2024年明慧中考集训班第三次模拟考试 英语试题

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         第一部分 听力(共四大题,满分20分)

Ⅰ. 短对话理解(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)



1. What is the man's favorite animal?

   A.2024年明慧中考集训班第三次模拟考试  英语试题 第1张

2.What would the two speakers like to do after school?

   A.2024年明慧中考集训班第三次模拟考试  英语试题 第2张     B.             2024年明慧中考集训班第三次模拟考试  英语试题 第3张    C.2024年明慧中考集训班第三次模拟考试  英语试题 第4张

3.What is the boy good at?

  A. Singing. B. Dancing.            C. Painting.

4. How do people greet visitors in the woman's country?

  A. By shaking hands.     B. By kissing three times.     C. By putting hands together.

5.Where does the conversation probably take place?

   A. In a store. B. In a restaurant.      C. In a cinema.

Ⅱ. 长对话理解(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)




6. What does Daming receive from Lisa?

A. Cartoon CDs. B. Cartoon books.       C. Cartoon toys.

7.Who is Daming's favorite cartoon hero?

A. Snoopy. B. Mickey Mouse.       C. Monkey King.


8. What did Jim do on the New Year's Eve?

A. He watched fireworks.   B.He went to Times Square.  C. He visited friends and relatives.

9.Who did Tina watch TV with?

A.Family. B. Friends.             C. Relatives.

10.What are the two speakers mainly talking about?

A. Family. B. Holiday.             C. The New Year




11.When did Liu start skiing?

A. At the age of 70. B. At the age of 72.        C. At the age of 74.

12.How long has Liu skied?

A. For 16 years. B. For 18 years.           C. For 20 years.

13.What were the first few days of skiing like for Liu?

A. Interesting. B. Difficult.               C. Perfect.

14.Why did Liu join in a competition twice?

A. To win a medal. B. To keep herself young.   C. To help herself practise better.

15. What does skiing bring to Liu?

A. Health and happiness. B. Friendship and health.   C. Youth and Happiness.

IV.  信息转换(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)


ESL Summer Camp


From 8 to 16    


Develop language 17   

Experience American culture



Morning classes:reading,writing, 18   ,spelling, speaking and listening

Afternoon and evening activities: swimming, ping-pong, cooking, horse rid-ing and IT

Have the 19   to visit the beautiful beaches

Stay &. Meals

20  a room with local students

Have meals prepared by school kitchen



从每小题所给的 ABCD四个选项中选出一个最佳选项。

21.---Do you like Li Xueqing’s talk show? 

---Yes. Her talk show is very funny. It always makes people ______________.
  A. laugh  B.laughed  C. laughing     D.to laugh 

22.Simon prefers ______TV at home rather than______to the park.

A.watch; go B.watching; going   C.to watch; to go    D.to watch; go

23.The________ you work at your lessonsthe ________ results you will get.

A.hard; good  B. harder; good     C.harder; better      D. hard; better

24.---It is too hot in the classroom. Would you mind______the fan?

---______It is easy to catch a cold after doing some exercise.

A. to turn on: Of course not B. to turn off: Good idea

C. turning on; You'd better not D. turning off; Never mind

25.--- Mom, when shall we go to the science museum this weekend?

---Oh, sorry, I'm going to Beijing for a meeting._______Saturday_____Sunday is OK.

A.Neither: nor   B. Both ;and        C. Either; or      D. Not only; but also

26. Meng Wanzhou finally returned to China safely _______there were lots of difficulties.

A. even though B. as long as        C. as soon as      D. so that

27. You'll find_______difficult_______English well.

A. it: learn B. that: to learn     C. it; to learn     D. this; learning

28.Mrs. Smith lives in such a big house without a child around. So she feels very_______.

A. Lonely B. alone           C. rich          D.nervous

29.---Have you got the new shirt that you bought online the other day?

---No. I_______the order because my mother said I had too many shirts.

A. Recorded B. canceled         C. followed       D. accepted

30.--- What a shame that I lost your English dictionary!

