
四季读书网 3 0


1.假设你是李华,学校科技节将举办题为“AI in Our Life(生活中的AI的中英双语演讲比赛。请根据以下提示写一篇英文演讲稿,包含以下内容:
AI in Our Life
Dear teachers and fellow students,
As we all know, AI changes our lives greatly. With the development of science and technology, we can see all kinds of AI products in our daily life. For example, smartphones can make work and study more efficient while cleaning robots can help with housework. They all bring great convenience and progress to our society. However, with AI technology being widely used, many workers lost their jobs. Also, some students rely on AI too much so that they lose their ability to do things by themselves.
All in all, just as every coin has its two sides, AI products have both advantages and shortcomings. I believe that if we use AI correctly, it will bring us more convenient life in the future.
That’s all. Thank you!
2生活在现代化社会的我们感受到了科技发展日新月异,尤其是Chat GPT的出现使人工智能AI (artificial intelligence) 一度成为热门话题,同时也引发了人们对于人工智能取代人类的担忧。
The invention of Chat GPT has made AI a hot topic among people in our society. Many people feel worried about the development of AI.
There is no need for people to worry too much about the development of AI. AI will never completely take the place of human beings. Instead, it has many advantages. First of all, AI can be used to do dangerous jobs and keep workers safe. If people don't want to repeat the same boring and tiring work day after day, they can ask AI for help. Al can also help a lot in scientific development. It improves the accuracy of data and helps scientists to do research.
In my opinion, AI is a trend of the world. We will live happily and more conveniently with the help of it.
3.人工智能AIArtificial Intelligence)技术的快速发展和 Chat GPT4的问世,给人们的学习和生活带来了巨大的变化。假如你是李华,受邀参加某英语报“Teenager Says”栏目,请说说你对人工智能的看法。
1. chat with people
1. make people lazy in mind
2. help solve people’s problems
2. reduce people’s job opportunities
3. design pictures in a short time

Dear Editor,
I’m glad to be invited to join this program. With the rapid development of science and technology, Artificial Intelligence becomes more and more popular in our daily life.
Artificial Intelligence can chat with people, it can help solve people’s problems. For example, it can help the students do homework correctly and solve the subject problems. Besides, it can design pictures in a short time.
However, it also has many disadvantages. If we always depend on it, it will make us lazy in mind. Its appearance will reduce people’s job opportunities.
I’m looking forward to hearing from you.
Li Hua


1. 欢迎朋友们的到来;
2. 总体介绍中国传统文化种类多、历史悠久;
3. 列举至少两个中国传统文化的例子,可以从其历史、特点、用途或受欢迎程度等方面具体介绍。
Dear friends,
Welcome to our school and wish you a good time here. Today I want to share something about traditional Chinese culture with you.
There are many kinds of traditional Chinese culture. Some of them have a long history. They have influenced many people.
Beijing Opera comes first. As one of Chinese national treasures, Beijing Opera comes from “Huiban” and it has three parts, including singing, dancing, and speaking. It’s full of famous stories, and it is loved by Chinese people of all ages.
The next one is about paper cuttings. Paper cuttings are in all kinds of shapes like animals, flowers or characters from Chinese folk stories. During the Spring Festival, paper cuttings are put on windows, doors and walls. Chinese people believe that they are symbols of wishes for good luck.
Thanks for your listening.
 题材:本文是一篇发言稿;② 时态:时态为一般现在时;③ 提示:写作要点已给出,考生应注意不要遗漏要点,可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。
[亮点词汇] share sth with sb 和某人分享某物② all kinds of 各种各样的③ put on张贴④ symbols of ……的象征
[高分句型] There are many kinds of traditional Chinese culture.there be句型)② It’s full of famous stories, and it is loved by Chinese people of all ages.and连接的并列句)③ Chinese people believe that they are symbols of wishes for good luck.that引导的宾语从句)

