
四季读书网 3 0


2024中考作文预测 第1张






参考词汇:不文明行为 uncivilized behavior ;编辑 editor

Dear editor,

I was shocked to see some uncivilized behaviors when I took a trip to a village last weekend.


Yours sincerely,

Liu Jun


Dear editor,

I was shocked to see some uncivilized behaviors when I took a trip to a village last weekend. Some visitors thew rubbish everywhere and left plastic bags flying around. Some picked flowers without permission to take photos so that they could show off online. And some climbed trees for fun, which might result in serious accidents.

I think it's wrong to enjoy oneself at the cost of others. Visitors are supposed to protect the environment, like putting rubbish into proper bins. And they should be careful not to cause trouble to the locals and keep away from danger. In this way, a greener, cleaner and more civilized new village will be there for us all to enjoy.

Yours sincerely

Liu Jun

22. 假设你是李华,正和英国笔友Jack寻找假期共读的书。你发现下图中的书特别适合你们阅读。请你根据下面的提示信息,给他写一封e-mail,介绍此书并征求他的意见。

✦tell how things change from start to finish

✦win many world awards(奖)

✦six topics of interest (nature, food, animals…)

✦written in both English and Chinese

✦hundreds of color photos




3.100 词左右(开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数)。

Dear Jack,

I've just found a book and can't wait to tell you about it.


Looking forward to your reply.


Li Hua


Dear Jack,

I've just found a book and can't wait to tell you about it.

It tells how things change from start to finish. It is very interesting and meaningful. It won many world awards. It is well-known in the world. There are six topics of interest, including nature, food, animals and so on. So no matter what topic you are interested, you will find something you like. It was written in both English and Chinese and it will not only improve students' understanding, but also improve students' English. It has hundreds of color photos and it is fun to read.

What do you think of the book? Do you have other suggestions?

Looking forward to your reply.


Li Hua





3. 第二天观看升旗仪式;

4. 游长城,吃北京烤鸭;


注意:文中不得透露个人真实姓名和学校;词数 60——80,开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。

参考词汇:book v. 预订

directly ad. 直接地

flag-raising ceremony 升旗仪式

2024中考作文预测 第2张


Dear Uncle Bob,

I'm so glad to hear from you about visiting Beijing. Here's the trip plan. We'll meet at the airport at 2 p.m. on June 30th. We can go to the hotel directly to have a rest as I've already booked the rooms. The next day we'll watch the flag-raising ceremony at Tian'anmen Square early in the morning. It must be amazing! What about the Great Wall? It's worth visiting and you'll be impressed. As for dinner, we'll have the delicious food, Beijing duck. Honestly, I am getting excited about the trip.

Looking forward to meeting all of you in Beijing.

Li Xin

24. 新学期来了,学生社团又要招新啦!假如你是社团招新工作负责人,请根据以下内容和要求写一篇短文,为同学们介绍社团的情況(包括名称、活动及目的)。


(2) 80词左右 (开头已给出,不计入总词数);


2024中考作文预测 第3张

Clubs Are Calling!

The new term is here. Are you ready for an interesting and colorful school life? Now I'd like to introduce some of our clubs.

In the club of Public Speakers,…


Clubs Are Calling!

The new term is here. Are you ready for an interesting and colorful school lifeNow I'd like to introduce some of our clubs. In the club of Public Speakers, you will practice speaking in public, give speeches and take part in debates, which helps you to voice opinions clearly and confidently, to overcome fear and shyness, and to communicate in an efficient way. In the club of Cool Cooks, you can learn how to design healthy menus, how to cook, and how to cut up food so as to have balanced and healthy eating, to avoid getting hurt, and to enjoy life. And in the English Club, you will meet lots of native speakers in the English Corner, who will help you with your English.

Join us, and you will find life is wonderful with our clubs.

25. 某英语网站开展关于“How to Improve Myself”的征稿活动,倡导同学们提升自我,努力成为“终生运动者,责任担当者,问题解决者,优雅生活者”,请根据以下图示内容积极投稿。

2024中考作文预测 第4张






How to Improve Myself

Life is really a long lesson, so I have to improve myself.



How to Improve Myself

Life is really a long lesson, so I have to improve myself.

First, I need to exercise one hour every day. It is bad to stay at home and play games for a long time. Second, in face of the problems, I have to take up the challenges and work them out rather than run away from them. Next, I will develop my interest in many things, such as playing basketball, and knitting, instead of being interested in nothing. Last but not least, I will communicate with others and be a good team player.

