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时态 + 语态

非谓语动词的三种形式 [doing,,done,to do]
比如实义动词want,play,practice在一起,可以形成want play(错),want to play(对),practice to play(错),practice playing(对)
因此,当做到动词题的时候一定要往前一个词看,找是否有实义动词,如果有,则横线上填写的动词肯定是非谓语动词的三种形式之一。【…动词 ______(动词)】
如果横线与前一个动词之间还夹着别的成分,那需要按着语法来判断。【…动词 + 代词/名词 + ______(动词)】
【用to do的其他形式】

a chance to do sth 做某事的一个机会        

the way to do sth  做某事的办法
the best time to do sth 做某事的最佳时间      

something to eat 一些吃的东西

a lot of work to do 许多要做的工作
too tired to do sth 太累而不能做…
2、It’s+形容词(adj.)+for(of) +sb +to do sth对某人来说做某事怎么样
①It’s hard for me to learn English well.(句子 hard 是修饰动词不定式to learn English well,意为学好英语难,所以用的介词是for sb.)
②It’s kind of you to help me.(句中kind“善良的”修饰you(人) 意为你善良,所以介词用of sb.)
3、It takes sb. some time/money to do sth. 花费某人多长时间做某事(常考)
4、It’s time for sb. to do sth. 是某人做某事的时候了
After learning the devil would come again to his home village on the ninth day of the ninth lunar month, he went back. He     4     (lead) the people from his village up a mountain. He asked them     5     (carry) zhuyu and drink some chrysanthemum wine.
The whole village celebrated, because they     8     (save) by the brave young man. That is why today the festival is connected with mountain climbing, zhuyu and chrysanthemum wine.
【答案】 4.led    5.to carry    8.were saved
4.句意:他带领村民上山。根据“he went back”可知,句子时态是一般过去时,lead的过去式是led,故填led。
5.句意:他让他们拿着茱萸,喝点菊花酒。ask sb to do sth“要求某人做某事”,此处用动词不定式,故填to carry。
8.句意:全村的人都在庆祝,因为他们被那个勇敢的年轻人救了。根据“by”和“The whole village celebrated”可知,句子时态是一般过去时,且是被动语态,主语是复数,be动词用were,故填were saved。

Nie gets up early and comes home late every day.     56     (look) for macaques, he walks around the forest.
【答案】 56.To look
56.句意:为了寻找猕猴,他在森林里走来走去。此处用动词不定式to look作目的状语,句子开头首字母大写。故填To look。

Finally, the great man succeeded in    18    (deal) with a lot of difficulties and went out of the island because of his fighting spirit and hard work.
18.句意:最后,由于他的战斗精神和努力工作,这位伟人成功地克服了许多困难,走出了孤岛。deal“应对”,succeed in doing sth“成功地做某事”,故填dealing。

So far, China’s forest     70     (increase) by over 70,000,000 hectares (公顷). One tree after another, these people built a green Great Wall.
【答案】70.has increased
70.句意:到目前为止,中国的森林面积增加了2万多公顷。increase“增加”,根据“So far”可知句子用现在完成时,主语是China’s forest,助动词用has。故填has increased。


依据:横线前有表示复数的词如a few,lots of,these,those,或者数量词等,或者there be句型中be动词为复数are或were形式。




Many men in this situation would want their     164     (wife) to stay with the child, but my dad always thinks about others before himself. This made me start to respect him.
164.句意:很多处于这种情况的男人都希望他们的妻子留在孩子身边,但我爸爸总是先考虑别人,然后再考虑自己。根据“Many men”可知此处用名词复数wives“妻子”。故填wives。

“The hard life had not only given me the courage to face so many     26    (difficulty)and challenges, but also inspired(鼓舞)me to chase my dream.”

They are not only good scenery, but also friends of local people and     60     (tourist)
60.句意:它们不仅是好风景,也是当地人和游客的朋友。根据“but also friends of local people and ... (tourist)”可知此处表示当地人和游客的朋友,此处用复数形式tourists。故填tourists。

They wore    66    (hat), scarves and goggles (护目镜) all the time. In summer, it was so hot that the workers had to lie down on the ground next to their cars to cool off.
66.句意:他们一直戴着帽子、围巾和护目镜。根据“scarves and goggles”可知此处用名词复数hats“帽子”。故填hats。

It was     84     (danger). He took a big breath and swam back to save them.

And she even didn’t want to go home when we were leaving. It was really a       80       (wonder) day.
【答案】 80.wonderful



依据2:横线前有even,much、a little/bit等后面需要用比较级的词
固定句型(常见的为比较级的相关句型:the more…the more…,more and more。

表示建议的句型:had better do sth。

表示状态的句型:主语+ be + adj + to do)





The new school is much better than my old school in Cuba, such as it is    143    (big) and more beautiful than my old one.
143.句意:因为它比我的老学校更大、更漂亮。根据“more beautiful”可知此处用比较级bigger“更大”。故填bigger。

   16    (unlucky), after he grew up, he actually lived on an island for 28 years, where no people lived.

