;Thanks to多亏,由于;Think about考虑;Think up想出。根据“...his teacher’s help”可知,此处指杨很快完成发明是由于老师的帮助,侧重强调感谢的对象。故选B。    


color颜色;size尺寸;place地点;time时间。根据“When the lotus roots get ripe, their leaves turn brown or black.”可知,莲藕成熟的时候,叶子颜色会发生变化,所以机器人是通过颜色来辨别莲藕是否成熟。故选A。


changes改变;chances机会;challenges挑战;characters人物。根据“like collecting parts for the model,...the invention process”可知,设空处后介绍了发明过程中遇到的挑战。故选C。


second第二;first第一;final最终;next下次。根据“The...time I used a hot glue gun, my hands were shaking. But practice makes perfect, I can do it well later.”可知,杨在介绍使用热熔胶时熟能生巧的历程,所以第一次很生疏。故选B。


When当……时;But但是;If如果;Although尽管。本句中“Yang showed the machine to his grandmother”和“gave helpful suggestions for improvement”两个动作先后发生,when引导时间状语从句。故选A。


badly坏地;highly高级地,高标准地;quickly快速地;hardly几乎不。根据“Although Yang still needs to make improvements...to help his hometown.”可知,设空处后转折表述虽然技术还不成熟,但是老师给予了他高度的评价。故选B。    


41.A    42.B    43.D    44.C    45.A    46.C    47.B    48.B    49.D    50.D






listened听;ordered命令;refused拒绝;stopped停止。根据“the first emperor of the Ming Dynasty Zhu Yuanzhang ...to post the character fu on the doors of some houses as a mark and planned to kill someone in the families.”可知,贴“福”字和杀死一些人都是皇帝朱元璋命令手下去做的。故选B。


sad伤心的;shy害羞的;lazy懒惰的;kind仁慈的。根据“In order to prevent too many killings”可知,马皇后不想有太多杀戮,由此可知她应是仁慈的。故选D。


took拿;brought带来;stuck贴;bought买。根据下文“the families that stuck the character fu upside down.”可知,应是把“福”字贴反了。故选C。


found发现;realized意识到;asked请求;understood理解。根据“they...that every family had the character fu posted on the door, while a few families did it upside down.”可知,此处指士兵发现一些家庭的“福”字贴倒了。故选A。


story故事;suggestion建议;report汇报;letter信。根据上文“they found that every family had the character fu posted on the door, while a few families did it upside down.”可知,士兵发现一些家庭的“福”字贴倒了,于是向皇帝汇报,皇帝听的是士兵的汇报。故选C。


save拯救;kill杀死;train训练;help帮助。根据“the emperor got angry”可知,皇帝很生气,便降罪于平民,下令让士兵杀死那些家庭。故选B。


slowly缓慢地;hurriedly匆忙地;patiently耐心地;angrily生气的。根据上文“kind Empress”和“ordered his soldiers to kill the families that stuck the character fu upside down.”可知,听说皇帝要杀人,仁慈的皇后应该是急忙去劝说皇帝。故选B。


picture图画;homework家庭作业;art艺术;character字。根据上文“some families who didn’t received the education stuck the character fu upside down.”可知,是字贴反了。故选D。


put off推迟;given up放弃;looked up查阅;put up张贴。根据“...the character fu upside down during the Chinese New Year.”可知,在中国新年期间把“福”字倒贴起来。故选D。

