真题作文 | 2023各地中考英语作文及优秀范文汇总

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真题作文 | 2023各地中考英语作文及优秀范文汇总 第1张




真题作文 | 2023各地中考英语作文及优秀范文汇总 第2张

cook a meal, make a gift, take a walk with him, delicious, special, ...
文中不得出现你的任何真实信息 (姓名、校名和地名等);

Today is Father’s Day. I want to do something meaningful for him.

First, I will cook a meal for him. My father is very busy but he often makes delicious food for me. So I want to thank him and let him have a rest. Also, I plan to make a special gift by myself. I think he will like it. Last, I am going to take a walk with him. I can tell him interesting stories to make him happy.

All in all, I really love my father. And I really want to say: “I love you, dad.”



真题作文 | 2023各地中考英语作文及优秀范文汇总 第3张

I am so glad to know that you will be in Hangzhou next week. And I believe that we will have a good time together. Since you are about to pack up, here are some tips from me.
As spring turns to summer in Hangzhou, there is no need to bring too many warm clothes. I’ve already prepared some shorts and short-sleeved shirts for you actually. Also, the swimming pool and tennis center you mentioned about are a bit far from my home, but don’t worry. It will be very convenient for us to take the subway, because it only takes 15 minutes. Last time you told me that your mother’s homemade cookies were very delicious. It would be great if you can bring me some of those.

I truly want to see you soon and hope everything goes smoothly on this journey.


每个人的成长,都经历过很多次尝试,有成功、有失败、有欣喜、有泪水……请以“My First Try”为题,用英语写一篇短文,记录你成长中的第一次尝试。


My First Try
When it comes to the topic of "My First Try", I’ll never forget the meaningful experience I had in Grade 7.

It was my first time to be a volunteer. As a member of Animal Helpers, I volunteered to be responsible for washing, feeding and playing with homeless dogs. At the same time, I took some photos of them and made posters online to call on more people to give a hand. Through my efforts, over eight dogs were lucky to find their new homes. When I saw them taken good care of and they brought the people much fun, I got such a strong feeling of pride.

I realize that each life is important and the tiny things I do can make a difference.



真题作文 | 2023各地中考英语作文及优秀范文汇总 第4张

假如你是该校的学生,请结合以上图表信息,以“I Find Myself Really Good”为主题,用两段话写一篇短文。


I Find Myself Really Good

Our school did a survey among l,127 students on the topic of “I Find Myself Really Good”. Here are the results. 86 percent of the students believe they can see the world with kind eyes, while 53 percent consider themselves positive. 47 percent think they don’t like to complain.

As for me, I find myself really positive. Last month, I was chosen to play a role in an English show. It was difficult for me to memorize the lines in a short time. However, I regarded it as a challenge, which was also a good chance to improve my English. So I made an effort to practice. Finally, I made it and received high praise. In fact, it is my positive attitude that brings out the best in me all the time.



How far is it from your home to the park?
What activities can you do in the park?
ls there a restaurant, a library or something else near the park? How is it?
Something more about the park.

Come to Happy Park

Happy Park is a public park in our hometown. It’s very nice. It takes my family 30 minutes to get there by bus. There’re many trees and flowers in it. We can walk and enjoy the natural beauty there. There’s a big lake. We can go boating on it. People can camp or have a picnic by the lake. Also, it’s cool to try paragliding. After that, we can have a meal in the restaurant near the park. It’s a great place for a family to have fun there.




蹲下 crouch down
救护车 ambulance
Dear Peter,

How is everything going? I’d like to tell you a story about my classmate, Wang Liang.

On a rainy day, Wang Liang saw a group of people gathering on the road. He went over and saw an old woman lying on the ground. Knowing the situation, he crouched down to hold an umbrella for the old man. When the ambulance arrived, he left quietly.

I think Wang Liang is a good student who helps others. We should learn from him.
Do you have a story to share? Looking forward to your reply!

