
四季读书网 2 0


1.陷入;参与 get              

2.穿衣服 get               

3.迷路 get                    

4.与……相处 get              

5.到达 get              

6.为……工作              for  

7.误认为……是             for

8.动身前往             for

9.寻找;搜索              for      

10.为……而感谢              for    


1.(泰安中考)Mr.Zhang is an experienced teacher. He has t              geography for over thirty years.

2.(泰安中考) W               a football team wins or loses, it is important to congratulate the other team after the game. That is called sportsmanship.

3.(济宁中考)You can lead the horse to water, but you can't make it d              .

4.(广州中考)Your hands are very dirty. Go and w              them now, Ben!

5.(广州中考)Take o              your shoes before you go into the house.

6.(连云港中考)The              (努力)you practicethe greater progress you'll make.

7.(宜宾中考)Lin Tao usually             (折叠)the quilt after he gets up every morning.

8.(常州中考)The              (礼貌的)you are, the more others will like you.

9.(日照中考)There is a car park              (对面)the hotel.

10.(宿迁中考)               () of books are sold in this bookstore every month.


1.(扬州中考)It seems that families are              ( spend) more and more time together.

2.(扬州中考)The artists are             (encourage) to tell good Chinese stories in their favorite art forms.

3.(盐城中考)Sandy listened intently to the classical music, losing              (her) in its beauty.

4.(淮安中考)The young couple like kids very much and plan to have a              (two) baby.

5.(南京中考)Nanjing looks much more beautiful on              (snow) days.


aloud lock behave their low

1. Make sure the door is              when you leave the room.

2. It's so cold today. The temperature may be the              this winter.

3. The pain in his leg made him cry              .

4. Mary always              so well that everyone likes her.

5. When our washing machine broke, our neighbors let us use              .


1.(新疆生产建设兵团中考)Jack,when are we going to buy a birthday gift for our grandma, today or tomorrow?

-              are OK. I am available.

A.All B. Both  C. Neither     D. None

2.(株洲中考)My parents are happy that I often              my little sister at home.

A. look after B. look for C.look up     

3.(梧州中考)-Is Helen here?

- No, she isn't here. She              in half an hour.

A. arrives B. arrived     C. will arrive       D. has arrived    

4.(郴州中考)-Are you going to read the book Journey to the West?

-Yes, our teacher expects us              such traditional Chinese books.

A. read B. reading    C. to read    

5.(乐山中考)-Will you join us for the party tomorrow?

-               Maybe I'll have a meeting.

A. That'll be great! B. I'm not sure.   C. Certainly.


1.(重庆中考 A)书读得越多,你懂得就越多。

The              books you read, the              you'll know.


-                           beautiful poem Going up the Hill is!


-                  the local firemen, we learned some fire safety skills.


Helen can quickly               many difficult problems because she                  for math.


-                                              .


Volunteering means that someone works to help people without being paid. Volunteers help people who really need help. There are many places where you can see different volunteers.

At school gates, you can see some volunteers with red vests(马甲).Can you guess 1.              they are? They are parent volunteers.When students go2.              the street, parent volunteers 3.              up a“SLOW”sign to let drivers slow down. In order to become professional traffic volunteers,parents are supposed to learn how to give directions to students and stop them from 4.               soccer on the road. 5.              of these volunteers, students can get to school and go back home safely.Yueyang Daily reports that a lot of parents are looking 6.              to being a volunteer. They wish to make an effort to protect students' safety.Another group of red vests" show up on main roads. They help cleaners pick up dirty paper, plastic bags,glass bottles and so on. They ask the passers-by(路人) not to throw the rubbish everywhere.7.              you please take away your rubbish?”“Would you mind picking up your cigarette butts(烟头)?... 8.              their work seems simple, they take it seriously.Wherever you go, you can see volunteers in red vests. They have become the most beautiful scenes in our city.

Some teenagers 9.              their free time in hospitals or old people's homes. They cheer sick kids up or look after old people. In the countryside,some college students play an important role 10.              volunteering.They can provide science and technology help for farmers. Some volunteers work as teachers in village schools.

A lot of volunteers give their kindness with a helping hand. They can make a difference to people in need and our society.


一、1. into 2. dressed      3. lost    4. along/on with5. to 6. work

7. mistake 8. leave 9. search       10. thank     

二、1. taught 2. Whether 3. drink

4. wash 5. off 6. harder 7. folds

8.more polite 9. opposite 10. Hundreds

三、1. spending 2. encouraged3. herself4. second 5. snowy

四、1.wlocked 2. lowest3. aloud4. behaves5. theirs

五、1.B2. A 3.C4.C 5.B

六、1.more; more 2. What a 3. With the help of 4. work out; has a gift

5. Whatever you do, you must follow/ obey the rules.

七、1. who  2. across       3. put    

4. playing 5. Because 6. forward

7.Could 8.    Although/Though       9.spend 10. in

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