---_______.I have got a new one, but you should be careful next time.

A. I can't believe it B. With pleasure    C. Never mind     D Well done


阅读下列短文,从每小题所给的 ABCD四个选项中选出一个最佳选项。


There are many ways for us to learn English. Different people have different ways. But I think the best way to learn English is  31  it. Do you  32  with me?

Listening, speaking, reading and writing are all very  33   in learning English. So we should learn the four English skills. While learning English, we need to  34  many words, grammar rules and know about  35  cultures. Some people learn English by listening to the  36  or watching TV. They try to  37   English with their friends every day. You don't need to care how badly you speak. The more you speak, the better your English will become. Some people go to the English corner to 38  with other people in English. They also read English storybooks very often. When they meet a new word, they will look it up in a (n)  39. You should also practice  40  in English every day.

Keep trying and working hard to improve your English.

31. A. speaking    B. writing    C. using     D. reading

32. A. start    B. agree      C. study     D.communicate

33.A. interesting  B. exciting      C. happy     D.important

34. A. make    B.know      C. repeat      D.follow

35. A. Western   B. Chinese    C. official      D. national

36. A. book    B.radio                       C. word       D.movie

37. A. speak    B. say       C. tell         D.talk

38. A. tell     B. talk      C. speak       D.say

39. A. English corner  B. TV program   C. storybook   D.dictionary

40. A. writing    B. listening     C.making      D. speaking


It was the last day of the examination in a university. A group of students were talking about the exam,that was going to begin soon. This was the  41  exam, and then they would graduate and go to work. On their  faces was confidence. After four year’s hard study in the university, they were  42  and were able to take it.The coming exam, they thought, would be a(n)  43  one, as the professor(教授) had said they could bring  either books or notes, but they could not   44  from each other during the exam.  Peacefully they walked into the classroom. The professor gave out the papers. And the students found there  were only five   45  .Three hours had passed, and the professor began to collect papers. The students no longer looked confident. The professor looked at the  46  looks on their faces, and then asked, How many students have  47  all the five questions? no hand was  48  How many students have answered four? still no hand. Three? Two? Still no hand. One, then? the class remained silent. The professor put down the papers. That is exactly what I  49  , he said. “I just want you to know that although you have completed four years study, there still many things you dont know. Then, smiling, he added, you will all  50  this exam, but remembereven though you are now university graduates, your education has just started.

  ) 41. A. first   B. next   Cfinal   D. early

  )42. A. glad   Bready   C. sorry   D. nervous

  )43. A. boring   B. important   C. easy   Ddifficult

  ) 44. A. listen   Blook   Ctalk       Dcopy

  ) 45. A. notes   B. words   C. answers       D. questions

  ) 46. A. worried      Bfunny     C. moving     Dexcited

  ) 47. A. regarded     Bconsidered Ccompleted   Dreplied

  ) 48. A. put up      Bturned up     Cpicked up   D. set up

  ) 49. A. learned      Benjoyed     Chated   D. expected

  ) 50. A. pass      Bfail     Ctake   Dstart

         第三部分 阅读理解(共两大题,满分40分)



A: Excuse me.

B: Can I help you?

A: We are going to buy some books.51   

B: No. But there's a big one on Main Street, next to a


A: Oh.52  

B: Sure. You can go by bus. It doesn't take much time.


B: You can take No.3 or No.7.

A: Great! Is there a bus stop near here?

B:54  Go along Green Street and you will find one on the left.

A: Thank you very much.


VIII.阅读理解 (共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)

第一节 阅读下列短文,从每小题所给的 ABCD四个选项中选出一个最佳选项


Our school is holding the"English Speech Competition 2023." The topic this year is"Self-Love." What

do you love about yourself? How should you love yourself? Please give a 3-minute speech on this topic.

Competition timetable


Dates for signing up


July 10-July 15

All students in grades 7 to 9 can take part in the competition.


Competition date


July 20

The competition will be held in Classroom 304.


