100天突破高考3500必备词汇 Day 67-68

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【好题百天练】100天突破高考3500必备词汇 Day 67-68


Day 67

1. He considered himself to be a man of p_________ (有原则的人). He took a p_________ (坚定的) stand against the legislation.

2. Parents again went to the p_________ (监狱) to see their son yesterday. Their son has been in p_________ (在服刑) for two years.

3. He was awarded for settling some difficult p_________ (专业的) p_________ (问题).

4. The company has made a p_________ (利润) of 0.5 billion yuan by p_________ (生产) many delicate p_________ (产品).

5. Ive kept my p_________ (诺言) that I would make rapid p_________ (进步) in English.

6. We all approved the p_________ (提议) of energy conservation.

7. Pandas are under the p_________ (保护) of the government. They are p_________ (提供) with enough food.

8. She got a p_________ (像样的) job and managed to p_________ (证明) herself to be a very reliable worker.

9. The southeastern p_________ () are divided into several zones for quick development. They are p_________ (有前途的).

10. Some words should be p_________ (正确地) p_________ (发音). Good p_________ (发音) is beneficial to memorizing words.

Day 68

1. We have to show that p_________ (刊登) this story is in the p_________ (大众的) interest.

2. She was p_________ (自豪的) that the p_________ (出版社) had agreed to p_________ (发表) one of her stories.

3. He couldnt p_________ up (使停下) his car when the lights turned red, so he was p_________ (惩罚) for breaking the traffic law. I know he would not do it on p_________ (故意).

4. The shops have started to p_________ up (张贴) Christmas decorations.

5. He was still p_________ (迷惑的) when he was p_________ over (推倒) to the roadside.

6. Im sorry the meeting had to be p_________ off (推迟) for somebody p_________ forward (提出) a new p_________ (提议).

7. It is q_________ (质量) not q_________ (数量) that matters most.

8. It is out of the q_________ (不可能) that these two q_________ (喜欢争吵的) persons dont q_________ (争吵) with each other.

9. He was q_________ (十分) tired, so he q_________ (辞职) his job.

10. The explosion made the whole house q_________ (晃动).


Day 67

1. principle; principled

2. prison; prison

3. professional; problems

4. profit; producing; products

5. promise; progress

6. proposal

7. protection; provided

8. proper; prove

9. provinces; promising

10. properly; pronounced; pronunciation

Day 68

1. publishing; public

2. proud; publisher / press; publish

3. pull; punished; purpose

4. put

5. puzzled; pushed

6. put; put; proposal

7. quality; quantity

8. question; quarrelsome; quarrel

9. quite; quit / quitted

10. quake
