Seven-year-old Madeline lives in California. She likes unicoms (独角兽) so much that she wanted one of her own. She wrote to her county's animal control department asking for permission(允许)to have one in her backyard—if she could find one.Last month Los Angeles County officers agreed,and gave her the first-of-its-kind unicorn license.
Madeline has been interested in unicorns since she was three. She can tell you anything you want to know,including how to take care of them.“It's important to make sure they can see rainbows, sunshine and moonlight,”she said, “so I'm going to make a house with a glass roof (屋顶)."She also knows where unicorns live: In the magical forest of Scotland.
But Madeline has never been to Scotland. So, how does she plan to get her unicorn? "I'm going to take an airplane, and then I'm going to find the unicorn in the magical forest and bring it back on the airplane," she said.
When she told this idea to her mom Leilani,she suggested that Madeline should write a letter to Los Angeles County's Department of Animal Care and Control to get permission and learn the rules of owning a large animal. Leilani said, "Madeline is a very curious (好奇的)girl and we want to support everything that she hopes for.”
Marcia Mayeda, director of Animal Care and Control for Los Angeles County,got Madeline's letter and gave her the license. “I think parents should support their children's dreams but not prevent them,' Mayeda said. “It's really important that adults do that.”
当她把这个想法告诉她的妈妈 Leilani时,她建议Madeline应该给洛杉矶县的动物护理和控制部写封信,以获得许可并了解拥有大型动物的规则。Leilani说:“Madeline是一个求知欲很强的女孩,我们想支持她所希望的一切。”
洛杉矶县动物护理和控制部负责人 Marcia Mayeda 收到了Madeline的信,并给她颁发了许可证。Mayeda 说:“我认为父母应该支持孩子的梦想,不要扼杀它们。成年人做到这一点真的很重要。”
7 岁的 Madeline对独角兽非常感兴趣。她想拥有一只属于自己的独角兽,于是她写信给洛杉矶县动物管理部门,请求他们允许她在后院养一只独角兽。上个月,洛杉矶县动物保护和管理部门同意了她的请求,并给她颁发了一张独角兽养育许可证。
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