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中考时文阅读练习(258)---美国女孩助力乡村振兴 第1张

When Katherine was biking in a village in the historical city Nanjing in 2020, a little yard full of different plants caught her eye. It reminded her of her mother who also loved gardening. So she stopped to take photos for her. Just then,a woman came out and invited Katherine in and then gave her a tour of the house. They had a nice talk there.

This was an example of the warm welcome the 26-year-old from Virginia received from strangers during her bike tours in China. Katherine recorded these travel experiences and posted the videos on the Internet. They have been viewed more than eight million times.

After graduating from Nanjing University in2020,Katherine spent a year travelling around China.She was fascinated by the beautiful environment in the countryside in China and wanted to visit more.I think the scenery(风景)in villages is more unique(独特的)because it connects the local natural features with a human environment together. Such special village scenery is hard to find in the US, Katherine said.

Out of love for the Chinese countryside,she has also tried her best to revitalize(振兴)the countryside for years. In 2022,she joined Green Zhejiang, a volunteer group working on environmental protection.There she took part in environmental education programs. She gave a weekly class for primary school students in a village near Hangzhou, teaching them about agriculture(农业).

In the summer of 2023, Katherine moved to a village near Hangzhou for local programs of environment and education. "A lot of young people consider rural(农村的)China is poor.1want to show people that it's possible to live a pretty nice life in rural China. If you want to keep developing the rural areas,you need to have young people,"she said.

1.Why did Katherine take photos of the yard?
A. To share the yard with her mom.
B. To research some different plants.
C. To record beautiful gardens in China.
D. To show pictures to her friends.
2.What does the underlined wordTheyin Paragraph 2 refer to?
A.Beautiful yards.
B. Special plants.
C. Katherine's journey videos.
D. Katherine's study records.
3.The third paragraph tells us_____.
how long Katherine travelled around China
how many villages Katherine visited in China
when Katherine graduated from Nanjing University
why Katherine thought the village scenery was special
A.①②③ B.②③④ C.①②④ D.①③④
4.As a volunteer in Green Zhejiang, Katherine_____.
A. took part in bike races
B.gave a hand to the local farmers
C. taught students the knowledge of farming
D. did a lab project on environmental protection
5.From the last paragraph, we can learn that Katherine tried to______.
A. wish Chinese people in the countryside a nice life
B. invite more foreigners to come to visit rural China
C. give some useful advice to people living in villages
D. call on young people to develop the Chinese countryside



2020年从南京大学毕业后,Katherine花了一年时间周游中国。她被中国乡村的美丽环境深深吸引,想去更多的地方看看。Katherine :“我认为乡村的风景更独特,因为它将当地的自然景观与人文环境联系在一起。这样特别的乡村风景在美国很难找到。”


2023年夏天,Katherine来到杭州附近的一个村庄,参与当地的环境和教育项目。Katherine :“很多年轻人认为中国农村很穷。我想告诉人们,在中国农村也可以过上很好的生活。如果想继续发展乡村地区,需要年轻人。”



1.A 细节理解题。根据第一段中的“It reminded her of her mother,who also loved gardening. So She stopped to take photos for her.”可知,一个种满了不同植物的小院子让Katherine想起了她的母亲,她的母亲也喜欢园艺。干是她停下来拍照。由此可知,她停下拍照是为了和母亲分享这个院子。
2.C 代词指代题。根据画线词前的“Katherine recorded these travel experiences and posted the videos on the Internet.”可知.Katherine录下了这些旅行经历,并将视频发布在互联网上;再结合画线词后的have been viewed 可知,此处指Katherine的旅行视频已经被浏览了800多万次。故They指代Katherine的旅行视频。
3.D 细节理解题。根据第三段可知,Katherine2020年从南京大学毕业后,花了一年的时间周游中国;她认为乡村风景更为独特,因为它将当地的自然特色和人文环境联系起来。第三段没有提及她去了多少个村庄,故选①③④。
4.C细节理解题。根据第四段中的“There she...gave a weekly class for primary school students ...teaching them about agriculture.”可知,在志愿者组织“绿色浙江”里,Katherine参加了环境教育项目。她每周在杭州附近的一个村庄里给小学生上课,教他们农业知识。
5.D 推理判断题。根据最后一段中的“I want to show people that it's possible to live a pretty nice life in rural China.”和“If you want to keep developing the rural areas, you need to have young people”可知,Katherine想向人们展示在中国乡村过上美好生活是有可能的。如果想继续发展乡村地区,就必须有年轻人。由此可推知,她想通过这段话呼吁年轻人助力中国乡村发展。