Three months     27    (late), he went to an Air Force flight college in Baoding, Hebei province.
【答案】 27.later
27.句意:三个月后,他去了河北保定的一所空军飞行学院。根据“Three months..., he went to an Air Force flight college in Baoding, Hebei province.”可知,此处表示三个月后,three months later“三个月后”,故填later。

Tai Chi is a symbol of Chinese culture. It was first developed in China as wushu, but it’s becoming one of the      46      (popular) sports around the world.
【答案】46.most popular
46.句意:它最初是作为武术在中国被发展的,但是它正在成为世界各地最受欢迎的运动之一。“one of+the+形容词最高级+名词复数”意为“最……之一”,所以此处形容词应用其最高级,故填most popular。

Nie is like a parent, and all the macaques are like his children. “The macaques are     59     (love) and cute.
59.句意:猕猴很可爱。根据“... and cute”可知and连接并列形容词作表语,love的形容词形式lovely,意为“可爱的”。故填lovely。

不定代词(一般以some/ever/any + thing为主,其次是others,another)
It was difficult to plant trees here. The workers had to cover    65    (them) or their mouths would be full of sand.
65.句意:工人们必须把自己盖住,否则他们的嘴里就会充满沙子。根据“The workers had to cover...”可知工人要盖住他们自己,用反身代词themselves。故填themselves。

Then I saw     88     (he) come up out of the water like a dolphin.

How     98    (they) use was introduced to other countries is not known.
【答案】 98.their 

Who should you write to? Think about a friend or relative that lives far away. A parent or best friend would also love to receive     133     (you) letter.
【答案】 133.your

Many men in this situation would want their wives to stay with the child, but my dad always thinks about     165     (other) before himself. This made me start to respect him.
【答案】 165.others 
165.句意:很多处于这种情况的男人都希望他们的妻子留在孩子身边,但我爸爸总是先考虑别人,然后再考虑自己。根据“thinks about...”可知是考虑其他人,others“其他人”。故填others。

During    17    (that) years, he had to experience hunger and fight against natural disasters (灾害).

注意: 300名学生——three hundred students(此时hundred后无s)
成百上千名学生——hundreds of students(hundred后有了of则要加s)
成百上千名学生——hundreds upon hundreds of students
Last weekend, it was my little sister Anna’s       71       (nine) birthday. She kept asking us to take her out to play. It was a lovely day in spring. After a discussion, we decided to pick strawberries on a farm.


动词、形容词、介词词组中的固定搭配,例如:come/be from,fall in love with……
He suggested me going there     37    foot because it was not far.
【答案】 37.on  
37.句意:他建议我步行去那里,因为那里不远。on foot意为“步行”,故填on。

Tai Chi is a fun exercise, easy to learn, and people don’t have to be good      49      it to enjoy it. He loves the feeling of calm he gets from it.
49.句意:Caitlin,一个年轻的德国初学者说太极是一个有趣的运动,易学,人们不需要擅长它就可以享受它。根据“easy to learn”和“and”可知,be good at“擅长于”符合语境,故填at。



第一看横线前后的词性结构是否一致,如It makes us smart and healthy。此时smart和healthy就属于词性结构一致。
第二看横线前后是否有完整的主谓(宾)结构,如I don't like her because she smokes too much。 左边主谓宾完整,右边主谓完整。
【连词总结】and(常与both组合出现),or(常与either组合出现),but(常与also组合出现,形成not only…but also…),nor(常与neither组合出现),because,so等
The “red spirit” has a deep influence on lots of Chinese people, both old      41      young.

However, forks were not used in England     97     1611. Chopsticks originated in China, and are used in all Asian cultures.
【答案】 97.until
97.句意:然而,直到1611年,叉子才在英国使用。考查“not until”直到……才。故填until。

And in some areas in India, people do not celebrate the New Year, but cry. Do you know why? It is said that they cry     120     time goes quickly and life is so short.
120.句意:据说他们哭是因为时间过得很快,生命过得很短。根据“It is said that they cry … time goes quickly and life is so short.”可知,空格前后为前果后因,用because“因为”。故填because。

定冠词与不定冠词的区分:the用于特指,第二次出现,形容词最高级。a/an用于泛指,第一次出现,固定搭配。[根据元音音素来判断用a还是an,【特殊例子特殊记】an + hour / honor / honesty;a + useful / university]
固定词组与搭配:take a walk,have a fever中的a就是固定的,by the way中the也是固定搭配
Last month I went to UK and had     33     good time. Let me tell you what I did on the first day in London, the capital of the UK.
33.句意:上个月我去了英国,玩得很开心。have a good time意为“玩得开心”,是动词短语,故填a。

To Asian people, forks are     93     odd (奇怪的) utensil.
【答案】 93.an 

It’s      50      perfect way to help give you a sense of happiness and peace after spending a tiring day. It’s worth a go, isn’t it?
【答案】 50.a


【常考的:that / whether / if/which/who与各类疑问词等】
“Excuse me, do you know     38     (连词) there is a restaurant around here?” I asked the young man. With his help, I found a good restaurant.

