中考英语阅读理解真题解读每日一篇 (2024.3.22)

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中考英语阅读理解真题解读每日一篇 (2024.3.22) 第1张

Scientists train AI to read human thoughts

Scientists have created a new tool that can turn people's thoughts into words. It works by using an AI program called GPT-1 to translate brain activity into words. In order to achieve this, scientists did a lot.

First, scientists got everything ready before the tests. They invited some volunteers. Each spent sixteen hours listening to stories in a scanner (扫描仪). They imagined the stories as they heard them, and the scanner recorded their brain activity. GPT-1 made connections between the ideas in the stories and the recordings of the listeners' brain activity.

Then came the tests. The scientists did them in three different ways.

Test 1

The researchers played a new story. GPT-1 was only given recordings of the volunteers' brain activity. But the words that GPT-1 predicted (预测) were very similar to the words in the story that they were listening to. The words weren't exactly the same, but they often carried the same meaning. For example, when a volunteer was listening to a story about a woman who didn't have a driver's license (热照). The program came up with this: She hasn't even started to learn to drive yet.

Test 2

The scientists also carried out the test when volunteers imagined their own stories. It really works at the level of ideas. The ideas are the same but expressed in different words, says Alexander Huth, one of the scientists behind the study.

Test 3

The researchers showed the volunteers silent movies, with no spoken words at all. GPT-1 could still figure out (算出) the basic ideas.

After the tests, the scientists say that GPT-1 is the first AI program to turn what people are thinking into words without brain surgery (外科手术). The tool isn't something that can be easily used today. mainly because of the size and the cost of the scanner. In the future, they believe, a similar but cheaper tool could help people who have lost the ability to speak because of an injury or disease.

The scientists say their tool can't be used to read people's minds without permission (允许). The tool only works if the person wants to share their thoughts.

1. What was the scanner used to do?

A. Record brain activity.
B. Read the volunteers'ideas.

C. Catch the ideas of stories.
Work out the ideas.

2. What was GPT-1 used to do?

A. Receive sounds.
B. Test the scanner.

C. Produce silent movies.
D. Turn recordings of brain activity into words.

3. In which way was information put into volunteers' brain in Test 3?

A. Listening.
B. Imagining.
C. Watching.
D. Reading.

4. Why did scientists do the tests?

A. To show how the tool works.
B. To prove that the tool works well.

C. To test in which fields the tool can be used.
D. To study whose mind can be read.

5. Who could the tool help according to the passage?

A. People who can't speak.
B. People who can't hear.

C.People who can't read.
D. People who can't drive.


    1-5 ADCBA



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- END -

Knowledge of language is the doorway to wisdom.


中考英语阅读理解真题解读每日一篇 (2024.3.22) 第2张

