
四季读书网 1 0



1. Choose the correct form of the verb in brackets: "They _______ (go) to school by bike every day."

   A. go

   B. goes

   C. went

   D. going

2. What is the opposite of "happy"?

   A. sad

   B. glad

   C. cheerful

   D. excited

3. Which sentence is correct?

   A. "She walk to school."

   B. "She walks to school."

   C. "She walking to school."

   D. "She is walking to school."


4. Complete the sentence with the correct form of "be": "I _______ a student."

5. Fill in the blank with the correct preposition: "She puts her keys _______ the table."

6. Choose the correct word to complete the sentence: "He is _______ tired to go to the party."


Read the following passage and answer the questions.


"The sun rises in the east and sets in the west. This is a natural phenomenon that happens every day. The sun gives us light and heat, which are essential for life on Earth. Plants use sunlight to make their food through a process called photosynthesis. Animals, including humans, depend on plants for food. Therefore, the sun is vital for our existence."

7. Where does the sun rise?

   A. In the west

   B. In the east

   C. In the north

   D. In the south

8. What does the sun provide to the Earth?

   A. Light and darkness

   B. Heat and cold

   C. Light and heat

   D. Food and water

9. What process do plants use to make their food?

   A. Respiration

   B. Photosynthesis

   C. Digestion

   D. Evaporation


Write a short essay (about 100 words) on the topic "My Favourite Season". Describe why it is your favourite season and what you like to do during that time.


1. 这道题考察的是动词的时态。正确答案是 C. went,因为句子描述的是过去发生的事情。

2. 这道题考察的是词汇理解。正确答案是 A. sad,因为它是 happy 的反义词。

3. 这道题考察的是句子结构。正确答案是 B. "She walks to school.",因为这是一个简单的现在时态句子,主语是第三人称单数。


4. 这道题考察的是动词 be 的正确形式。正确答案是 am,因为主语是 I。

5. 这道题考察的是介词的用法。正确答案是 on,因为我们通常说“她把钥匙放在桌子上”。

6. 这道题考察的是副词的用法。正确答案是 too,因为句子意思是“他太累了,不能去参加派对”。


7. 这道题考察的是对文章细节的理解。正确答案是 B. In the east,因为文章中提到太阳从东方升起。

8. 这道题考察的是对文章信息的理解。正确答案是 C. Light and heat,因为文章中提到太阳给地球提供光和热。

9. 这道题考察的是对文章中特定信息的理解。正确答案是 B. Photosynthesis,因为文章中提到植物通过光合作用制造食物。




My Favourite Season

My favourite season is autumn. I love this season for its beautiful scenery and pleasant weather.

Autumn is known for its vibrant and colorful leaves. The trees change from green to shades of yellow, orange, and red, creating a stunning landscape. I enjoy walking through the parks and seeing the leaves fall gently to the ground. It's like a natural painting that never gets old.

Another reason I love autumn is its comfortable weather. It's not too hot and not too cold, making it perfect for outdoor activities. I love going for long walks in the countryside, feeling the cool breeze and smelling the fresh air. It's also a great time for hiking and exploring nature.

Autumn is also the season for harvest. I enjoy visiting farms and seeing the fruits and vegetables ready for picking. It's a time of plenty and abundance, and I love the taste of fresh produce.

In conclusion, autumn is my favourite season because of its beautiful scenery, comfortable weather, and the joy of harvest. It's a time of change and renewal, and I always look forward to it every year.