In Hua’s photos, many things can    63    (find), from the sandstorms to young trees, as well as the people    64    fight against desertification (沙漠化).
【答案】 64.who/that 

Beryl said, “I thought Christopher and Rosie were dead. Then I saw     88     (he) come up out of the water like a dolphin.     89     amazing it was!”
【答案】 89.How

Books play an    11    (importance) role in our life. Then which book is your favorite?

The clerk showed me the     35     (direct) to the dinning hall.

How are the young people from these places influenced by “red spirit”? How do they carry out the spirit in their      44      (day) lives?
44.句意:他们是如何在日常生活中弘扬这种精神的?根据“How do they carry out the spirit in their...lives?”可知,本空缺定语修饰名词lives,day的形容词形式为daily“日常的”,故填daily。


    Kun Opera is a kind of traditional Chinese opera    1    has been around for over 600 years. It is considered to be one of    2    (old) forms of Chinese operas. The    3    (one) record of Kun Opera goes back    4    the 14th century in the Yuan Dynasty. The Kunshan area in Jiangsu Province is the birthplace of Kun Opera. Kun Opera became    5    national art form in the 16th century. In the following 200 years, between the Ming Dynasty and the Qing Dynasty, Kun Opera    6    (welcome) around the country, becoming an important part of Chinese culture. Sadly, Kun Opera    7    (fall) little by little since the 18th century. With the rise of other operas such as Peking Opera, Kun Opera started    8    (lose) its ground. In the 20th century, Kun Opera almost died out. Thanks to overseas Chinese Kun Opera groups and    9    (fan), some Kun Opera pieces and skills remained.    10    (recent), the rise of “zhe zi xi” could keep this kind of art alive. Instead of acting the whole piece of one play for a long time, now the artists can perform one or several interesting pieces on their own.
1.that/which    2.the oldest    3.first    4.to    5.a    6.was welcomed    7.has fallen    8.to lose/losing    9.fans    10.Recently
It seems that on every street corner in the world, there is a fast-food restaurant. People everywhere are busy,   11   they do not want to wait for their food. Around the world, $240 billion a year   12   (spend) on fast food. Yet, even though fast food has become quite popular, there are many myths about it.
The first myth is that fast food is a recent   13   (invent). This is not true.   14   (many) than 2,000 years ago, the people of Rome lined up in the street to buy quick   15   (meal) at small stands. One type of their most popular fast food looked a lot   16   a modern hamburger. All through history, people have always eaten fast food.
The second myth is that all fast food is American. While many modern fast-food restaurants are American, some very   17   (tradition) Chinese food is nearly fast food. This includes mantou, noodles and Chinese dumplings. In fact, one of the most popular fast-food chains (连锁店) in the USA   18   (be) a Chinese food chain, Panda Express. It has more than 1,600 restaurants in America.
Finally, many people think that fast food is always bad for them. This is true for a lot of fast food.   19  , nearly every fast-food restaurant has some healthy food on its menu, and some fast-food restaurants only make healthy food. The problem is not fast food, but the choices we make. We can choose   20   (eat) healthy food, even at fast-food restaurants.

11.so    12.is spent    13.invention    14.More    15.meals    16.like    17.traditional    18.is    19.However    20.to eat
The sweetest memory of my childhood is about a round table.
When I was still, little, my whole family would get together on different traditional    21    (festival). When I got a bit older, my aunt brought back her boyfriend and my grandma    22    (glad) added another seat to the round table. It seemed a little more crowded, but we all felt much    23    (close) to each other. When I was twelve, my grandpa passed away. That made us    24    (feel) sad. However, when the whole family    25    (get) together once again, we felt like that he had never left us.
We all have a table like this in    26    (we) homes. It is a sign of reunion (团聚) of our family showing our feelings.    27    the reason why we come together may be different, the feelings behind it are the same. Usually different cultures    28    (accept) by us around the table. What’s more, we express the love not only for our family, but also for    29    community, our nation and even the whole world.
The history of our nation has been the stories of looking for or running to the round table that we belong to. The round table has been a symbol    30    the Chinese feelings. It was, it is and will always be.

21.festivals    22.gladly    23.closer    24.feel    25.got    26.our    27.Although/Though    28.are accepted    29.a    30.of
