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How many plastic bags do you use every day? Is there any chance for us to live without them? What can we do to have less plastic pollution? A performance in Hangzhou makes people think more about the overuse(过度使用)of plastic bags in our lives.

In front of a supermarket in Hangzhou, five volunteers wore white plastic bags and walked around and through the crowd. The performance called on people to use more cloth bags instead of plastic ones.

Some of the plastic bags worn by the performers were collected from customers(顾客) in two food markets and the others were collected by 700 students from a school.

On that day, when leaving the food markets, customers were told to hand over (递交)unnecessary plastic shopping bags. Several hundred plastic bags were collected in two hours.

“If we do nothing about it, the earth will be eaten up by white pollution. And humans will become ‘plastic men’,” said one of the performers.

“How can you breathe in so many plastic bags?” A middle-aged woman asked one performer. “How can the earth breathe if there are too many plastic bags?” the performer answered.

Starting from June last year, plastic bags were no longer used for free in supermarkets, shopping malls or food markets all over the country.

People are called on to use cloth bags when they go shopping.

1.Since June last year people should________ plastic bags all over the country.    

A.pay for       B.get       C.use as many as       D.stop using

2.A performance took place in ________.

A.a restaurant       B.a plastic bag shop       C.Hangzhou       D.a school

3.—Why did the performers wear white plastic bags and walk around?

—They wanted ________.

A.to ask people to overuse plastics       B.to invite people to go to the supermarket

C.to give people more bags       D.to ask people not to use plastic bags

4.If we don’t do something against the pollution, humans ________.

A.will be polluted       B.will become “plastic men”

C.won’t be comfortable       D.will be plastic ones

5.The main idea of this passage is about ________ pollution.

A.white       B.air       C.water       D.light





Four years after graduating, Luo Jiajia made a decision. She planned to answer her inner (内心的) calling to lead a more    29   life. She noticed that environmental problems were becoming more serious, but    30   action was being taken. She thought she must do    31   .    

Luo works for China Green Foundation and encourages people to    32   environmental protection in China. Luo works on the Million Forest project. 10 years ago, the project was aimed at planting 1 million trees in the Tengger Desert, China’s fourth-largest desert in Inner Mongolia. Now over 100 million trees have been planted to    33   desertification (沙漠化). The project has brought many benefits (好处) to local communities.    34   the project, many locals would be forced to leave their homes. The project has also helped to    35   jobs for locals. They can make money by selling the fruit that the trees produce. Eco-tourism (生态旅游) has been more popular    36   these areas have become oases (绿洲).

Although the project mainly helps with reforestation (植树造林), Luo’s team discovered that it was more important to start a change from within. So the slogan of Million Forest was changed to “Plant a tree in your    37   ”.

“It’s not possible for you to plant a tree every day, but if you have a tree in your heart then you can take care of the whole environment. If we make the effort to change the     38    , we can also change the outside world,” Luo said.

6.A.awful       B.careful       C.meaningful

7.A.few       B.little       C.much

8.A.something       B.anything       C.everything

9.A.come up with       B.take part in       C.give up

10.A.increase       B.keep       C.prevent

11.A.Without       B.With       C.For

12.A.provide       B.give       C.ask    

13.A.unless       B.because       C.before

14.A.hands       B.feet       C.heart

15.A.place       B.inside       C.outside


A year ago, my husband and I were sitting on the beach watching our one-year-old son play in the water, talking about the money we were     16    for his future, something we had started doing since he was born.

Money played a     17    role in both my and my husband’s college decisions-I did my first two years at a community college to save money and my husband’s college fund (资金) got spent on keeping the family     18    . The idea that there would be no limitations (限制) for our own kid felt     19    .

As our son     20    his hands in the sand, my husband and I threw out     21    of what he might do with the money. “Maybe he’ll be lucky to graduate debt (债务)     22    ,” my husband laughed. “Or if he gets a full scholarship (奖学金), he could spend the money on an apartment.” “Or he’ll climb Everest or travel around the world”, I    23   .

A couple weeks after we drove back to our home, wildfires spread through my hometown in a record-breaking     24    . They led to increasingly serious weather     25    , including droughts (旱灾) and ice storms. When my son will be college-aged, he will likely care more about air quality and     26    the heat than spring break travel plans.

That night, I asked my husband a question: What if we     27    putting money in our son’s college fund and started using that money to protect him from weather change? But how do you do that? What will he need in 2040 or 2060? After some     28    , we had reached an agreement. Saving money for his college education when we’re facing a weather problem just doesn’t     29    . Instead, we are planning on using the money to     30    a carbon-free lifestyle now by buying electric cars and starting a backyard vegetable garden.    

