
四季读书网 1 0


一、听力 短对话理解 你将听到五段对话,每段对话后有一个小题。请在每小题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出一个最佳选项。每段对话读两遍。

1.(1分)What might Jade want to be in the future?

A.2024年安徽省滁州市全椒县中考英语三模试卷 第1张

B.2024年安徽省滁州市全椒县中考英语三模试卷 第2张

C.2024年安徽省滁州市全椒县中考英语三模试卷 第3张

2.(1分)What can Mark play well?

A.2024年安徽省滁州市全椒县中考英语三模试卷 第4张

B.2024年安徽省滁州市全椒县中考英语三模试卷 第5张    

C.2024年安徽省滁州市全椒县中考英语三模试卷 第6张

3.(1分)What is the man looking for?

A.His keys.

B.His bag.

C.His cup.

4.(1分)Where does the conversation probably take place?

A.In the classroom.

B.In the playground.

C.In the hospital.

5.(1分)How much change does the man get back?

A.8 yuan.

B.12 yuan.

C.20 yuan.

长对话理解 你将听到两段对话,每段对话后有几个小题。请在每小题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出一个最佳选项。每段对话读两遍。

6.(2分)(1)What's Emily like?




(2)What colour is Jack's hair?




7.(3分)(1)What time is it now?    




(2)What does Jeff want to do now?

A.Take a walk.

B.Go shopping.

C.Go for dinner.

(3)What is the relationship between the two speakers?

A.Sister and brother.

B.Customer and waiter.

C.Husband and wife.

短文理解 你将听到一篇短文,短文后有五个小题。请根据短文内容,在每小题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出一个最佳选项。短文读两遍。

8.(5分)(1)How does Li Ming keep in touch with his grandma?

A.By phone.

B.By letter.

C.By email.

(2)Where does Li Ming's grandma live?

A.In another city.

B.In his community.

C.In a nursing home.

(3)Who helped Li Ming visit older people?

A.His brother.

B.His grandma.

C.His father.

(4)Why did Li Ming teach the older people?    

A.To take videos about them.

B.To help them connect family.

C.To learn about their life.

(5)How did the older people feel?

A.Surprised and excited.

B.Happy and proud.

C.Lonely and difficult.

信息转换 你将听到一篇短文。请根据短文内容,写出下面表格中所缺的单词,每空仅填一词。短文读两遍。


How to Find a Hobby You'll Stick With


a great way to stay (1)     

Think about the time

reading:can be done on your lunch(2)     

Think about what(3)      you

painting:to show people your (4)     

Start small

running:starting with(5)      to 10﹣minute runs

二、英语知识运用 单项填空 从每小题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出一个可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

10.(1分)—What about looking at what we've learned before doing our homework?We can ask each other questions to check our understanding.

—Great idea!It is a good habit to______our lessons in time!(  )

A.review       B.design       C.mix       D.cancel

11.(1分)—I can feel my heart beating fast before the speech.What should I do?

—Take a deep breath.This action can bring you a few minutes of        and quietness.(  )

A.excitement       B.peace      

C.tiredness       D.worry    

12.(1分)—Don't read or write in poor or _______ light because it can harm your eyes.

—OK.I'll turn down a little the light of the lamp.(  )

A.natural       B.warm       C.soft       D.bright

13.(1分)—For Xu Yuanchong,the night was a valuable time to focus on translation.

—Yes,he was exploring how to spread Chinese culture____by translating Chinese language beauty into Western beauty.(  )

A.right       B.abroad       C.below       D.fast

14.(1分)—By the end of February,the China﹣Europe Railway services had covered 219 cities across 25 European countries.

—Wonderful!China will continue to____ high﹣quality development of it.(  )

A.result from       B.hear about      

C.speed up       D.take away

15.(1分)—Mrs Smith stood out from all the workers____ personality.

—Right!She is much more patient,humorous and considerate.(  )

A.instead of       B.as well as      

C.at the cost of       D.in terms of

16.(1分)—China's Shenzhou﹣17 crew(机组人员)____their second spacewalk successfully on Saturday.

—That's exciting news!I can still remember the whole course.(  )

A.completed       B.will complete      

C.are completing       D.complete

17.(1分)Doctors and nurses look after the patients day and night.And they never stop treating them____the sick got well.(  )    

A.if       B.though       C.until       D.because

18.(1分)—I feel tired out after working 20 hours without stopping.

—You should take a rest from your work.Remember not to burn the candle at____ends at the same time.(  )

A.any       B.all       C.some       D.both

19.(1分)—Excuse me,I'm doing research about reading.Can you answer some questions for my survey?

—Sure.       .(  )

A.That depends       B.Go ahead      

C.Forget it       D.Many thanks

完形填空 阅读下列短文,从每小题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出一个最佳选项。

20.(10分)    In a colorful world of engines(引擎),there lived a tiny blue engine.It was small but it had big (1)     !One day,the engines were given the most important task of the year:To take (2)      to children who live on the other side of the mountain.

"It's too (3)     .We can't do it."Said all the powerful,bigger engines.They didn't think they could be able to do it.But the little engine was (4)     .It trusted itself and knew it could do it.It took a deep breath and took a (5)      to the front"I can do it".All the big engines started making fun of it.But it didn't(6)     .

The little blue engine set out and with every chug(发出嘎嚓声),it (7)      itself,"I think I can,I think I can."It didn't stop and with great (8)      ,it reached the top of the big mountain.The little blue engine took all the toys to the children (9)      and it was only able to do this because it believed in itself!

If you are strong﹣willed,you can (10)      any challenge that comes your way!So with a positive mindset,keep telling yourself,"I think I can."






































(10)A.deal with

B.depend on

C.believe in

D.mess up

21.(10分)    Anger is a strong feeling that can make you do and say things you don't really mean.What can be done to(1)      anger?Here are some ways:

Firstly,you need to understand that things don't always go the way you want them to.You have to(2)      that sometimes things do go wrong and that people are not always lovely.Realizing that no﹣one is(3)      is a good start to avoiding getting angry.Also,you need to agree that not everyone has the same(4)      as you,and they won't behave as you ask yourself to in a given situation.

Secondly,it is (5)      to stop trying to manage your anger.A much more useful way of facing up to anger is to understand why you're really angry.Once you know the (6)     ,it is possible to work out the real problem.