Li Hua


你校英语报以 “Where there is a will, there is a way (有志者事竟成)” 为题向全校学生开展征文活动,请你用英语写一篇短文投稿,内容包括:

词数100左右 (短文开头已经给出,不计入总词数)。

Where there is a will, there is a way
Have you heard of the saying “Where there is a will, there is a way”? It means _________________

Where there is a will, there is a way

Have you heard of the saving “Where there is a will, there is a way”? It means if you decide to finish a task, no matter how difficult it might be, you will find a way to do it well in the end.

I used to run most slowly in my class. So I made a decision to practice running every morning. One morning, when the alarm went off, I found it difficult to get up. At that time, this saying appeared in my mind and reminded me of my goal. I got up at once and went for a run. After a term, I made great progress and I could catch up with most of my classmates. I felt happy.

In my opinion, this famous saying is very useful and valuable. In our life we should make up our mind to achieve our goals.


曾子曰:“吾日三省吾身:为人谋而不忠乎?与朋友交而不信乎?传不习乎?”习近平总书记在演讲中多次引用这句话,告诫青少年要勇于面对自己的缺点,在学习中求真务实。怎样成为更好的自己?请你根据以下内容提示,以 “How to be a better teenager?” 为题,用英语写一篇演讲稿,在毕业典礼上发言。

不少于 90 词。(开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数)
培养爱好 take up hobbies 志愿活动 volunteer activity

How to be a better teenager?
Hello, everyone! Today I'd like to share my ideas about how to be a better teenager. _________________

How to be a better teenager?

Hello, everyone! Today I’d like to share my ideas about how to be a better teenager.

First of all, we should develop healthy living habits. We can run for half an hour every day to keep healthy. What’s more, we should make a study plan and take action to achieve it. The more knowledge we learn, the brighter future we will have. And we had better be friendly to others. When others need help, we should try our best to help them. Finally, it is good to develop good hobbies and take part in voluntary activities, such as cleaning the city park.

In a word, if we try our best, we will become better and better.



Hello, everyone. Caring for the older persons is the Chinese traditional virtue (美德).

Hello, everyone. Do you want to be loved and needed when you're old?

In fact, many older persons often feel lonely because they are left behind and have nothing to do. That's why it's time to help them.
If they have hobbies, why not invite them to do something they are good at? For example, you can invite your grandma to teach you how to dance, giving her the feeling of being the best dancer in the world. It will make her feel respected and needed. What's more, you can teach them something new like using We Chat to make them feel young.
All of us want to be cared for when we become old. Let's take action now!




Working together is important for teenagers.

Last term, Liz, Anne and I entered a science competition. Our task was to create a poster board with information about spaceships. After discussion, each of us got a job. Liz and Anne went to the library to look for more information about spaceships. I searched for the pictures we needed on the internet. The next day, we organized the information and decided what we wanted to put on the board. After that, we spent three days making the poster board. Finally, we won second prize.

When working as a team, I learned how to work well with my partners. I listened to them carefully and I respectfully and confidently expressed my ideas. My communication skills have improved a lot.


你校英文报就“网络安全”这一话题征稿。请根据以下图示,以“Stay Safe Online”为题投稿。

真题作文 | 2023各地中考英语作文及优秀范文汇总 第5张

Stay Safe Online

With the wide of spread of the of the Internet, we have easy access to almost everything we want to know. Meanwhile, there are also hidden dangers that we can't see through. Then what should we do to stay safe online?

First of all, protect your privacy. Don't give away your personal information like name or address. Second, don't click any strange link so as to avoid property loss. Third, never see strangers you meet online. Finally, always be polite in the virtual world. Try not to be a target for a cyberbully.

Only when we obey the rules above can we build a healthy and harmonious online world.


Enjoy Sports, Enjoy Life
享受运动,享受生活。你喜欢运动吗? 你享受过运动带来的乐趣吗? 请以“Enjoy Sports, Enjoy Life”为题,用英语写一篇短文,叙述一次你通过运动享受生活的经历,或谈谈运动给我们带来的好处。

Enjoy Sports, Enjoy Life

As a saying goes, knowledge makes a wiser man, and sports make a stronger man. Sports benefit us a lot in our life. First of all, doing sports can make us feel relaxed and energetic after a tiring day. What's more, it can help make our body stronger and stronger. In addition, we can also learn how to cooperate with others by doing sports. Further more, doing sports teaches us that patience and perseverance are important in our lives.

