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假如你是李华,在你的成长过程中,一定有某个人陪伴你、影响你、感动你,让你健康、快乐成长,学会感恩、学会回报。你们学校的《英语园地》正在以 “Learn to Be Thankful” 为题征文,请你写一篇文章。谈谈你最想感谢的人是谁,他/她是什么样的人,为什么感谢他/她。
提示词语:kind, hard­working, helpful, encourage, solve the problem
• Who is the person that you want to thank?
• What is he/she like?
• Why do you thank him/her?
Learn to Be Thankful

The person I want to thank most is my English teacher.

He is a very kind person, who always has a big smile on his face. He is also hard-­working, which makes him one of the best teachers in our school. Besides, he is veryhelpful. He has helped almost every student in our class.That's why he is very popular among us.

The reason why I want to thank my English teacher is that he always encourages me. Two years ago, I did really badly in English. But he tried his best to help me to solve the problems. Thanks to his help, I made great progress in my English study. 

提示词语:Agriculture Carnival(农业嘉年华), the Science and Technology Museum, the Capital Museum...
• Where did you go?          
• What did you do during the activity?
• How do you feel?
At my school, we have held a lot of social practice activities.  Last month, I went to the Science and Technology Museum with my classmates.
The Science and Technology Museum is a wonderful place for young people to learn. I  visited the natural world and found something new. It was amazing. Besides, I did a lot of physics experiments by myself. They help me to put what I have learned into practice. I saw a lot of interesting things in the museum, too. I learned a lot.
I was pretty excited and happy at that time. In my opinion, it is a good way for us to learn something usefulout of the books in museums. 
提示词语:learn, play, spend too much time
• What are the advantages and disadvantages of getting online?
• What do you think of getting online for middle school students?
• How should students get online properly?
Good afternoon, class. Today let's talk about getting online. Many students        
Good afternoon, class. Today let's talk about getting online. Many students like getting online very much. They can learn more knowledge and how to use the modern machine—computer where they can get more information. In this way, it's a good way to enrich their knowledge andbroaden their horizonBut some students spend too muchtime playing computer games and even stay up late to chat with friends online. It takes them too much time. Gradually, they find it hard to focus on the study. What's worse, some are even cheated or robbed by their net friends.  
It's unwise to ban the  Internet in the information age. So it's better to make a plan of the free time, and control the time well on the computer. Make sure not to spend too much time on the Internet. 


某英语报开展“How to Deal with Our Study Problems”征文比赛,请你根据提示的内容,简要描述并适当发表自己的观点,写一篇英语短文。内容要点如下:
1. 尽管我们常常感到有压力,但是应该找到合适的方式来解压。可以选择穿像蓝色和白色一样的冷色调来使我们自己感到放松;
2. 我们应该足够细心,因为“失之毫厘,谬以千里”;
3. 也应该在课业和业余爱好之间取得平衡,试着安排好自己的空余时间;
4. 任何时候都不要失去信心。通过努力学习,我们会取得大的进步。

How to Deal with Our Study Problems

Although we often feel stressed, we should find suitable ways to deal with stress. 

We can wear calm colours like blue and white to make us feel relaxed. We should be careful enough, because “a miss is as good as a mile”. We should also achieve a balance between schoolwork and hobbies. Try to plan your spare time well. Don’t lose heart at any time. You will make great progress through hard work. 

When having problems, we can ask people around us for help. It’s not wise to keep our worries to ourselves.

你喜欢阅读吗?请你以 “Reading---A good Habit” 为题写一篇有关阅读的短文。
1. 你的阅读习惯(喜欢的书籍、阅读的时间地点、购书方式等等)。
2. 阅读带给你什么益处(至少两点)。
3. 号召大家都读书。

Reading---A good Habit

Reading is a very good habit. I like reading very much. In my eyes, I think that forming a good reading habit is necessary for us. It can not only improve our knowledge but also make us to think over more different things efficiently.

Besides, we can do some reading every time when we are free. For example, I often read some of my favorite books in my spare time both at home or in the library. What I like most are story books because most of them are quite interesting. Now I often buy my favorite books on line for its big discount.

Finally, I like to share my favorite books with our family or my classmates. Since reading can benefits us a lot, it’s time for us to have our good reading habit now!