16.A.spending       B.saving       C.raising       D.donating

17.A.big       B.small       C.common       D.light

18.A.custom       B.history       C.business       D.place

19.A.amazing       B.special       C.strange       D.boring

20.A.pushed       B.washed       C.cooled       D.dug

21.A.problems       B.ideas       C.rules       D.stories

22.A.full       B.deep       C.clean       D.free

23.A.added       B.shouted       C.complained       D.wondered

24.A.date       B.century       C.year       D.season

25.A.predictions       B.plans       C.events       D.warnings

26.A.escaping       B.facing       C.feeling       D.standing

27.A.started       B.forgot       C.regretted       D.stopped

28.A.discussions       B.experiences       C.interviews       D.expressions

29.A.take in       B.make up       C.take place       D.make sense

30.A.change       B.accept       C.develop       D.invent


I can’t remember when I started collecting litter. But it was when I got tired of    31   litter nearby and realized that    32   was going to pick it up.    

I live near a    33   in Enshi, Hubei Province. I can walk there in three    34   ! I used to love going there    35   with my dog. But one day there was so much litter there that I became very unhappy. I decided I had to clean up the forest. I wanted to    36   happy going there again.

I made my    37   trip to clean the forest that afternoon. I took a big black rubbish bag with me. Ten minutes   38    starting to pick up litter, my bag was full! It had cans, bottles, broken glass and newspapers in it. From then on, I went to the forest four times a year to pick up the litter. I often    39   there for three hours. It makes me feel    40    to do something for the environment.

31.A.see       B.seeing       C.look       D.looking

32.A.no one else       B.I       C.everybody       D.anybody

33.A.school       B.forest       C.river       D.park

34.A.months       B.hours       C.days       D.minutes

35.A.playing       B.play       C.of play       D.to play

36.A.look       B.feel       C.make       D.see

37.A.first       B.third       C.fourth       D.fifth

38.A.after       B.later       C.before       D.of

39.A.play       B.go       C.work       D.sit

40.A.worried       B.sad       C.disappointed       D.great



1.A    2.C    3.D    4.B    5.A



1.推理判断题。根据“Starting from June last year, plastic bags were no longer used for free in supermarkets, shopping malls or food markets all over the country.”可知从去年六月开始,塑料袋不再免费,可以推断出人们需要付钱使用塑料袋。故选A。

2.细节理解题。根据“ A performance in Hangzhou makes people think more about the overuse(过度使用)of plastic bags in our lives.”可知演出在杭州。故选C。

3.细节理解题。根据“The performance called on people to use more cloth bags instead of plastic ones.”他们是想呼吁人们多用布袋而不是塑料袋。故选D。

4.细节理解题。根据“If we do nothing about it, the earth will be eaten up by white pollution. And humans will become ‘plastic men’”可知如果什么都不做,人类将变成“塑料人”。故选B。



6.C    7.B   8.A    9.B   10.C   11.A   12.A    13.B   14.C    15.B








something某事物;anything任何事物;everything一切。根据“She noticed that environmental problems were becoming more serious, but ... action was being taken.”可知,环境问题越来越严重,却没有采取什么行动,因此她认为自己得做些事情。故选A。


come up with想出;take part in参加;give up放弃。根据“encourages people to ... environmental protection in China”可知,鼓励人们参与环境保护。故选B。


increase增加;keep保持;prevent阻止。根据“Now over 100 million trees have been planted to ... desertification (沙漠化).”可知,种植1亿多棵树的目的是为了防止沙漠化。故选C。


Without没有;With有;For为了。根据“many locals would be forced to leave their homes”可知,没有这个项目,许多当地人会因为土地沙漠化,不得不离开家园。故选A。


provide提供;give给;ask询问。根据“They can make money by selling the fruit that the trees produce.”可知,这个项目为当地人提供了就业机会,provide sth for sb“为某人提供某物”。故选A。    




hands手;feet脚;heart心脏。根据“if you have a tree in your heart”可知,此处指在心中种一棵树。故选C。


place地方;inside内部;outside外部。根据“we can also change the outside world”可知,此处指我们内心世界的改变,即内心要有环保的意识,这样我们才能更好地改变外部世界的环境。故选B。


