
四季读书网 1 0


1. 感冒have             

2.发烧 have              

3.看一看 have                  

4. 做梦 have                   

5.回嘴;顶嘴             back   

6.偿还(借款等)               back 

7.把……收起来             away

8. 扔掉             away


1.(德阳中考)Old Henry is d             . He is unable to hear anything.

2.(杭州中考)I didn't know the word's meaning, so I had to g             .

3.(宜宾中考)It's reported that a blind man has made a living by repairing b             bikes for 30 years.

4.(杭州中考) The train j             from Hangzhou to Shanghai tkes about 40 minutes.

5.(新疆生产建设兵团中考)To have a greener life, it is better to walk or ride bicycles i             of driving.

6.(铜仁中考)One t             can't make a forest, so we need teamwork.

7.(扬州中考) Since he had no musical             (乐器)he made music with common objects.

8.(乐山中考改编)Many young people often share their             (日常的)life on social media.

9.(日照中考)Tomwas             (缺席)from classes yesterday because he caught a cold.

10.(达州中考)The new flight from Dazhou to Kunming makes it more             (便利的) for us to travel.


1.(鄂州中考)The CD player will go wrong if you use it            (care).

2.(广西北部湾经济区四市中考)My sister wanted to be a_(dance) like Yang Liping.

3.(淮安中考)The Great Wall is too high. I have difficulty__(climb) it alone.

4.(镇江中考)- Which dog do you think is_(lazy)Hobo or Eddie?

- I think Eddie is.

5.(荆门中考) Although his parents didn't want him to work abroad, Li Yang

(stick) to his own decision.


1.(天水中考)Let's wait__the rain stops.

A.so B.while  C. since  D.until  

2.(吉林中考)We hopea beautiful home by living a low-carbon life(低碳生活).

A. build B. building    C.to build     

3.(鄂州中考)- How do you usually go to Wuhan from here?

- By high-speed train. Itme only 20 minutes to get there.

A. spends B. pays   C.costs   D. takes

4.(龙东地区中考)The population of Heilongjiang isthan of Shanghai. The birth rate is low, so our government encourages a second or a third child.

A.smaller; those B. less; it      

C. smaller; that

5.(鄂州中考)- Could you tell meget something to eat? -Sure.There's a restaurant down the street.

A. what I can B. what can I      

C. where can I D.where I can     


1.(达州中考)当我在田野里奔跑时,我的妈妈总是确保我是安全的,让我远离危险。 When I was running in the field, my mother alwaysI was safe and kept me from danger.


Mr. Wang makesfor us to learn physics easily in an interesting way in his class.


This film ismysteries and it's__


Can you tell methe useless messages in the mobile phone?



An idol is someone who we respect or love. However, unlike many of my classmates, my idol is not a film star, a famous writer or a sportsman.My idol is my dad.

Most people believe that a man 1.(go) out and work. However,when I was only a five-year-old boy, I was 2.___(serious) ill and needed attention all the time. My dad knew how much my mom loved her job, so he stopped 3.(work) to stay at home and look after me. Many men in this situation would want their 4.( wife) to stay with the child, but my dad always thinks about

5._(other) before himself. This made me start to respect him.

My dad later took a job and worked at night. He chose the job so that he would only be out of the house when I was sleeping. Since then, my dad 6.(help) and supported me in everything I do. I remember when I was learning to ride a bike, my dad ran behind me and held the back of the bicycle so that I would not fall. I

7.__(feel) so safe because I knew he was near. Soon, I was able to ride by


My family is not rich, and we do not own a big house or an expensive car. My dad has shown me that something is 9._(important) than money.Although he now works hard every day and is often very busy, he always makes time10.___ (stay) with me. He helps me with my homework, and plays games with me on weekends. He has also taught me that I can achieve anything if I really work hard on it.

My dad is my idol because he showed me the most important things in life.


一、1. a cold 2. a fever 3. a look 4. a dream 5. talk 6. pay 7. put 8.throw

二、1. deaf2. guess   3. broken     

4. journey 5.instead      6. tree

7. instruments 8. daily 9. absent

10. convenient

三、1. carelessly 2. dancer 3. climbing

4. lazier 5. stuck

四、1.D 2.C 3.D 4.C5.D

五、1.made sure 2.it possible 3. full of; worth seeing 4. how to cut out

5. Whatever you do, never lose courage.

六、1.should go 2. seriously 3. working

4. wives 5. others 6. has helped

7. felt 8. myself 9. more important10. to stay

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