•Your speech should be closely related to the topic

•You should make your speech clear and smooth

•You should use proper body language in your speech.


•The three speakers with the highest scores will receive certificates (证书) and special gifts.

•Each speaker will have the chances to show your speech in the school's magazine.

Take this chance to practice your public speaking skills and build your self-confidence!

Click here to sign up online! 

56. How long will the competition last?

A. For two hours.  B. For three hours. C. For ten days.  D. For twenty days.

57. What should you do when taking part in the competition?

A. Take a special gift.         B. Make your speech interesting.

C. Use proper body language.       D. Choose a topic about self-confidence

58. Where can you probably read the text?

A. On a school website.        B. In a medical report.

C. In a film magazine.         D. In a history book.


Long long ago, a cat and a mouse were good friends. They lived a happy life in the same house. One day they went to a store and bought a big cake. They put it under a tree for winter.A few days later, the mouse wanted to eat the cake. He told the cat he had to go to a baby's birthday party,and then left. The mouse ate half of the cake and returned home. When the cat asked him what the baby's name was, the mouse said, "Halfgone?After a few days, the mouse wanted to eat the cake again. He told the cat he had to go to another baby's birthday party. He finished the other half and told the cat the baby's name was "Allgone".When winter came, the cat went to the tree to get the cake. But he found nothing. From then on, the cat and the mouse were not friends any more.

59. Where did they put the cake?

A. Behind a tree. B. Under a tree.    C. Behind a bed.    D. Under a bed.

60. Who ate the cake?

A. The mouse. B. The cat.        C. The baby.       D. The cat and the mouse.

61. The underlined word "returned" means

A. called back B. came from     C. got back       D. looked like

62. What can you learn from the passage?

A. The cat ate half of the cake.     B. The cat didn't like the mouse at first.

C. The mouse went to two babies' birthday parties. 

D. The mouse didn't go to any birthday parties.


Two years ago, Porter was ten. He knew his father's friend had cancer. Porter and his father went to see him, Porter made a carrot cake and brought it to him because it was the friend's favorite treat.Porter's grandmother also had cancer. Porter felt he should make a difference,One night Porter talked with his dad and came up with a plan to help people with cancer. They called it "Nothing But Carrot Cake". They would sell carrot cakes, and the money would go to cancer research. Porter's family gave him $1.000 to get started. That was used to buy some things needed to make the cake. And then, Porter's business started. He sold more than 200 cakes and raised over $10,000.That was about $9,900 more than he had ever thought."My goal was to raise $ 100. I never thought I'd ever raise that much." Porter said. Porter's dad also encouraged him to join in a competition to draw iced tea. It asked kids to draw a picture of their own favorite flavors (口味). Porter created a flavor and called it Porter's Peach". After he handed in his drawing, a staff person of the activity learned more about him. His story made his company join the fight against cancer.Porter will continue helping people in need.I hope doctors can find better treatments for cancer.

63. How old is Porter now?

A. 8 years old. B. I0 years old.      C. 12 years old.       D. 14 years old.

64. What does the underlined word "it" in Paragraph 2 refer to?

A. The treat. B. The research.      C. The cake.         D. The plan.

65. What does the fourth paragraph mainly talk about?

A. The best way to make iced tea.   B. Porter's experience of joining in a competition.

C. The favorite flavor of Porter and his dad. 

D. A company that works on fighting against cancer.


As we know, a great number of people in the world like to drink tea. There are many kinds of tea, such as black tea, green tea, white tea and yellow tea.People drink tea for different reasons. Some people drink tea because it tastes delicious. Some drink it because they think it makes them sound. A few think a cup of hot tea makes them warm in Winter.People in different countries like different kinds of tea. For example, people like drinking rice tea in Japan and South Korea. In Vietnam (越南), people like to drink coffee first. Then they drink green tea. People drink a lot of black tea in England. Every afternoon, they enjoy tea and have a short rest (休息). It's the "tea time". English people like to drink black tea with milk in it. Many people drink black tea in the US, too. In Southern America, people like to drink sweet tea. It's a kind of cold black tea with sugar in it. China grows most tea in the world, Kenya, Japan and Indonesia also grow tea. Tea made in China is very popular around the world.