Thirdly,remember that getting angry is a habit that can be (7)     .The key is to not react(反应) when something makes you angry.Anger is a negative way to react,so try to think (8)      instead.Or better yet,try not to react at all.This way,your anger won't have any (9)      to keep going.    

In a word,you must have the (10)      that anger is something you can control.Make changes to your lifestyle,and you will find that you will turn angry much less often.


























(7)A.brought back

B.given up

C.got into

D.waited for













三、阅读理解 补全对话 根据对话内容,从方框内的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,其中有两个为多余选项。

22.(5分)A:Lisa,would you like to go to the library with me?

B:Do you think we can go to buy a newspaper first?


B:The weather is really nice today.Let's walk.

A:The weather is good now.(2)         

B:OK,then let's take an umbrella.(3)     

A:No,he's still sleeping.

B:(4)      He must have stayed up late last night.

A:Yeah,he was preparing for a project the whole night.


A:It's straight down this road on the left.It takes about 10 minutes on foot.


A.Wow,it's already 10:00 am.

B.Are we going to walk or drive?

C.Is your brother coming with us?

D.I'm also designing a project now.

E.Which book are we going to borrow?

F.But I think it's supposed to rain this afternoon.

G.Anyway,how do we get to the library from here?

阅读理解 阅读下列短文,从每小题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出一个最佳选项。


         2024年安徽省滁州市全椒县中考英语三模试卷 第7张        

    Confucius had a lot to say about how to live a good life.Leave your favorite saying and tell us why.You can also vote for your favorite!

    "I hear and I forget.I see and I remember.I do and I understand."

    POSTED:Rebecca on Wednesday,Sept.4 @ 8:20 am        

    I'm learning German and it takes hard work to learn new words.Hearing them is a good start,but using them in my own speech is what really helps me to learn.

    "What you do not wish done to yourself,do not do to others."

    POSTED:Tam on Tuesday,Sept.3 @ 7:00 pm.

    Just the other day,one of my friend talked badly about a classmate of ours.I kept on thinking about how bad our classmate would feel.I know I wouldn't like it!

    "Careful people seldom make mistakes."

    POSTED:Rosa on Sunday,Sept.1 @ 2:00 pm

    I like to remind myself of this saying when taking a test.It's better to work slowly and pay close attention to avoid making unnecessary mistakes.

    "To go too far is as bad as to fall short."

    POSTED:Andre on Saturday,Aug.31 @ 2:15 pm

    I wanted to lose a few kilos for a big party so I didn't eat enough.In the end,I got really sick and couldn't even go to the party!

(1)Which saying gets the most votes?      

A.Saying 1.

B.Saying 2.

C.Saying 3.

D.Saying 4.

(2)What example does Andre take to explain his favourite saying?      

A.Attending a party.

B.Taking a test.

C.Learning German.

D.Talking about others.

(3)We can probably see this passage from a       .





24.(8分)    A highly talented 12﹣year﹣old girl in China who teaches college﹣level maths online has got 2.9 million followers on social media.In her educational videos,the girl,surnamed Gu,stands in front of a whiteboard with a marker pen in hand.She clearly explains math topics like shapes and functions(函数).In December2023,she made a hard college math problem simple.Students used her method in their exams three days later.

"Thanks,Teacher Gu,for helping me get ten more points," one college student said below her video.Gu's outstanding mathematical abilities at a young age come from her deep interest in the subject.She posts videos to spread her love for maths while exploring different learning methods."At first,I encouraged her to record videos explaining problems to improve her own understanding of mathematics," Gu's mother said.

This learning method is known as the Feynman Technique,which was developed by the Nobel Prize﹣win﹣ning physicist Richard Feynman.It states that people are able to learn more efficiently if they are"teaching to learn".In 2022,Gu's first video was about a secondary school maths problem.She sounded excited and a bit young.______And an increasing number of people ask her for advice,and she records the way of solving the problems in videos that last eight to ten minutes.


(1)What can we learn from the passage?      

A.College students can learn from Gu's videos.

B.Gu's first video was posted when she was 12.

C.Gu expects to be a maths teacher in the future.

D.Shapes and functions are not taught in colleges.

(2)Who first encouraged Gu to post videos on social media?      

A.Richard Feynman.    

B.Her followers.

C.Her mother.

D.College students.

(3)What does the underlined word"efficiently"mean?      





(4)Which of the following can be put in ________?      

A.She is just a young girl.

B.Now she is more like a teacher.

C.She began to study hard.

D.So few people viewed her videos.

25.(6分)    Are you someone who keeps things tidy?Or do you prefer a more messy environment?January 14th marks Clean Off Your Desk Day,a perfect chance for a good clean﹣up.This special day also encourages you to clean your computer desktop,which often gets filled with lots of documents(文档).With a neatly arranged desk,you won't waste time searching through mountains of paper for what you need.Your office things will always be within reach.Plus,you'll have a safe place for your coffee cup.

But why do some desks end up in such a state of disorder?Is it a sign of a creative mind at work,an overworked person,or simply laziness?In fact,it has something to do with our childhood.Chances are,if your parents kept a tidy house,you're likely to follow it.If as a child,you took pride in keeping your room organized,the same habit might carry over to your adult workspace.

Many people find that a tidy desk makes them feel good.They can sit down and get down to work.The same goes for a well﹣organized computer desktop,allowing quick and easy way to any document needed.Taking just two minutes at the end of the day to put things back in order can make a world of difference.Use your trash bin(垃圾桶),and you'll find how simple your life becomes!    


(1)The writer introduces the topic in the beginning by       .

A.telling stories

B.listing numbers

C.comparing people

D.asking questions

(2)What can be the reason for some messy desks?      

A.People's laziness.

B.Shortage of time.

C.Parents' influence.

D.Children's creativity.

(3)What's the purpose of the text?      

A.To introduce a traditional holiday.

B.To present a worrying environment.

C.To explain the history of computers.

D.To call for actions to clean your desk.

26.(8分)    At the end of March,the black﹣headed gulls(黑头翁) at Dianchi Lake in Kunming are now flying back to Russia's Siberia,their breeding(繁殖) ground some 3,000 km away.

Every October since 1985,tens of thousands of the birds have flown from far places such as Siberia to the spring﹣like city of Kunming.At locations like the Haigeng Dam on Dianchi Lake,black﹣headed gulls and visitors in the gentle lakeside wind paint a lovely picture describing perfect harmony(和谐) between humans and nature.

