
四季读书网 1 0


高考英语各地模拟考完形填空开发一 第1张


1 稽阳联考小女孩把植物根部的泥土冲洗干净导致植物奄奄一息,揭示了土壤是植物生长的最佳环境,反射出困境是我们成长的最佳环境。

A little girl was enjoying the beautiful garden in her home. Her father had a good collection of rare and prized plants, which he    41    with great care.

The girl was    42    by a plant full of delicate flowers. She approached it and admired its striking beauty. Suddenly she    43    that the plant was in a pile of filth (污秽). She could not tolerate the presence of dirt with such fantastic flowers.

She    44     a plan to clean the plant. She    45    the plant with all her might from the dirt and washed its roots in running tap water till all traces of dirt were washed away. She then placed the plant on a clean stone and went away, proud that she had done a great deed.

2 湖丽衢联考目前大三的主人公大学两年的心路历程

I'm Hayley. I graduated from YCIS Shanghai in 2021, and I'm now   41    computer

engineering and economics at Johns Hopkins University in America. This autumn, I will  42 my third year.

In the summer two years ago, I remember being extremely excited yet nervous, as I was

about to begin my university journery. I was also quite  43  at the idea of being away from home for so long for the first time in my life.

41. A. teaching B. studying            C. explaining       D. testing

42. A. plan B. miss C. avoid D. start

43. A. annoyed B. anxious C. disappointed D. shocked