近日,在公共场所,人们身着汉服拍照,演奏古筝、二胡等传统乐器;校园里,学生吟诵古典诗词,写毛笔字……处处彰显着中国传统文化的魅力。你校英文报正在组织题为Spreading Traditional Chinese Culture 的征文活动,请你选择下表中的一种传统文化的形式,写一篇短文投稿,内容包括:
1. 你最喜欢的一种传统文化的形式;
2. 你体验该传统文化的经历;
 穿汉服wearing Hanfu
 写毛笔字learn calligraphy
 讲中国故事tell Chinese stories
 演奏中国传统乐器play  traditional Chinese musical instrument
3. 你的收获及感受。
Spreading Traditional Chinese Culture
Nowadays, with the popularity of Chinese style, more people show great interest in traditional Chinese culture. My favorite traditional Chinese culture is calligraphy, which has a long history and has influenced many people.
I started learning calligraphy at eight. At first, it was challenging for me to use the brush to write Chinese characters. My wrist would ache after holding the brush for a long time. Fortunately, with the help of my teacher, I gradually improved. Now, I can write spring couplets for my family every year. It makes me proud.
Learning calligraphy has a great influence on me. I become more patient and careful thanks to years of practice. I also feel honored to be able to pass down this traditional Chinese culture.
[亮点词汇] pass down 流传② with the help of ……帮助下③ more patient and careful 更加有耐心和细心④ feel honored 感到荣幸
[高分句型] My favorite traditional Chinese culture is calligraphy, which has a long history and has influenced many people.(定语从句)② Learning calligraphy has a great influence on me.(动名词作主语)

1. 茶的历史(中国人种茶、饮茶已有4000多年的历史)和种类(绿茶、红茶、乌龙茶……);
2. 茶具(主要由陶瓷制成,包括茶壶,茶杯等);
3. 喝茶的好处(至少两点)。
Chinese Tea
Tea is an important part of Chinese culture. Chinese people have liked drinking tea since ancient times. Tea has a history of over 4000 years since the Chinese began to grow and drink tea. There are many kinds of tea in China, such as green tea, black tea, oolong tea and so on. Longjing Tea is famous all over the world. People use tea pots or tea cups to drink tea. They are made of ceramics. Drinking tea is good for health. It’s said that green tea can prevent cancer. When you are tired, a cup of tea can help you relax.
I hope you will enjoy Chinese tea and love China. Thanks for listening.
[亮点词汇] many kinds of tea 很多种茶② and so on 等等③ all over the world 全世界
[高分句型] Drinking tea is good for health.(动名词作主语)② It’s said that green tea can prevent cancer.(主语从句)③ When you are tired, a cup of tea can help you relax.when引导时间状语从句)


1.在春节热播电影《热辣滚烫》中,贾玲通过坚持不懈的努力,实现了自己的人生价值,过上了热辣滚烫的人生。作为九年级的学生,我们正需要不屈不挠的毅力,不断拼搏的勇气。全力坚持做好每一件小事,成就更好的自己。请以“We Only Live Once”为题,根据以下要点和要求,用英语写一篇演讲稿,参加学校的英语主题演讲活动。
We Only Live Once
Dear classmates,
It’s my honor to make a speech here.________________________________________________
Thank you!
Dear classmates,
It’s my honor to make a speech here. Have you ever tried your best to do one thing? Have you ever lived your life to the fullest? Today I want to share the thing I keep doing these years it you.
When I was in Grade 7, I couldn’t speak English well because of my poor pronunciation, so I was always laughed at by others. I made up my mind to improve my spoken English no matter how hard it was for me at that time. These years I get up at 5 o’clock every morning so that I can spend at least half an hour practising speaking English. To correct my pronunciation, I also read English aloud after the tape every day. Now my English has greatly improved.
This leaning experience has made a great difference to my life. I am not as shy as I used to be. Besides, when facing difficulties in study. I will never give up. I'm ready to take on any challenge in the future.
Thank you!
make up my mind to do sth.下定决心去做某事
make a great difference to……产生巨大影响
I made up my mind to improve my spoken English no matter how hard it was for me at that time.no matter how引导让步状语从句)
These years I get up at 5 o’clock every morning so that I can spend at least half an hour practising speaking English.so that引导目的状语从句)