In fact,when black﹣headed gulls first arrived in Kunming in 1985,they were quite shy of humans."But the locals were very warm﹣hearted,offering them their own food," said Wang Zijiang,the chairman ofKunming Birdwatching Association.    

Wang,an 84﹣year﹣old teacher,is one of the earliest protectors in Yunnan to study black﹣headed gulls.He remembered that when Kunming was preparing to lift the ban(禁令) on fireworks in 2005,Wang,along with other experts,immediately wrote to local government,asking them to stop it."The hearing of black﹣headed gulls is 100 times more sensitive than humans',and setting off fireworks would directly drive them away,"Wang said.Even to this day,Kunming's ban is still in place on setting off fireworks in the living areas of black﹣headed gulls.

Thanks to the warmth and care shown by Kunming,these once﹣shy birds have developed a special connection to their human neighbors and environments.


(1)From the passage,we can know the       of the black﹣headed gulls.

A.breeding ground

B.exact number

C.favourite food

D.poor hearing

(2)The writer mentions the story about lifting the ban on fireworks to show       .

A.government's effort in culture protection

B.people's protection for the gulls

C.the harmony between humans and nature

D.the serious pollution in Kunming

(3)What does the underlined word"them"in Paragraph 3 refer to(指的是)?      

A.The locals.

B.The visitors to Dianchi.

C.The protectors.

D.The black﹣headed gulls.

(4)What is the best title(标题) for the text?          

A.Kunming:Black﹣headed Gulls' Home

B.Journey Back to Russia's Siberia

C.Warm Weather in Spring﹣like Kunming

D.Human Neighbors and Environments

27.(6分)    Some scientists say robots should have faces that look human.A lot of our brainpower goes into recognizing faces.Giving a robot a face can help people communicate with it.Dave Hanson likes robots to look as real as possible.His robots have faces made with rubbery(橡胶) skin.Tiny motors(马达) move the rubbery skin to make smiles and other facial expressions.Their eyes have cameras which send pictures of people's faces to the central computers.In this way,they interact(互动) with similar feelings.Hanson thinks that people might be shocked by a robot with a lifelike face at first.But he thinks that they can get used to it.

Other scientists hold a different view.Maja Mataric is a scientist who studies computers,including their design and how they deal with information.When designing a new robot,Mataric decided it should have a face that didn't look too human.She thought that might scare people.Her research showed that people enjoyed communicating with a machine face.Mataric's robot is named Bandit with a simple face.Her team started with a gray,childlike head with big eyes.Its eyes can move up and down and in and out.The bright red lips(嘴唇)can make different shapes.Mataric thinks that as helpful robots play a bigger role in our lives,we'll become more used to different robot faces.

So as for the future robots,I suppose they might have faces like this…


(1)What do Dave's robots look like?      

A.They have rubbery skin.

B.They look like cameras.

C.They look serious and strict.

D.They have bright red lips.

(2)Maja Mataric probably agrees       .

A.people's lips will be different    

B.robots are more and more useful

C.it's terrible for robots to have faces

D.machine faces might scare people

(3)What will the writer talk about in the last paragraph?      

A.Robots' feelings.

B.Man﹣machine talks.

C.Future robots' faces.

D.Scientists' discovery.


28.(6分)    Jordyn Perez was about to turn 8 years old when her mom suggested a new way to celebrate her birthday."What would you think about donating your gifts to a children 's hospital?"her mom said."Okay,that's cool,"Jordyn said."I already had everything I needed.And these kids that were going through things at the hospital —they needed it more than I did."

Now Jordyn is in high school.She continues to bring joy to kids being treated for serious illnesses.InDecember,she made her eighth birthday﹣gift donation to Baptist Children's Hospital.Jordyn's gift drives kick off each year in November.She sends her friends invitation s to her birthday party.The invitations list gift ideas for kids at the hospital.These include blocks and toy trains.Jordyn also shares the list with family and teachers.

"Seeing other people's smile —that's all that matters to me," Jordyn says.Natalie Gutierrez works atBaptist Children's Hospital.She has seen firsthan d the effect of Jordyn's gift﹣giving."She puts smiles on the faces,of these little patients in our hospital and on our nurses," Gutierrez says."They are all amazed at her generosity(慷慨)."

"_______.So I want to keep doing this as long as I can,"Jordyn says.


(1)How did Jordyn feel about donating birthday gifts to sick children at first? (不超过5个词)               

(2)Who does Jordyn share her invitation list with? (不超过5个词)                     

(3)What would Jordyn say at the end of the passage? (不超过10个词)                     

四、写 单词拼写 根据首字母及汉语提示,完成下列单词的拼写,使句意明确,语言通顺。

29.(1分)We should v           (珍惜) the friendship that we have developed in the past years.

30.(1分)The t           (事实) is that heroes will still jump into deep water to save others although they 're also afraid in their heart.

31.(1分)When you're visiting a museum,following all the r           (规则) helps you have a better time.

32.(1分)Tea is our national drink and tea﹣drinking is one of the d           (日常的) activities of Chinese people.

33.(1分)Active reading includes not only taking notes,but also speaking a           (大声地) and asking questions about the material that they are reading.











Dear Jim,    

How is everything going?__________


Li Hui





一、听力 短对话理解 你将听到五段对话,每段对话后有一个小题。请在每小题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出一个最佳选项。每段对话读两遍。

1.(1分)What might Jade want to be in the future?

A.2024年安徽省滁州市全椒县中考英语三模试卷 第1张

B.2024年安徽省滁州市全椒县中考英语三模试卷 第2张

C.2024年安徽省滁州市全椒县中考英语三模试卷 第3张


2.(1分)What can Mark play well?

A.2024年安徽省滁州市全椒县中考英语三模试卷 第4张    

B.2024年安徽省滁州市全椒县中考英语三模试卷 第5张

C.2024年安徽省滁州市全椒县中考英语三模试卷 第6张


3.(1分)What is the man looking for?

A.His keys.

B.His bag.

C.His cup.


4.(1分)Where does the conversation probably take place?

A.In the classroom.

B.In the playground.

C.In the hospital.


5.(1分)How much change does the man get back?

A.8 yuan.

B.12 yuan.

C.20 yuan.


长对话理解 你将听到两段对话,每段对话后有几个小题。请在每小题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出一个最佳选项。每段对话读两遍。    

6.(2分)(1)What's Emily like?