26. 国家提出将 “劳动教育 (labor education)〞纳入中小学国家课程方案,请结合自身的劳动经历,谈谈你对劳动教育的看法。内容包括:

2024中考作文预测 第5张


1. 文中请勿使用真实人名、校名和地名;


3. 词数:80词左右;文章开头已给出,但不计入总词数。

It's reported that labor education will be included in the education of middle schools and primary schools in China. I think…



It's reported that labor education will be included in the education of middle schools and primary schools in China. I think it's necessary, Because it is good for our health. We can relax from the hard study by doing labor.

I usually do labor at home such as doing the dishes, sweeping the floor and taking out the rubbish. At school I often clean the classroom and water flowers. I can not only keep healthy, but also develop good habits from it.

As for how to run the course in our school, I have some ideas. The school can offer different kinds of labor classes to teach us how to do the cleaning and grow plants. What's more, the school can also hold competitions about the labor skills to see who is the best. Such activities make our school life more colorful and meaningful.

I am looking forward to taking the course in the new term. I believe I will do well in it.

27.“读万卷书,行万里路。”阅读已成为我们生活中必不可少的一部分。你校英语社即将举办以热爱阅读为主题的征文活动。请根据以下提示,以“Enjoy Reading, Enjoy Life”为题写篇短文,分享你对阅读的看法,并提出建议。





提示词:开阔视野 open up one's mind


1.词数 80—100,已经给出的部分不计入总词数;

2. 短文必须包括所有要点,可以适当发挥,使其连贯、通顺;

3. 文中不得出现真实人名、校名和地名等相关信息。

Enjoy Reading, Enjoy Life

Reading has become part of our life…



Enjoy Reading, Enjoy Life

Reading has become part of our life. It can not only open our minds, but also make us relaxed and more knowledgeable. Our study can be improved if we read more good books.

Many students have difficulty in reading. Some students don't like reading, because they think it is boring. Some students have no time to read. They think reading is a waste of time.

In my opinion, we can learn a lot of interesting things from books as long as we keep reading. We can read anywhere, such as taking a bus, taking a plane and so on. Books are our friends, so let's read them from now on.







1. 词数 100 左右(开头已给出,不计入总词数);



考词汇:三苏祠 Sansu Temple

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am glad to see your notice Volunteers Wanted. Some foreign students                                                                                                                                          


Li Hua


Dear Sir/Madam,

I am glad to see your notice Volunteers Wanted. Some foreign students will visit Sans Temple this Sunday morning. I'm willing to be a volunteer.

Let me introduce myself to you. I'm a middle school student aged 15. I'm an outgoing girl/boy who can always get on well with others. As for the time, I will be available this Sunday morning. My oral English is so excellent that I have no difficulty communicating with foreign friends. More importantly, I know a lot about Sansu culture. I'm sure I can help them have a better understanding of it.

I believe I can manage it if you give me a chance. Please reply to me by Friday! 


Li Hua


2024中考作文预测 第6张






traditional Chinese culture 中华传统文化  influence 影响 china 瓷器 Beijing Opera 京剧 national treasure 国粹 technology 技术

Dear friends,

Welcome to our school. Today, I want to share something about traditional Chinese culture with you.


Thanks for your listening.


Dear friends,

Welcome to our school. Today, I want to share something about traditional Chinese culture with you.

There are many kinds of traditional Chinese culture. Some of them have a lone history. They have influenced many people.

Beijing Opera comes first. As one of Chinese national treasures, Beijing Opera comes from "Huiban" and it has three parts, including singing, dancing, and speaking. It's full of famous stories, and it is loved by Chinese people of all ages.

Next, let's talk about tea. In China there are many different kinds of tea in different areas, such as green tea, black tea. It is good for our health.

The last one is about china. China is the hometown of china. Our china technology is the earliest in the world, and it's famous all over the world.

Thanks for your listening.

30. 初中生活已近尾声,我们即将迎来崭新的高中生活。请以“My Plans for Senior High School Life”为题,从以下五个方面谈谈你的打算:










参考词汇:adapt to 适应

My Plans for Senior High School Life

My junior high school days are coming to an end. And now I am looking forward to my life in senior high school. To better prepare for it, I’ve made some plans.



My Plans for Senior High School Life

My junior high school days are coming to an end. And now I am looking forward to my life in senior high school. To better prepare for it, I’ve made some plans.

Firstly, I’m going to adapt to the new environment as soon as possible. Secondly, I plan to make good use of time and get enough sleep. Thirdly, I will take study seriously and make progress. Fourthly, I will join clubs actively and make more friends. Lastly, I’m ready to take up my hobby of playing basketball in my free time not only to keep healthy but also keep my mind clear by playing basketball.

All in all, my plans will not be achieved if I just talk, so I’ll put in more efforts to make them come true.
