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1. 山西省金太阳10月联考20231103

With thousands of fishing lights blanketing its surface, Erhai Lake in Dali Bai Autonomous Prefecture, southwest China's Yunnan Province, 56   (offer) a splendid night view since the annual ecological regulation of fish populations in Erhai Lake began on August 21.

As darkness falls each night, fishing boats travel across the lake and fishing lights 57   (gradual) cover the lake with fishing nets stretching across the water. In videos made with time-lapse (延时拍摄的) photography, stars in the night sky appear to fall into Erhai Lake,   58   (create) a fantastical and dreamlike shape of incredible beauty.

The 2023 ecological regulation of fish populations in Erhai Lake aims to completely 59   (strength) biodiversity protection, taking full advantage   60   the structure of fish populations and effectively guarding against and controlling dangerous alien species.

Based on various fish 61   (type) , this year's regulation efforts are divided into three stages across the lake's waters, the core protected areas of the Cangshan Erhai National Nature Reserve not   62   (include) .

The first stage 63   (schedule) to last from August 21 to September 20, with a focus on the sharpbelly and other species of small-sized fish.   64   number of families applying for and receiving ecological regulation permits reached as many as 590, with   65   they could enter the lake to conduct fishing activities during the permitted periods.

2. 湖南省金太阳10月联考

The ginkgo(银杏) tree is thought to be one of the oldest living trees,   56  (date) back to more than 290 million years ago. It is native  57   China, Japan and Korea, but it is also now grown in Europe and the United States. The  58   (early) records of ginkgoes are found in Chinese herbology literature such as Compendium of Materia Medica.

Ginkgoes are large trees, 59  (normal) reaching a height of 20-35 meters, with some in China being over 50 meters. The adult tree has a large crown and long branches, and it is usually deep-rooted and resistant to wind and snow damage. With a combination of  60  (resistant) to diseases and insects, some of the trees   61 (claim) to be more than 2,500 years old.

With fan-shaped leaves, ginkgoes are green both on the top and bottom. But during the autumn, they turn bright yellow and then fall, which make up 62   beautiful scene. Ginkgoes come in two sexes, with some trees being female  63   others male.The fruit has a soft, fleshy and yellow-brown outer layer.

Because ginkgoes 64   (be) around for so long, people have used them for many purposes. They're commonly used for memory and thought problems, vision problems and many other conditions, but there is no good scientific evidence   65   (support) most of these uses.

3. 河北名校协作体10月联考卷

Manufactured by Shanghai Guan Sheng Yuan Food, Ltd, White Rabbit Creamy Candy is milk-based, with a soft, chewy texture (口感),  56      is formed into cylinders (圆柱). Each 57   (wrap) in a thin edible paper-like  packaging made from  58  (stick) rice. The butter-plum flavour, characteristic of China, was also among the new flavours  59  (add) through the years. With its low price and attractive packaging, this candy 60  (effective) displaced foreign sweets, quickly becoming one of China’s most popular items. It has become an  61  (inspire) for many of the kids who grew up snacking on them, and exactly these people are the main reason why this sweet treat is still  62  high demand today. Growing up in Harbin in northern China, Li remember White Rabbit as being closely linked with festivities in China, but    63      inspires Li most is the brand’s evolving business philosophy. By collaborating creatively with different brands, the candies  64  (become) even more popular globally in recent years, with reports    65  (claim) the brand exports its candies to more than 40 countries around the world.

4. 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

The combination of music and study has long been 56  source of disagreement between adults and children. Parents and teachers alike maintain that    57  silentis important when learning, whereas youngsters insist that   58    (they) favourite sounds help them concentrate.

Now a study shows that the   59    (grown-up) have been right all along. Psychologists in Florida tested how fast students wrote essays    60   and without music in the background. They   61  find that the sounds slowed progress down by about sixty words per hour. “This demonstrates    62   (clear) that it is difficult to cope with listening and writing at the same time,” said Dr. Sarah. She also came to the conclusion   63   it is a myth that instrumental music is less disturbing than songs. “All types of music had the same effect,” she said in her report. “One’s ability to pay attention and write fluently is likely   64     (disturb) by both songs and instrumental music,” she added.

Dr. Sarah claimed the research demonstrated that the idea that music could improve performance was wrong. “Writing an essay is a complex task. You 65  (recall) information and putting it in order. But what is particularly worrying is that more and more teenagers are studying in front of the television.”

5. 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

Jiang Yufan, 21, was inspired for the original design of the Olympic Winter Games’ mascot Shuey Rhon Rhon. She was brought up in a small town with red lanterns hanging everywhere, leaving it bathed ___56___ a strong festive atmosphere.

The past four years witnessed the most significant period of her life. It was in 2018 ___57___ the then junior student at the Jilin University of Arts presented ___58___ design - a Chinese knot and a dumpling. ___59___ (feel) they didn’t go together well, her teacher urged her to revise her design again. Later, she ___60___ (submit) the first draft of her now winning entry, a Chinese knot and a red lantern. Jiang and her teacher travelled between Changchun and Beijing more than 30 times ___61___ (polish) the design. Many former mascots had been ___62___ (animal), so Jiang was required to make hers more lively and dynamic. For 300 days, Jiang and her team worked on the design, but she never thought of giving ___63___ (she) up. Their hard work had ___64___ (eventual) paid off, and Shuey Rhon Rhon was chosen to be the official mascot for the 2022 Beijing Paralympic Games.

Jiang said the process helped her grow and she hoped her lantern would bring ___65___ (warm) to the world and light up people’s dreams.



56. has offered   57. gradually   58. creating   59. strengthen   60. of   61. types   62. included   63. was scheduled   64. The   65. which


57. dating   57. to   58. earliest   59. normally   60. resistance   61. are claimed   62. a   63. and   64. have been   65. to support


56. and   57. is wrapped   58. sticky   59. added   60. effectively   61. inspiration   62. in   63. what   64. have become   65. claiming


56. a   57. silence   58. their   59. grown-ups   60. with   61. found   62. clearly   63. that   64. to be disturbed   65. are recalling


56. in   57. that   58. a   59. Feeling   60. submitted   61. to polish   62. animals   63. herself   64. eventually   65. warmth



















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