(2)What colour is Jack's hair?





7.(3分)(1)What time is it now?




(2)What does Jeff want to do now?

A.Take a walk.

B.Go shopping.

C.Go for dinner.

(3)What is the relationship between the two speakers?

A.Sister and brother.

B.Customer and waiter.

C.Husband and wife.


短文理解 你将听到一篇短文,短文后有五个小题。请根据短文内容,在每小题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出一个最佳选项。短文读两遍。

8.(5分)(1)How does Li Ming keep in touch with his grandma?    

A.By phone.

B.By letter.

C.By email.

(2)Where does Li Ming's grandma live?

A.In another city.

B.In his community.

C.In a nursing home.

(3)Who helped Li Ming visit older people?

A.His brother.

B.His grandma.

C.His father.

(4)Why did Li Ming teach the older people?

A.To take videos about them.

B.To help them connect family.

C.To learn about their life.

(5)How did the older people feel?

A.Surprised and excited.

B.Happy and proud.

C.Lonely and difficult.


信息转换 你将听到一篇短文。请根据短文内容,写出下面表格中所缺的单词,每空仅填一词。短文读两遍。


How to Find a Hobby You'll Stick With


a great way to stay (1)  

Think about the time

reading:can be done on your lunch(2)  

Think about what(3)   you        

painting:to show people your (4)  

Start small

running:starting with(5)   to 10﹣minute runs


二、英语知识运用 单项填空 从每小题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出一个可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

10.(1分)—What about looking at what we've learned before doing our homework?We can ask each other questions to check our understanding.

—Great idea!It is a good habit to______our lessons in time!(  )

A.review       B.design       C.mix       D.cancel

【解答】A复习;B设计;C混合;D取消。根据It is a good habit(一个好习惯)可知,此处是及时复习我们的课程是一个好习惯!


11.(1分)—I can feel my heart beating fast before the speech.What should I do?

—Take a deep breath.This action can bring you a few minutes of        and quietness.(  )

A.excitement       B.peace      

C.tiredness       D.worry



12.(1分)—Don't read or write in poor or _______ light because it can harm your eyes.

—OK.I'll turn down a little the light of the lamp.(  )

A.natural       B.warm       C.soft       D.bright

【解答】A自然的;B温暖的;C柔软的;D明亮的,刺眼的。根据回答I'll turn down a little the light of the lamp.(我会把灯调得稍微暗一点。)可知是不要在昏暗或刺眼的光线下阅读或写作,因为这会伤害你的眼睛。    


13.(1分)—For Xu Yuanchong,the night was a valuable time to focus on translation.

—Yes,he was exploring how to spread Chinese culture____by translating Chinese language beauty into Western beauty.(  )

A.right       B.abroad       C.below       D.fast



14.(1分)—By the end of February,the China﹣Europe Railway services had covered 219 cities across 25 European countries.

—Wonderful!China will continue to____ high﹣quality development of it.(  )

A.result from       B.hear about      

C.speed up       D.take away

【解答】result from结果;hear about听说;speed up加快;take away带走。根据By the end of February,the China﹣Europe Railway services had covered 219 cities across 25 European countries.(到二月底,中欧铁路服务已经覆盖了25个欧洲国家的219个城市。)可知,此处是说"太棒了!中国将继续加快它的高质量发展。"


15.(1分)—Mrs Smith stood out from all the workers____ personality.

—Right!She is much more patient,humorous and considerate.(  )    

A.instead of       B.as well as      

C.at the cost of       D.in terms of

【解答】instead of代替;as well as和……一样;at the cost of以……为代价;in terms of就……而言。根据Right!She is much more patient,humorous and considerate.(对!她在耐心、幽默和体贴方面要强得多。)可知,此处是说"就人格而言,史密斯夫人在所有工人中脱颖而出。"


16.(1分)—China's Shenzhou﹣17 crew(机组人员)____their second spacewalk successfully on Saturday.

—That's exciting news!I can still remember the whole course.(  )

A.completed       B.will complete      

C.are completing       D.complete

【解答】completed过去式;will complete一般将来时;are completing现在进行时;complete完成,动词原形。"中国神舟十七号的机组人员周六成功完成了他们的第二次太空行走。"这件事发生在过去,句子时态为一般过去时,用过去式completed。


17.(1分)Doctors and nurses look after the patients day and night.And they never stop treating them____the sick got well.(  )

A.if       B.though       C.until       D.because



18.(1分)—I feel tired out after working 20 hours without stopping.

—You should take a rest from your work.Remember not to burn the candle at____ends at the same time.(  )    

A.any       B.all       C.some       D.both

【解答】any任何的;all(三者以上)全部;some一些;both两者都。burn the candle at both ends at the same time"蜡烛两头烧",谚语。


19.(1分)—Excuse me,I'm doing research about reading.Can you answer some questions for my survey?

—Sure.       .(  )

A.That depends       B.Go ahead      

C.Forget it       D.Many thanks

【解答】A.那要看情况了;B.请开始问吧;C.算了;D.非常感谢。根据题干Excuse me,I'm doing research about reading.Can you answer some questions for my survey?(打扰一下,我正在做关于阅读的研究。你能回答一些我调查问卷上的问题吗?)及答语Sure.(当然可以。)并结合选项,可知B选项"请开始问吧"符合题意。


完形填空 阅读下列短文,从每小题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出一个最佳选项。

20.(10分)    In a colorful world of engines(引擎),there lived a tiny blue engine.It was small but it had big (1) B !One day,the engines were given the most important task of the year:To take (2) A  to children who live on the other side of the mountain.

"It's too (3) D .We can't do it."Said all the powerful,bigger engines.They didn't think they could be able to do it.But the little engine was (4) D .It trusted itself and knew it could do it.It took a deep breath and took a (5) C  to the front"I can do it".All the big engines started making fun of it.But it didn't(6) A .

The little blue engine set out and with every chug(发出嘎嚓声),it (7) D  itself,"I think I can,I think I can."It didn't stop and with great (8) B  ,it reached the top of the big mountain.The little blue engine took all the toys to the children (9) C  and it was only able to do this because it believed in itself!    

