
四季读书网 1 0
Dancing with the Light
    A few years ago, I visited the Classical Gardens of Suzhou. During the visit, my attention was drawn away from the plants, bridges and stones, towards ____44____ walls of the gardens. Mostly white, some parts of the walls are losing small ____45____ (piece) of their covering. This creates space in which light and plants can be ____46____ (see). The walls are not only the boundaries of the gardens, but they also form protected paths that guide you on a trip.
    The memory of the white walls stayed with me. I kept ____47____ (imagine) how many shadows () could be collected by them to dance with the light. This fantastic moment was so lively ____48____ I came back to explore it with my camera.
    Working ____49____ (free) with these walls and their marks, I began to feel like collecting all the stories that were painted there. Weather and time have turned these ____50____ (amaze) white walls into Chinese landscape paintings.
    I ____51____ (take) the photos during the month of June, just after the rain. The air was full of small drops of water, showing the light and the color ____52____ the things around. As color was born out of a dance between light and a body, when photographing in color I found ____53____ (I) enjoying a moment of this dance.
44、无提示词:无提示词,简单句;前面的During the visit, 后面的 towards ____44____ walls of the gardens.属于状语部分,可以省略,my attention was drawn away from the plants, bridges and stones句子成分完整;考虑冠词,of the gardens给定范围,这里用the合适;(其实做这题时候,看到towards介词,我们应能判断空格不可能再填一个介词了);
46、提示词see动词,先确认谓语还是非谓语;本句为谓语;谓语考点时态,而空格前已经有be, 所以这里填seen;
48、无提示词的复合句,空格前句子成分缺少so lively导致的结果,空格后句子因为不缺成分,所以这里填that;
51、提示词take动词,先考虑谓语和非谓语,本句为谓语;谓语看时态,语态上是主动;时间上找提示信息,during the the month of June判定时间为过去;在整个6月做的事情,非正在做的、无生动场景感,所以不用进行时,这里填took
52、无提示词简单句,空格后的the表明空格不可能是冠词,所以考虑介词;那就找the light and the color the things around之间的逻辑关系,这里为所属关系,所以填of