66. How many kinds of tea does the writer talk about in the first paragraph?

  A Two. B. Three.      C. Four         D. Five.

67. What does the underlined word" sound" in Paragraph 2 mean?

  A. Beautiful  B. Healthy.    C. Friendly.      D Creative

68. What tea do people like to drink in England?

 A. Black tea with sugar. B. Green tea with milk.

C. Green tea with sugar. D. Black tea with milk.

69. Where is the text most probably from?

A newspaper. B. A diary.     C. A storybook.   D.A science book.


Future clothes won't just be for wearing. They will do more things!

Be a screen 

What can a tourist do if he or she is lost? A coat with electronic textile (I 714791) may help. It can work like a screen. Wear it and you can send emails, find your way or read magazines.

Clean itself 

You might say goodbye to the washing machine in the future. Scientists are studying clothes with a special nanostructure (纳米结构). These clothes will be able to clean themselves in just a few minutes. You just need to put them under sunlight to let it work. And then your clothes will be clean again!

Power up

Your mobile phone is going to be out of power ()? No worries. Your coat can help you! Some science teachers are making clothes with solar panels (太阳能板). When people wear the clothes, the solar panels can get power from the sunlight. They can save power, and then you can turn on your mobile phone again!

70. Where do we need to put the clothes with a special nanostructure to let it work?

A. Under sunlight.    B. Near a mobile phone.

C. In clean water.    D. In front of solar panels.

71. Who is making clothes with solar panels?

A. Tourists. B. Cleaners.     C. Students.      D. Teachers.

72. What is the best title for this passage?

A. Clothes Can Do More    B. A Special Washing Machine

C. Power from the Sunlight    D. Great Chinese Scientists

第二节 阅读下面短文,并用英语回答问题(请注意每小题的词数要求)。


Mom, look at this! Nine-year-old Chris showed off her new painting to her mom with joy. Shh!her mom spoke quickly,I m busy with an important talk on the phone. I will see it later.Chris saw her dad. Dad! Her dad turned around while putting on his coat, and showed his thumbs (拇指)up! Chris cried, Dad, you haven't seen it yet! He smiled at her, saying, No time, baby. Uncle Lee is waiting for me. I'll see it later.Her brother was always busy playing video games. Chris did't feel like wasting her time showing him her painting.He knew nothing except playing games. she thought to herself. Chris returned to her own bedroom. She threw the paper on the table and dropped herself on her bed.Why is everybody so busy? Quietly,tears ran down her face.She didn't have dinner and quietly went to school the next morning. After she came back home from school. she went to her bedroom. When she turned on the light. she surprisingly found her painting was beautifully framed (被镶了框) and put up on the wall. Just below the painting were some words We are proud of you,Chris!

73.What did Chris show her family? (不超过10个词)

74.How did Chris feel when she was lying on her bed?(不超过10个词)

75.What happened to the painting at last?(不超过15个词)

              第四部分 写 (共两大题,满分 25分)

IX.单词拼写(共5 小题;每小题1分,满分5分)


76. Fei Fei is a l      可爱的girl,honest and caring.

77. The helps from my good friends make me feel the w    (温暖)of life.

78. Students u    (通常地) listen to the teachers' advice and act on it.

79.My best friend Betty offered me some useful s     (建议)on how to improve my English.

80. Her d    (梦想) to enter a good senior high school came true at last.


2023 年起,全国政协的界别中首次出现了环境资源界。请你根据提示词,用英文写


注意:1. 词数 80~100


3. 短文的开头和结尾已为你写好,不计人总词数。

参考词汇:save water/electricity, by bus/subway, throw rubbish, plant more trees

Hello, everyone! As we all know, we just have one earth, so I'd like to suggest that we

should do something to protect our environment.


In a word, as long as everyone of us makes an effort, our world will be better and better.