If you are strong﹣willed,you can (10) A  any challenge that comes your way!So with a positive mindset,keep telling yourself,"I think I can."






































(10)A.deal with

B.depend on

C.believe in

D.mess up

【解答】(1)考查名词。句意:它很小,但有远大的梦想。risks风险;dreams梦想;mountains山;mistakes错误。根据"It was small but it had big"(它很小,但有远大的)可知它很小,但是梦想远大。故选B。

(2)考查名词。句意:把玩具带给住在山另一边的孩子。toys玩具;engines发动机;messages信息;cookies饼干。根据"took all the toys to the children"(把玩具带给孩子。)可知把玩具带给孩子。故选A。

(3)考查形容词。句意:太难了。colorful多彩的;tiny小的;important重要的;hard难的。根据"We can't do it"(我们做不到)可知太难了,所以做不到。故选D。    

(4)考查形容词。句意:但小引擎正好相反。nervous紧张的;fun有趣的;lazy懒惰的;opposite相反的。根据"But the little engine was"(但小引擎)可知转折词后表示小引擎和它们相反,它相信自己。故选D。

(5)考查名词。句意:它深吸一口气,走到前面。bite一口;view景色;step步;photo照片。根据"to the front"(到前面去)可知是走到前面。故选C。

(6)考查代词。句意:但它并不在乎。care关心;breathe呼吸;start开始;arrive到达。根据"All the big engines started making fun of it"(所有的大引擎都开始取笑它)可知它不在乎其他引擎的嘲笑。故选A。

(7)考查代词。句意:它鼓励自己,"我想我能,我想我可以。"questioned质疑;punished惩罚;protected保护;encouraged鼓励。根据"I think I can,I think I can"(我想我能,我想我可以)可知它在鼓励自己。故选D。

(8)考查名词。句意:它没有停下来,付出了巨大的努力,它到达了大山的顶端。regret后悔;effort努力;interest兴趣;shame羞愧。根据"it reached the top of the big mountain"(它到达了大山的顶端)可知通过自己的努力,它到达了山顶。故选B。

(9)考查副词。句意:蓝色的小引擎成功地把所有的玩具带给了孩子们。strictly严格地;lightly轻地;successfully成功地;crazily疯狂地。根据"took all the toys to the children"(把所有的玩具带给了孩子们)可知是成功地把玩具带给了孩子。故选C。

(10)考查动词短语。句意:如果你意志坚强,你可以应对任何挑战!deal with处理,应对;depend on依靠;believe in相信;mess up弄乱。根据"any challenge that comes your way"(你遇到的任何挑战)可知可以应对任何挑战。故选A。

21.(10分)    Anger is a strong feeling that can make you do and say things you don't really mean.What can be done to(1) B  anger?Here are some ways:    

Firstly,you need to understand that things don't always go the way you want them to.You have to(2) D  that sometimes things do go wrong and that people are not always lovely.Realizing that no﹣one is(3) D  is a good start to avoiding getting angry.Also,you need to agree that not everyone has the same(4) A  as you,and they won't behave as you ask yourself to in a given situation.

Secondly,it is (5) C  to stop trying to manage your anger.A much more useful way of facing up to anger is to understand why you're really angry.Once you know the (6) A ,it is possible to work out the real problem.

Thirdly,remember that getting angry is a habit that can be (7) B .The key is to not react(反应) when something makes you angry.Anger is a negative way to react,so try to think (8) D  instead.Or better yet,try not to react at all.This way,your anger won't have any (9) B  to keep going.

In a word,you must have the (10) C  that anger is something you can control.Make changes to your lifestyle,and you will find that you will turn angry much less often.


























(7)A.brought back

B.given up

C.got into

D.waited for













【解答】(1)考查动词。句意:怎样才能控制愤怒?A.表达;B.控制;C.记录;D.导致;根据下文"anger is something you can control"(愤怒是你可以控制的,)可知,此处指控制愤怒。故选B。

(2)考查动词。句意:你必须接受,有时事情确实会出错,人们并不总是那么可爱。A.想象;B.争论;C.忘记;D.接受;根据Firstly,you need to understand that things don't always go the way you want them to.(首先,你需要明白事情并不总是按照你想要的方式发展。)可知你必须接受有时事情确实会出错,人们并不总是那么可爱这些事实。故选D。

(3)考查形容词。句意:意识到没有人是完美的,这是避免生气的好开始。A.强壮的;B.真实的;C.可爱的;D.完美的;根据that sometimes things do go wrong and that people are not always lovely.(有时候事情确实出了问题,人们并不总是那么可爱。)可知,此处指人无完人。故选D。

(4)考查名词。句意:此外,你需要承认,并不是每个人都有和你相同的标准,在特定的情况下,他们不会按照你的要求行事。A.标准;B.恐惧;C.记忆;D.交易;根据and they won't behave as you ask yourself to in a given situation.(在特定的情况下,他们不会按照你的要求行事。)可知,并不是每个人都有和自己相同的标准,在特定的情况下,他们不会按照自己的要求行事。故选A。

(5)考查形容词。句意:其次,停止试图控制你的愤怒是有用的。A.幸运的;B.昂贵的;C.有用的;D.迅速的;根据A much more useful way of facing up to anger is to understand why you're really angry.(面对愤怒的一个更有用的方法是理解你为什么真的很生气。)可知面对愤怒的一个更有用的方法是理解你为什么真的很生气,所以停止试图控制你的愤怒是有用的。故选C。

(6)考查名词。句意:一旦你知道了原因,就有可能找出真正的问题。A.原因;B.习惯;C.生活方式;D.程序;根据A much more useful way of facing up to anger is to understand why you're really angry.(面对愤怒的一个更有用的方法是理解你为什么真的很生气。)可知此处指知道了为什么真的很生气的原因。故选A。    

(7)考查短语。句意:第三,记住生气是一种可以放弃的习惯。A.带回;B.放弃;C.进入;D.等待;根据Or better yet,try not to react at all.(或者更好的是,尽量不要做出任何反应。)可知,此处指生气是一种可以放弃的习惯。故选B。

(8)考查副词。句意:愤怒是一种消极的反应方式,所以试着积极思考。A.诚实地;B.认真地;C.愤怒地;D.积极地;根据Anger is a negative way to react,(愤怒是一种消极的反应方式,)可知此处指愤怒是一种消极的反应方式,所以试着积极思考。故选D。

(9)考查名词。句意:这样,你的愤怒就没有任何力量继续下去了。A.问题;B.力量;C.服务;D.金钱;根据to keep going(继续下去),可知此处指愤怒就没有任何力量继续下去了。故选B。

(10)考查名词。句意:总之,你必须明白,愤怒是你可以控制的。A.怀疑;B.训练;C.想法;D.影响;根据Make changes to your lifestyle,and you will find that you will turn angry much less often.(改变你的生活方式,你会发现你生气的次数会减少很多。)可知此处指你必须明白,愤怒是你可以控制的。故选C。

三、阅读理解 补全对话 根据对话内容,从方框内的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,其中有两个为多余选项。

22.(5分)A:Lisa,would you like to go to the library with me?

