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Have you noticed upbeat, happy songs can give you energy, while smooth music can help you feel calm? Music really influences people’s feelings. ____1____

What is “getting lost in music”?

_____2___ People often play music while they are doing something else, like reading a book or talking to friends. However, experts say if you try out different styles of music and listen closely, you increase its benefits and let it change how you are feeling at that moment.


Music is a language everyone understands and has brought humans together for thousands of years. Scientists say this is because it gives off different chemicals in the brain that make you feel happy and get closer to others. Research shows that listening to calm music reduces stress and even helps people feel less pain. In fact, music lights up nearly every part of the brain, and there could even be benefits that haven’t been discovered yet.


Start by listening to types of music you haven’t tried before. Focus on different parts of the music. Listening while moving connects you closely to the sound, so dance around your room and notice how the song changes. Use your senses to understand the music and imagine. What is the music trying to tell you? What can you see, feel and even taste? By listening carefully, you can get the most from music—and enjoy dancing, too.

AHow is it good for you?

BHow can you get lost in music?

C What types of music do you know?

DGetting lost in it can help you enjoy music even more.

E. This means you shut out other thoughts and focus  on music.





5What can you get from music? (no more than 20 words)


【答案】1D    2E    3A    4B    5 I can get full of energy from music.


1.根据“Music really influences people’s feelings.”可知,音乐真的能影响人的感情,选项D“沉浸在音乐中可以帮助你更好地享受音乐。符合语境。故选D

2.根据“What is ‘getting lost in music’?”可知,此处是解释什么是沉浸在音乐中,选项E“这意味着你将其它想法拒之门外,专注于音乐。符合语境。故选E

3.根据“In fact, music lights up nearly every part of the brain, and there could even be benefits that haven’t been discovered yet.”可知,本段是介绍音乐的好处,选项A“它对你有什么好处?符合语境。故选A

4.根据“Start by listening to types of music you haven’t tried before. Focus on different parts of the music.”可知,本段是在介绍如何听音乐,选项B“你如何沉浸在音乐里?符合语境。故选B

5.本题是开放性试题,言之有理即可,参考答案为I can get full of energy from music.



When we talk about science fiction (科幻小说), many people will mention Isaac Asimov, one of the “Big Three” sci-fi writers (along with Robert AHeinlein and Arthur C Clarke).

____1____ When Asimov was three years old, he moved to New York City with his family. Though it was more difficult than they had expected, his father managed to buy a candy store. It turned out to be a big influence on Asimov’s future.

As Asimov worked long hours in the store, he noticed that the sci-fi magazines kept drawing customers in. ____2____ His father, however, thought that sci-fi magazines were useless. He told his son not to waste time reading about things that “do not exist and never will”.

____3____ Asimov continued to read those magazines — secretly. While they opened the door to a whole new world for the boy, his father gave him a library card. The boy became a regular visitor to the library nearby. As Asimov himself once wrote, “____4____ And I made the most of it. For a poor boy whose family could not afford to buy books, the library was like a door to wonder.”

Asimov sold his first sci-fi story when he was still in high school. As his writing kept improving, Asimov’s stories became more and more popular. By the time he was thirty-six, ____5____ He created the word “robotics” and invented the famous “Three Laws of Robotics”. It’s hard to believe that these great achievements all started from a love of “useless” magazines in a candy store.

AAsimov was born in 1920 in Russia.

BAsimov became interested in them very soon.

C This didn’t kill Asimov’s love of science fiction.

DHis father bought a lot of sci-fi magazines for Asimov.

E. Asimov was considered to be a master of science fiction.

F. I can never be thankful enough that I chose to walk into the library.






6Do you like science fictions? What do you learn from the story? (请用不超过10词回答问题)

【答案】1A    2B    3C    4F    5E    6Yes, I do. Interest is the best teacher.


1.根据“When Asimov was three years old, he moved to New York City with his family.”可知从小时候说起,此处讲他的出生,A阿西莫夫于1920年出生在俄罗斯。符合语境。故选A

2.根据“As Asimov worked long hours in the store, he noticed that the sci-fi magazines kept drawing customers in.”可知阿西莫夫注意到这些杂志并产生了兴趣,B阿西莫夫很快就对它们产生了兴趣。符合语境。故选B

3.根据“Asimov continued to read those magazines — secretly.”可知爸爸的话没有浇灭他对科幻小说的热爱,C这并没有扼杀阿西莫夫对科幻小说的热爱。符合语境。故选C

4.根据“And I made the most of it.”可知此处用第一人称来讲阿西莫夫自己的感受,F我对自己选择走进图书馆感激不尽。符合语境。故选F

5.根据“He created the word ‘robotics’ and invented the famous ‘Three Laws of Robotics’. ”可知取得了成就,E阿西莫夫被认为是科幻小说大师。符合语境。故选E

6.主观发挥题,答案合理即可。故填Yes, I do. Interest is the best teacher.