龙承载着勇气、智慧等美好寓意,中华儿女一直以龙的传人(the descendants of Loong)而自豪。发生在你自己或他人身上的哪件事,让你瞬间觉得我们就是龙的传人?恰逢龙年,请你以“The Spirit of Loong”为题,根据表格信息,写一篇英语短文向学校英文期刊投稿。
About Loong
What do Chinese people think of  Loong?
A story
What you do or see that makes  you believe you are the descendants of Loong?
Your understanding
Which spirit of Loong does the  story show? Why?
Loong is seen as a symbol of courage in China. As descendants of Loong, we’re proud of ourselves. Here comes my story.
Last year, we lost in the final school basketball match. It disappointed us because we trained hard. However, our captain cheered us and we decided to train better as a team. We practiced more carefully every day, even during holidays. Finally, our hard work paid off. We were the winner this year.
In my opinion, those who never give up are true descendants of Loong. Keep the spirit in mind and we can get through all difficulties.
a symbol of……的象征
be proud of……感到自豪
pay off成功
keep...in mind记住
It disappointed us because we trained hard. (because引导的原因状语从句)
In my opinion, those who never give up are true descendants of Loong. (who引导的定语从句)


初中生活马上就要结束了,三年的初中生活一定给你留下了很多挥之不去的回忆。请你给大家讲一个最值得你回忆的故事。包括时间、人物、事情经过和事后你的感想(请不要写出真实的学校名称以及真实姓名)提示词语: three years, memories, one of, one day, think, happy / sorry
Junior high school life: 初中生活Unforgettable memories: 难忘的回忆Cherished moments: 珍贵的时刻Fond recollections: 美好的回忆A significant experience: 一次重要的经历Shared laughter: 共同的欢笑Lessons learned: 学到的教训
Three years of junior high school life are filled with unforgettable memories. One of the most cherished moments was the schoolsports meet. 
It was a sunny day, and our class was competing in the relay race. Everyone was excited and nervous. When it was my turn to run, I felt the pressure, but my teammates cheered me on. We won the race, and the shared laughter and celebrations that followed are forever etched in my mind.
Thinking back, I feel happy that we could achieve something together as a team.
Among the many fond recollections of my three years in junior high, one significant experience stands out.
One day, during a school trip to a nearby nature reserve, I got separated from the group. Lost and alone, I wandered for hours until a classmate found me. Instead of scolding or mocking, they comforted me and we walked back together. I learned an important lesson about teamwork and camaraderie that day.
Thinking about it now, I feel a bit sorry for the scare I gave everyone, but mostly, I'm grateful for the support and understanding of my classmates.
1.Three years of junior high school life are filled with unforgettable memories.(三年的初中生活充满了难忘的回忆。)这句话简洁明了地引出了文章的主题,即初中生活中的美好回忆,为整篇文章奠定了基调。
2.It was a sunny day, and our class was competing in the relay race.(那是一个阳光明媚的日子,我们班正在参加接力赛。)通过描述天气和活动,这句话为接下来的故事情节提供了生动的背景。
3.We won the race, and the shared laughter and celebrations that followed are forever etched in my mind.(我们赢得了比赛,随后的欢笑和庆祝活动永远铭刻在我的脑海里。)这句话通过生动的描述,展现了胜利后的喜悦和庆祝氛围,增强了文章的感染力。
4.I learned an important lesson about teamwork and camaraderie that day.(那天我学到了关于团队合作和同志情谊的重要一课。)这句话体现了作者在经历中的成长和学习,使文章不仅仅是对往事的简单回忆,还包含了深刻的反思和领悟。
5.Instead of scolding or mocking, they comforted me and we walked back together.(他们没有责骂或嘲笑我,而是安慰我,我们一起走回去。”)这句话展现了同学们之间的理解和支持,体现了友情和团结的力量,为文章增添了温暖和感人的元素。
6.I'm grateful for the support and understanding of my classmates.(我感激同学们的支持和理解。)这句话表达了作者对同学情谊的珍视和感激之情,为整篇文章画上了一个温馨的句号。