B:Do you think we can go to buy a newspaper first?

A:Sure.(1) B 

B:The weather is really nice today.Let's walk.

A:The weather is good now.(2) F 

B:OK,then let's take an umbrella.(3) C 

A:No,he's still sleeping.

B:(4) A  He must have stayed up late last night.    

A:Yeah,he was preparing for a project the whole night.

B:OK.(5) G 

A:It's straight down this road on the left.It takes about 10 minutes on foot.


A.Wow,it's already 10:00 am.

B.Are we going to walk or drive?

C.Is your brother coming with us?

D.I'm also designing a project now.

E.Which book are we going to borrow?

F.But I think it's supposed to rain this afternoon.

G.Anyway,how do we get to the library from here?

【解答】(1)根据The weather is really nice today.Let's walk.(今天天气很好。让我们步行吧。)可知上文询问是否步行,结合选项,B(我们步行还是开车?)符合情境,故选B。

(2)根据OK,then let's take an umbrella.(好的,我们可以带把伞。)可知上文预测要下雨,结合选项,F(但是我认为今天下午可能下雨。)符合情境,故选F。

(3)根据No,he's still sleeping.(不,他还在睡觉。)可知上文询问他和我们一起去吗,结合选项,C(你哥哥和我们一起去吗?)符合情境,故选C。

(4)根据He must have stayed up late last night.(他昨晚一定熬夜了。)可知这里表示很晚了,结合选项,A(哇,已经10点了。)符合情境,故选A。

(5)根据It's straight down this road on the left.(沿着这条路的左边直走。)可知上文询问怎么去,结合选项,G(不管怎样,我们从这里怎么去图书馆?)符合情境,故选G。

阅读理解 阅读下列短文,从每小题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出一个最佳选项。


         2024年安徽省滁州市全椒县中考英语三模试卷 第7张        

    Confucius had a lot to say about how to live a good life.Leave your favorite saying and tell us why.You can also vote for your favorite!

    "I hear and I forget.I see and I remember.I do and I understand."

    POSTED:Rebecca on Wednesday,Sept.4 @ 8:20 am

    I'm learning German and it takes hard work to learn new words.Hearing them is a good start,but using them in my own speech is what really helps me to learn.

    "What you do not wish done to yourself,do not do to others."

    POSTED:Tam on Tuesday,Sept.3 @ 7:00 pm.

    Just the other day,one of my friend talked badly about a classmate of ours.I kept on thinking about how bad our classmate would feel.I know I wouldn't like it!

    "Careful people seldom make mistakes."

    POSTED:Rosa on Sunday,Sept.1 @ 2:00 pm

    I like to remind myself of this saying when taking a test.It's better to work slowly and pay close attention to avoid making unnecessary mistakes.

    "To go too far is as bad as to fall short."

    POSTED:Andre on Saturday,Aug.31 @ 2:15 pm

    I wanted to lose a few kilos for a big party so I didn't eat enough.In the end,I got really sick and couldn't even go to the party!

(1)Which saying gets the most votes?  B 

A.Saying 1.

B.Saying 2.

C.Saying 3.    

D.Saying 4.

(2)What example does Andre take to explain his favourite saying?  A 

A.Attending a party.

B.Taking a test.

C.Learning German.

D.Talking about others.

(3)We can probably see this passage from a   D .





【解答】(1)细节理解题。根据What you do not wish done to yourself,do not do to others.(你不想对自己做的事,不要对别人做。)可知Saying2得票最多。故选B。

(2)细节理解题。根据I wanted to lose a few kilos for a big party so I didn't eat enough.In the end,I got really sick and couldn't even go to the party!(我想为一个大型派对减掉几公斤,所以我吃得不够。最后,我真的病了,甚至不能去参加聚会!)可知安德烈参加聚会例子来解释他最喜欢的一句话。故选A。

(3)推理判断题。根据Leave your favorite saying and tell us why.You can also vote for your favorite!(留下你最喜欢的一句话,告诉我们为什么。你也可以投票给你最喜欢的!)可知我们可能可以从网站中看到这段话。故选D。

24.(8分)    A highly talented 12﹣year﹣old girl in China who teaches college﹣level maths online has got 2.9 million followers on social media.In her educational videos,the girl,surnamed Gu,stands in front of a whiteboard with a marker pen in hand.She clearly explains math topics like shapes and functions(函数).In December2023,she made a hard college math problem simple.Students used her method in their exams three days later.

"Thanks,Teacher Gu,for helping me get ten more points," one college student said below her video.Gu's outstanding mathematical abilities at a young age come from her deep interest in the subject.She posts videos to spread her love for maths while exploring different learning methods."At first,I encouraged her to record videos explaining problems to improve her own understanding of mathematics," Gu's mother said.    

This learning method is known as the Feynman Technique,which was developed by the Nobel Prize﹣win﹣ning physicist Richard Feynman.It states that people are able to learn more efficiently if they are"teaching to learn".In 2022,Gu's first video was about a secondary school maths problem.She sounded excited and a bit young.______And an increasing number of people ask her for advice,and she records the way of solving the problems in videos that last eight to ten minutes.


(1)What can we learn from the passage?  A 

A.College students can learn from Gu's videos.

B.Gu's first video was posted when she was 12.

C.Gu expects to be a maths teacher in the future.

D.Shapes and functions are not taught in colleges.

(2)Who first encouraged Gu to post videos on social media?  C 

A.Richard Feynman.

B.Her followers.

C.Her mother.

D.College students.

(3)What does the underlined word"efficiently"mean?  B 





(4)Which of the following can be put in ________?  B     

A.She is just a young girl.

B.Now she is more like a teacher.

C.She began to study hard.

D.So few people viewed her videos.