16.B    17.A    18.C  19.A    20.D    21.B    22.D  23.A  24.D    25.C  26.A    27.D   28.A   29.D  30.C




spending花费;saving保存,储蓄;raising筹集;donating捐款。根据“talking about the money we were...for his future, something we had started doing since he was born.”可知,从儿子出生就开始为他的未来存钱,故选B。    


big大的;small小的;common普通的;light轻的。根据“I did my first two years at a community college to save money and my husband’s college fund (资金) got spent on keeping the family”可知,钱起到了很大的作用,故选A。




amazing神奇的;special特殊的;strange奇怪的;boring厌烦的。根据“As our son...Or he’ll climb Everest or travel around the world”可知,这样的想法让人觉得很诧异,故选A。


pushed推;washed洗;cooled冷却;dug挖。根据“his hands in the sand”可知,手在沙子里挖,故选D。


problems问题;ideas想法;rules规则;stories故事。根据“what he might do with the money.”可知,这是一种想法,故选B。


full满的;deep深的;clean干净的;free免费的,自由的。根据“Maybe he’ll be lucky to graduate debt (债务) ...”可知,此处指的是“没有债务”,故选D。


added补充说;shouted大喊;complained抱怨;wondered想知道。根据“Or if he gets a full scholarship (奖学金), he could spend the money on an apartment...Or he’ll climb Everest or travel around the world”可知,这里是说补充说,故选A。




predictions预测,预言;plans计划;events事件;warnings警告。根据“including droughts (旱灾) and ice storms”可知,这里说的是天气事件,故选C。


escaping逃跑;facing面临;feeling感觉;standing站立。根据“he will likely care more about air quality and...the heat than spring break travel plans.”可知,这里指的是天气问题,与空气质量并列的应该是避暑问题,故选A。


started开始;forgot忘记;regretted懊悔,惋惜;stopped停止。根据“putting money in our son’s college fund and started using that money to protect him from weather change”可知,此处是说停止往大学基金里面存钱,故选D。


discussions讨论;experiences经历;interviews采访;expressions表达。根据“we had reached an agreement”可知,通过讨论达成了一致,故选A。    


take in吸收;make up弥补;take place发生、举行;make sense有意义。根据“Saving money for his college education when we’re facing a weather problem just doesn’t...”可知,如果存钱只为了大学教育,那么在面对天气问题时,这样的事情是没有意义的,故选D。


change改变;accept接受;develop发展;invent发明。根据“a carbon-free lifestyle now by buying electric cars and starting a backyard vegetable garden.”可知,是发展无碳生活方式,故选C。


31.B    32.A   33.B    34.D    35.D   36.B    37.A   38.A    39.C    40.D




see看见,动词原形;seeing看见,动名词;look看,动词原形;looking看,动名词。根据“litter”可知,此处强调看的结果,应用see;再根据get tired of doing sth.“厌烦做某事”可知,应用动名词。故选B。


no one else没有其他人;I我;everybody每个人;anybody任何人。根据上文“I can’t remember when I started collecting litter.”可知,作者捡垃圾,是因为没有人去捡。故选A。    


school学校;forest森林;river河流;park公园。根据下文“to clean the forest”可知,作者住在一片森林附近。故选B。


months月;hours小时;days天;minutes分钟。根据上文“I live near a ... in Enshi, Hubei Province. ”可知,作者住在森林附近,推知三分钟可以走到那里。故选D。


playing玩,动名词;play动词原形;of play戏剧的;to play动词不定式。根据“I used to love going there ... with my dog.”可知,去那儿是为了和狗一起玩,用不定式表目的。故选D。


look看;feel感觉;make制作;see看见。根据上文“I became very unhappy”可知,作者看到很多垃圾后不快乐,于是打算去清理森林,想再次去那里时感到快乐。故选B。


first第一;third第三;fourth第四;fifth第五。根据上文“I used to love going there ... with my dog.”可知,作者之前去森林是去遛狗,而打扫森林这是他第一次去。故选A。


after在……之后;later后来;before在……之前;of……的。根据“Ten minutes ... starting to pick up litter, my bag was full!”可知,作者的袋子满了是在开始捡垃圾十分钟后,after后接动名词。故选A。    


play玩;go去;work工作;sit坐。根据“ From then on, I went to the forest four times a year to pick up the litter.”可知,此处指作者每次去那里捡垃圾的时长是三个小时,work符合语境。故选C。


worried担忧的;sad伤心的;disappointed失望的;great极好的。根据“It makes me feel ... to do something for the environment.”可知,为环境做些事情在作者看来是很好的。故选D。