New rules and behavior standards (行为规范) for middle school students came out in March. Here are some of the new rules.

1     Have you ever copied someone else’s work on an exam? Don’t do it again! That’s not honest. If you have played computer games for two hours in your room, don’t tell your parents that you have done homework.

2     Good students love animals and care for other people. April is Bird-Loving Month in our country. Is your school doing anything to celebrate? You should join! That way, you can learn more about animals and how to protect them. Have you ever quarreled (吵架) with your teammates when your basketball team lost? Only working together can make your team stronger. Be friendly to the people you are with. Try to think of others, not only yourself.

3     Have you ever thought that people could live on the moon? Perhaps you’ll discover Earth II someday. Don’t look down at anyone. Everyone’s ideas are important. You should welcome them, because new ideas make life better for everyone.

4     Has someone ever taken money from one of your classmates? Don’t let it happen to you. If you have to go home late, you should let your parents know.

5     The Internet can be very useful for your studies. But some things on the Internet aren’t for kids, so try to look at web pages that are good for you.

AUse the Internet carefully.

BBe open to new ideas.

CTell the truth.

DProtect yourself.

ELove animals.

FDo more at school.

【答案】1C    2E    3B    4D    5A


1.根据“That’s not honest. If you have played computer games for two hours in your room, don’t tell your parents that you have done homework”可知,本段的建议是要讲实话,C选项说实话符合,故选C

2.根据“Good students love animals”可知,本段的建议是热爱动物,E选项爱动物符合,故选E

3.根据“Everyone’s ideas are important. You should welcome them, because new ideas make life better for everyone.”可知,本段的建议是要接受别人的新想法,B选项接受新想法符合,故选B

4.根据“If you have to go home late, you should let your parents know.”可知,本段的建议与自己安全有关,D选项保护你自己符合,故选D

5.根据“But some things on the Internet aren’t for kids, so try to look at web pages that are good for you”可知,本段的建议是小心使用互联网,A选项小心使用互联网符合,故选A



Having a pet is a great thing for many people. However, some new pet owners have trouble building a strong relationship with their pets. It is important that you and your furry (毛茸茸的) friends have a healthy and loving relationship with each other. Nicole Ellis, a famous dog trainer, can share certain ways with you to help you live with your pets.


Cats, dogs, and other animals love to be with their humans. Whether you are doing some work or just staying at home watching a movie, make sure your furry friends are with you and enjoying themselves.


Pets have feelings. When you talk with them, have eye contact (眼神交流) with them or touch them gently, they will feel relaxed and enjoyable.


Cats love playing with small balls and fishing toys. Dogs, on the other hand, are more active and social. They love catching the Frisbee (飞盘) in parks. It is important to know what kind of things your pets enjoy. Not only will these activities keep them in good health, but they will go a long way in making you and your pets closer.


Whether you’re teaching them to sit or teaching them a more difficult dance, your pets are sure to enjoy it and will love you more.


Knowing their eating habits and giving them something they enjoy will be a wonderful way to live with your pets.

All in all, just be patient! Keep your pets fit, healthy, and trained. With the help of these useful ways, you are sure to build a strong relationship with your pets.

ACommunicate with Your Pets

BEnjoy Playtime with Your Pets

CSpend More Time with Your Pets

DFeed Your Pets with Their Favorite Food

ETeach Your Pets to Do Different Things

FBuy Your Pets All Kinds of Things

【答案】1C    2A    3B    4E    5D


1.根据下文“Cats, dogs, and other animals love to be with their humans.”可知此句介绍了动物喜欢和它们的主人在一起,选项C“花更多的时间和你的宠物在一起符合语境。故选C

2.根据下文“When you talk with them, have eye contact with them or touch them gently, they will feel relaxed and enjoyable.”可知此句介绍了与宠物交流的好处,选项A“与你的宠物交流符合语境。故选A

3.根据下文“Cats love playing with small balls and fishing toys.”可知此句介绍了和宠物玩耍,选项B“享受和宠物玩耍的时光符合语境。故选B

4.根据下文“Whether you’re teaching them to sit or teaching them a more difficult dance, your pets are sure to enjoy it and will love you more.”可知此句介绍了教宠物学习做事情,选项E“教你的宠物做不同的事情符合语境。故选E

5.根据下文“Knowing their eating habits and giving them something they enjoy will be a wonderful way to live with your pets.”可知此句介绍了喂养宠物,选项D“用宠物喜欢的食物喂养它们符合语境。故选D

【专项复习】2024年中考模拟题任务型阅读精选2(共4篇) 第1张