【解答】(1)细节理解题。根据第一段Students used her method in their exams three days later.(三天后,学生们在考试中使用了她的方法。)可知,大学生从她的视频中学习,在考试中多考了10分。故选A。

(2)细节理解题。根据第二段At first,I encouraged her to record videos explaining problems to improve her own understanding of mathematics," Gu's mother said.(谷的妈妈说:"起初,我鼓励她录制解释问题的视频,以提高自己对数学的理解。")可知,她的妈妈鼓励她发布视频。故选C。

(3)词义猜测题。根据第三段It states that people are able to learn more efficiently if they are teaching to learn.(它指出,如果人们"以教为学",他们就能更有效地学习。)可知,如果人们"以教为学",他们就能便有效地学习,故此处划线部分意为"有效地"。故选B。

(4)推理判断题。根据最后一段Gu's first video was about a secondary school maths problem.She sounded excited and a bit young.(谷的第一个视频是关于一道中学数学题的。她听起来很兴奋,有点年轻。)可知,在她的第一个视频里,她听起来很兴奋,有点年轻,此处介绍她现在的情况,选项B现在她更像一个老师符合语境。故选B。

25.(6分)    Are you someone who keeps things tidy?Or do you prefer a more messy environment?January 14th marks Clean Off Your Desk Day,a perfect chance for a good clean﹣up.This special day also encourages you to clean your computer desktop,which often gets filled with lots of documents(文档).With a neatly arranged desk,you won't waste time searching through mountains of paper for what you need.Your office things will always be within reach.Plus,you'll have a safe place for your coffee cup.

But why do some desks end up in such a state of disorder?Is it a sign of a creative mind at work,an overworked person,or simply laziness?In fact,it has something to do with our childhood.Chances are,if your parents kept a tidy house,you're likely to follow it.If as a child,you took pride in keeping your room organized,the same habit might carry over to your adult workspace.    

Many people find that a tidy desk makes them feel good.They can sit down and get down to work.The same goes for a well﹣organized computer desktop,allowing quick and easy way to any document needed.Taking just two minutes at the end of the day to put things back in order can make a world of difference.Use your trash bin(垃圾桶),and you'll find how simple your life becomes!


(1)The writer introduces the topic in the beginning by   D .

A.telling stories

B.listing numbers

C.comparing people

D.asking questions

(2)What can be the reason for some messy desks?  C 

A.People's laziness.

B.Shortage of time.

C.Parents' influence.

D.Children's creativity.

(3)What's the purpose of the text?  D 

A.To introduce a traditional holiday.

B.To present a worrying environment.

C.To explain the history of computers.

D.To call for actions to clean your desk.

【解答】(1)推理判断题。根据第一段Are you someone who keeps things tidy?Or do you prefer a more messy environment?(你是那种保持东西整洁的人吗?还是你更喜欢一个更凌乱的环境?)可知,作者在开头通过提问来引入话题。故选D。

(2)细节理解题。根据第二段In fact,it has something to do with our childhood.Chances are,if your parents kept a tidy house,you're likely to follow it.(事实上,这与我们的童年有关。很有可能,如果你的父母保持一个整洁的房子,你很可能会遵循它。)可知,一些凌乱的桌子的原因是父母的影响。故选C。    

(3)主旨大意题。根据最后一段Use your trash bin(垃圾桶),and you'll find how simple your life becomes!(使用你的垃圾桶,你会发现你的生活变得多么简单!)可知,文章的目的是呼吁采取行动清理你的桌子。故选D。

26.(8分)    At the end of March,the black﹣headed gulls(黑头翁) at Dianchi Lake in Kunming are now flying back to Russia's Siberia,their breeding(繁殖) ground some 3,000 km away.

Every October since 1985,tens of thousands of the birds have flown from far places such as Siberia to the spring﹣like city of Kunming.At locations like the Haigeng Dam on Dianchi Lake,black﹣headed gulls and visitors in the gentle lakeside wind paint a lovely picture describing perfect harmony(和谐) between humans and nature.

In fact,when black﹣headed gulls first arrived in Kunming in 1985,they were quite shy of humans."But the locals were very warm﹣hearted,offering them their own food," said Wang Zijiang,the chairman ofKunming Birdwatching Association.

Wang,an 84﹣year﹣old teacher,is one of the earliest protectors in Yunnan to study black﹣headed gulls.He remembered that when Kunming was preparing to lift the ban(禁令) on fireworks in 2005,Wang,along with other experts,immediately wrote to local government,asking them to stop it."The hearing of black﹣headed gulls is 100 times more sensitive than humans',and setting off fireworks would directly drive them away,"Wang said.Even to this day,Kunming's ban is still in place on setting off fireworks in the living areas of black﹣headed gulls.

Thanks to the warmth and care shown by Kunming,these once﹣shy birds have developed a special connection to their human neighbors and environments.


(1)From the passage,we can know the   A of the black﹣headed gulls.

A.breeding ground

B.exact number

C.favourite food

D.poor hearing

(2)The writer mentions the story about lifting the ban on fireworks to show   B .

A.government's effort in culture protection

B.people's protection for the gulls

C.the harmony between humans and nature

D.the serious pollution in Kunming

(3)What does the underlined word"them"in Paragraph 3 refer to(指的是)?  D 

A.The locals.

B.The visitors to Dianchi.

C.The protectors.

D.The black﹣headed gulls.

(4)What is the best title(标题) for the text?  A 

A.Kunming:Black﹣headed Gulls' Home

B.Journey Back to Russia's Siberia

C.Warm Weather in Spring﹣like Kunming

D.Human Neighbors and Environments

【解答】(1)细节理解题。根据第1段"Russia's Siberia,their breeding (繁殖) ground some 3,000 km away."(俄罗斯的西伯利亚,它们大约3000公里外的繁殖地。)可知,它们的繁殖地是西伯利亚。故选A。

(2)推理判断题。根据第4段"The hearing of black﹣headed gulls is 100 times more sensitive than humans',and setting off fireworks would directly drive them away"(黑头翁的听觉比人灵敏100倍,燃放烟花会直接赶走它们)可知燃放烟花爆竹会直接把黑头翁赶走,所以提到他们要求政府停止燃放烟花爆竹是为了表明他们对黑头翁的保护。故选B。    

(3)词义猜测题。根据第3段"But the locals were very warm﹣hearted,offering them their own food"(但是当地人非常热心,给他们提供自己的食物)可知当地居民给黑头翁提供食物,故此处them指代"黑头翁"。故选D。


27.(6分)    Some scientists say robots should have faces that look human.A lot of our brainpower goes into recognizing faces.Giving a robot a face can help people communicate with it.Dave Hanson likes robots to look as real as possible.His robots have faces made with rubbery(橡胶) skin.Tiny motors(马达) move the rubbery skin to make smiles and other facial expressions.Their eyes have cameras which send pictures of people's faces to the central computers.In this way,they interact(互动) with similar feelings.Hanson thinks that people might be shocked by a robot with a lifelike face at first.But he thinks that they can get used to it.