Let's take part in doing sports! Only by doing sports, can we live a healthier and happier life.


为了弘扬传统文化,你校结合“宁波元素”在今年5月19日 (中国旅游日) 开展了丰富多彩的文化活动 (cultural activities)。假如你是李华,请根据表格中的信息并结合自身经历,写一篇英语短文向学校英语报投稿。

真题作文 | 2023各地中考英语作文及优秀范文汇总 第6张

(1) 短文必须包括表格中的所有要点,并适当发挥;
(2) 文中不得出现真实的人名和校名;
(3) 词数80-100;标题和开头已给出,不计入总词数。

My Traditional Cultural Experiences

On May 19, our school organized many traditional cultural activities. I was happy that I learned a lot.

In the morning, I visited Ningbo Museum with my classmates and enjoyed the beauty of traditional arts. Everyone was excited to learn about the long history of the city. At noon, we made Ningbo Tangyuan (Dumplings). We learned it was a symbol of family get-togethers. In the afternoon, we read many ancient local stories and shared them in the story-telling competition, learning about the traditional values of our city.

These activities have not only helped me have a better understanding of our city, but also left a lasting influence on my heart and mind.


走进江苏,游历各地。众多外国友人暑期将参加 “Go Jiangsu” 旅游活动。假如你是李华,请你根据以下图片及文字提示,以 “Welcome to Lianyungang” 为题写一篇英语短文,邀请他们走进家乡连云港,品山海文化,游大圣故里。

真题作文 | 2023各地中考英语作文及优秀范文汇总 第7张


Welcome to Lianyungang

I'm Li Hua from Lianyungang, Jiangsu. I'd like to recommend my hometown to you.

Lianyungang lies in the north-east of Jiangsu. It's famous for many places of interest. Here you can visit Huaguo Mountain, the home of the Monkey King. You can also go to the Suma Bay to enjoy the beautiful sea. It's cool in summer.

Moreover, Lianyungang is a city with rich culture. Local people are friendly enough to help you. Remember to try our local food. I'm sure you will enjoy it.

Don't miss Lianyungang when you attend “Go Jiangsu”. Welcome to our hometown. We're looking forward to meeting you soon.



真题作文 | 2023各地中考英语作文及优秀范文汇总 第8张

词数80~100 (短文题目与首句已为你写好,不计入总词数)。
poster (n 海报);design (v.&n. 设计)
Last week, I made a poster of the great changes in my hometown.

My classmates and I surfed the Internet in the library to collect information for it. We also interviewed some people who know the past of our hometown. They all think highly of the better life now.

Then we got together to design the poster. Some of us wrote the text while others drew pictures about the changes. With our hard work, the poster was finally completed. We posted it online so that more people could get to know the changes of our hometown.

Through this experience, I feel proud of my hometown. Hopefully, it will have a brighter future.


通过阅读理解A篇我们感受到户外活动的有趣。本月底你校将举办一次户外活动,为了更好地开展这次活动,校英语社团正在向学生征集意见。假设你是张华,请根据表格内容写一篇短文 (先介绍你喜欢的户外活动,再说明理由,最后就活动安排提出合理的建议),向社团投稿。

真题作文 | 2023各地中考英语作文及优秀范文汇总 第9张

如果出现地名,请以East________代替,例如:East Mountain...
Dear sir.

I'm happy to hear there will be an outdoor activity in our school at the end of this month. I like climbing mountains with my classmates. We can enjoy the beauty of nature. We can also make friends and help each other on the way.

To make the activity more interesting, I hope to go to East Mountain on June 25th. Since it's a little far, we'd better meet at the school gate at 7:30 a.m. and go there by bus. We can collect some history stories about the famous mountain so that we can share them together. It'll be nice if we can try some local food for lunch there. In the afternoon, we can pick up the rubbish to protect the environment. Then we can go home at 4:30 p.m. We're sure to have great fun.

Hope my suggestions help.

Zhang Hua

