中考听力 2023滨州卷

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A. Who are you?

B. I am Jack.    

C. Sorry, he's out.


A. By hand.    

B. In China.    

C. Silk.


A. In a week.    

B. Three years ago.    

C. Almost every day.


A. Me too.    

B. I hope so.    

C. I suppose so.


A. Bad luck!    

B. OK. I will.    

C. Not at all.


中考听力 2023滨州卷 第1张
8. What will the woman do tonight?

A. Finish her work.    

B. Go out with the boy.    

C. See a film.

9. How does Linda feel about the result?

A. Sad.    

B. Worried.    

C. Surprised.

10. Where does the conversation take place?

A. In a library.    

B. In a bookstore.    

C. In a gift shop.

(三) 录音中有一段对话和五个问题,听对话和问题两遍后,从每小题A、B、C三个选项中选出能回答所给问题的正确答案。

11. What does the girl find difficult?

A. Math homework.    

B. Physics project.    

C. English test.

12. What is the boy going to do this afternoon?

A. Lend the girl some books.

B. Go shopping with the girl.

C. Do his homework with the girl.

13. When will the girl arrive at the boy's house?

A. At 3:35 p.m.    

B. At 4:45 p.m.    

C. At 5:15 p.m.

14. How is the boy's physics project going?

A. He has finished it all.    

B. He hasn't started yet.    

C. He has done only a bit.

15. What will the girl do on Saturday?

A. Watch TV at home.

B. Go shopping with her sister.

C. Go to the movies with the boy.


16. Why is the headmaster making the announcements?

A. It is time for final exams.

B. It is the end of the school year.

C. It is time for everyone to graduate.

17. When will final exams take place?

A. In a few days.    

B. In a few weeks.    

C. In a few months.

18. What will happen if students miss too much school?

A. They will get lower grades.

B. They will fail their exams.

C. They will not be allowed at the ceremony.

19. When will the seniors have a celebration dinner?

A. One week before graduation.

B. Ten days before graduation.

C. One month before graduation.

20. Who is invited to the celebration dinner?

A. All teachers.    

B. First-year students.    

C. Parents of the seniors.

听力原文 2023中考滨州卷