Other scientists hold a different view.Maja Mataric is a scientist who studies computers,including their design and how they deal with information.When designing a new robot,Mataric decided it should have a face that didn't look too human.She thought that might scare people.Her research showed that people enjoyed communicating with a machine face.Mataric's robot is named Bandit with a simple face.Her team started with a gray,childlike head with big eyes.Its eyes can move up and down and in and out.The bright red lips(嘴唇)can make different shapes.Mataric thinks that as helpful robots play a bigger role in our lives,we'll become more used to different robot faces.

So as for the future robots,I suppose they might have faces like this…


(1)What do Dave's robots look like?  A     

A.They have rubbery skin.

B.They look like cameras.

C.They look serious and strict.

D.They have bright red lips.

(2)Maja Mataric probably agrees   B .

A.people's lips will be different

B.robots are more and more useful

C.it's terrible for robots to have faces

D.machine faces might scare people

(3)What will the writer talk about in the last paragraph?  C 

A.Robots' feelings.

B.Man﹣machine talks.

C.Future robots' faces.

D.Scientists' discovery.

【解答】(1)细节理解题。根据第1段"His robots have faces made with rubbery(橡胶) skin."(他的机器人的脸是用橡胶皮做成的。)可知他的机器人的脸是用橡胶做的。故选A。

(2)推理判断题。根据第2段"Mataric thinks that as helpful robots play a bigger role in our lives,we'll become more used to different robot faces."(Mataric认为,随着乐于助人的机器人在我们的生活中扮演越来越重要的角色,我们会越来越习惯不同的机器人面孔。)可知Mataric认为机器人在我们的生活中发挥更大的作用,所以机器人越来越有用。故选B。

(3)推理判断题。根据第3段"So as for the future robots,I suppose they might have faces like this"(至于未来的机器人,我想他们可能会有这样的脸……)可知接下来会介绍未来机器人的脸。故选C。


28.(6分)    Jordyn Perez was about to turn 8 years old when her mom suggested a new way to celebrate her birthday."What would you think about donating your gifts to a children 's hospital?"her mom said."Okay,that's cool,"Jordyn said."I already had everything I needed.And these kids that were going through things at the hospital —they needed it more than I did."    

Now Jordyn is in high school.She continues to bring joy to kids being treated for serious illnesses.InDecember,she made her eighth birthday﹣gift donation to Baptist Children's Hospital.Jordyn's gift drives kick off each year in November.She sends her friends invitation s to her birthday party.The invitations list gift ideas for kids at the hospital.These include blocks and toy trains.Jordyn also shares the list with family and teachers.

"Seeing other people's smile —that's all that matters to me," Jordyn says.Natalie Gutierrez works atBaptist Children's Hospital.She has seen firsthan d the effect of Jordyn's gift﹣giving."She puts smiles on the faces,of these little patients in our hospital and on our nurses," Gutierrez says."They are all amazed at her generosity(慷慨)."

"_______.So I want to keep doing this as long as I can,"Jordyn says.


(1)How did Jordyn feel about donating birthday gifts to sick children at first? (不超过5个词)  Cool. 

(2)Who does Jordyn share her invitation list with? (不超过5个词)  Her friends,family and teachers. 

(3)What would Jordyn say at the end of the passage? (不超过10个词)  Giving to others is just a good feeling to have. 

【解答】(1)细节理解题。根据第一段"Okay,that's cool"(好吧,这很酷)可知,起初Jordyn认为给生病的孩子捐赠生日礼物是很酷的。故填Cool.

(2)细节理解题。根据第二段"She sends her friends invitations to her birthday party. ...Jordyn also shares the list with family and teachers."(她给她的朋友们发生日聚会的邀请函. ...Jordyn还将这份清单分享给家人和老师。)可知,Jordyn和她的朋友、家人和老师分享她的邀请名单。故填Her friends,family and teachers.

(3)推理判断题。根据第三段"They are all amazed at her generosity (慷慨)."(他们都对她的慷慨感到惊讶。)和"So I want to keep doing this as long as I can"(所以我想尽我所能一直做下去)可知,病人和护士们都非常惊讶,脸上露出笑容,Jordyn想尽自己所能一直做下去,所以给予别人只是一种美好的感觉。故填Giving to others is just a good feeling to have.    

四、写 单词拼写 根据首字母及汉语提示,完成下列单词的拼写,使句意明确,语言通顺。

29.(1分)We should v   alue (珍惜) the friendship that we have developed in the past years.



30.(1分)The t   ruth (事实) is that heroes will still jump into deep water to save others although they 're also afraid in their heart.



31.(1分)When you're visiting a museum,following all the r   ules (规则) helps you have a better time.



32.(1分)Tea is our national drink and tea﹣drinking is one of the d   aily (日常的) activities of Chinese people.



33.(1分)Active reading includes not only taking notes,but also speaking a   loud (大声地) and asking questions about the material that they are reading.













Dear Jim,

How is everything going?__________


Li Hui

【解答】Dear Jim,

How is everything going?I'm glad you're interested in improving your communication skills.My own experience has been quite encouraging.

I used to struggle in social settings,but taking part in various clubs helped me learn to join crowds of people effectively.I've learned that active listening and sincere expression are really important for building connections.Additionally,showing confidence,respecting others,and using body languages are also key. 【高分句型一】(具体经历)

Reading books and watching speeches on the subject have been invaluable resources for me.Each person's journey is special,but with an open and eager mindset,you'll find your own path to improve communication. 【高分句型二】(经验总结)    


Li Hui

声明:试题解析著作权属菁优网所有,未经书面同意,不得复制发布日期:2024/6/5 20:23:30;用户:安徽蒙城双涧中学;邮箱:mcsjzx@xyh.com;学号:24963525    
